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Overview of ICTL Training

Overview of ICTL Training. UK (April 2001) Total No. staff undertaking NOF training 7303 No. staff completed NOF training 3940 Total no. of staff to be trained during the ICTL programme 40270. Overview of ICTL Training.

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Overview of ICTL Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Overview of ICTL Training UK (April 2001) Total No. staff undertaking NOF training 7303 No. staff completed NOF training 3940 Total no. of staff to be trained during the ICTL programme 40270

  2. Overview of ICTL Training Draw down of funding to date (Jan 2002) January 2002 draw down of funds % of total England 51 Wales 61 Scotland 53 Northern Ireland 42

  3. Overview of ICTL Training No. library services that have drawn down over 75% of allocations to date (Jan 2002) January 2002 No library services that have drawn over 75% £ England 9 Wales 6 Scotland 2 Northern Ireland One at 70%

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