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What Is Marketing Automation Software

Marketing Automation agencies can bridge the gap where companies don’t have the full skill set in-house to maximise efforts on the platform. We have been using Marketing Automation software for several years and have gone through all the challenges to now be able to offer a simple, proven and affordable strategy. We can work fully on the platform or just help in areas of need. We can also train internal staff, so you can eventually become self sufficient on the platform.

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What Is Marketing Automation Software

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Is Marketing Automation Software

  2. What Is Marketing Automation Software What is Marketing Automation software? Though most of you have heard the phrase “marketing Automation” not so many know exactly what it is and how powerful it can be to the success of your business. Wikipedia definition, Marketing automation refers to software platforms and technologies designed for marketing departments and organizations to more effectively market on multiple channels online (such as email, social media, websites, etc.) and automate repetitive tasks. We try to simplify that further by saying, "it is a central platform to send out all of your digital marketing under one roof whilst tracking and joining all the dots together of their interaction with your business”.

  3. What Is Marketing Automation Software The Benefits of Marketing Automation software Guide prospects in the right direction Around 69% of the buyer’s journey is done online way before contacting a salesperson. Marketing Automation software allows you to nurture these prospects throughout this time by educating them and reassuring them of their buying decision.

  4. What Is Marketing Automation Software Attracting quality leads As you use various online channels to establish who you are, more quality leads will start to trickle in. These leads are important to building a stable client base. Marketing automation ensures you are a thought leader in your industry and all the content you publish will then be measured and analysed in the system for future success. Lead intelligence You will also find your incoming enquiries will be quicker to convert as they will be already familiar with your product or services. With marketing automation, more information can be made available to answer any further questions and with the knowledge of their past engagement you can guide them to deciding.

  5. What Is Marketing Automation Software Statistic and metrics Keeping track of lead activities and past behaviours helps you understand their next move. Do certain leads have a quick conversion track record? If so, you can take more risks with these leads and focus more on new ones that need more convincing. Saving time when Telemarketing By tracking and scoring prospects on the marketing automation platform you can pick and choose the contacts you call, illuminating the wasted calls to uninterested contacts and having the inside knowledge of those you are calling.

  6. What Is Marketing Automation Software Do I need Marketing Automation? You hear the word “automation” frequently in so many industries and how we can use technology to get rid of the mundane and repetitive tasks in our daily lives and the same applies in Sales &marketing. This combined with the fact you can track and monitor activity online is a sales and marketing departments dream giving them a competitive edge over their competition . Technology is completely transforming the way we live our life’s and if businesses don’t adapt and change they may well get left behind for good. Read More...

  7. What Is Marketing Automation Software Frontline Telemarketing Frontline Telemarketing providing you the best marketing automation software - a smart way to generate sales lead for building & construction industries. Call now. Visit us for more updates at http://www.frontlinetelemarketing.co.uk Phone- 01183241966 Mail- sales@frontlinetelemarketing.co.uk Address - Dukesbridge House, 23 Duke Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 4SA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/frontline-telemarketing/

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