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The Lord God Almighty Reigns …. In Daniel, Yahweh, the Most High, the eternal, covenant keeping God of Israel, is seen as ruling over the nations to bring care for His people, Israel. The Lord God Almighty Reigns …. In Revelation 1, Jesus is pictured as the Judge of His church.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns… In Daniel, Yahweh, the Most High, the eternal, covenant keeping God of Israel, is seen as ruling over the nations to bring care for His people, Israel.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns… In Revelation 1, Jesus is pictured as the Judge of His church. His rule and judgment of His church is carried out in Revelation 2-3. 1 Peter 4:17-18
The Lord God Almighty Reigns… Having dealt with His Church in this present age, chapter four takes us to heaven. We are face-to-face with the Lord of creation who is about to judge His creation and restore Israel. The picture here is of sovereignty and control!
The Lord God Almighty Reigns… Revelation 4:1 and 11:19 The primary focus here involves the first half of the Tribulation from the viewpoint of God’s throne. Neither the word “church”, which dominates chapters 2 and 3, nor the concept is again found in Revelation.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns… 4:1-3 These descriptions are not of God, as some MSS would have us think, but of His throne.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns… 4:1-3 Jasper Jasper is an opaque variety of chalcedony (quartz). It is most commonly red due to the presence of iron, but can also be found in yellow, brown and green. In fact, one of the characteristics of jasper is that it is able to take a high polish and was used in ancient times as mantles, pillars, vases, and other interior decorations. Pliny the Elder who lived and wrote around the same time that the book of Revelation was written, describes iaspis as “being green and often transparent” which is of interest since today we consider jasper to be opaque.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns… 4:1-3 Carnelian (Sardius) Carnelian is a translucent, hard, fine-grained variety of orangish red quartz that has often been used for ring stones and wax seals. Carnelian is the modern word for the stone translated as sardius in the KJV. Odem (Heb.) here could have been any one of several red stones known to the ancient Hebrews; the garnet or red jasper, as well as the sardius (carnelian).
The Lord God Almighty Reigns… 4:1-3 Daniel 7:9 “His throne was a fiery flame” It appears to be a picture of judgment.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:4 Rainbow A reminder of the judgment of God at the Flood and of His promise.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns… 4:4 “Twenty four” Possibly representing the twelve tribes of Israel and the Apostles. “White robes…crowns of gold” Rewards for victorious lives of service.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:5 “Lightnings, thunderings, voices…” Powerful and ominous. Seems to represent impending judgment.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:5 “Seven lamps…seven Spirits” God is present everywhere in the Person of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:6a “Sea of glass…like crystal” The purity of God and the calm of His rule.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:6a “Four living creatures” Angelic beings Ezek. 1; Isa. 6; Heb. 1:7 Unending worship and thanks 4:8, 9
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:6a “Full of eyes” God sees and knows everything. Prov. 15:3
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:6a The four creatures may represent God’s sovereign rule over all aspects of creation.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:6b-7 “Lion” Bold and courageous. Depicts Christ’s kingly rule. Rev. 5:5
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:6b-7 “Calf” Beast of burden. Christ as the Suffering Servant. Mt. 20:26-28; Isa. 53:4
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:7 “Man” Represents humanity. Christ is the Son of Man. Heb. 4:15; Mark 1:12-13
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:7 “Eagle” Soars high above the earth in majesty. Christ in His deity and supremacy. Ps. 97:9; John 3:31
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:8 “Six wings” Cf. the Seraphim of Isa. 6:2 Humility and reverence toward God. Willing and ready to serve Him. Endless exaltation of God!
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:8 “Holy, holy, holy, Holy, holy, holy, Holy, holy, holy,Lord God Almighty,Who was and is and is to come!” Isa. 6:1-3 This is a passage on God’s servant facing the God who is about to judge.
The Lord God Almighty Reigns…4:9-11 Casting crowns Though we may be rewarded for our obedience, any informed believer knows the Source of our strength and success. To Him be glory forever and ever!
What does this tell us about God? • He is the Creator of all things - 11 • This exist because of His good pleasure and would not without it - 11 • He is worth to receive glory, honor, and power because of it - 11 • He is different, special, separate, set apart, holy – 10 • He is all-powerful and rules heaven and earth – 10 • He is eternal, He lives forever – 10 • He sees everything and knows everything – 5, 6, 8
The Lord God Almighty Reigns… He is the Judge of heaven and earth! He will set in order all wrong! He will deal with His people! He will deal with this world! His Son will reign on the throne of His father, David! Israel will be restored and saved. People… Get ready!