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Tenth International Symposium HEART FAILURE & Co. CARDIOLOGY SCIENCE UPDATE FEMALE DOCTORS SPEAKING ON FEMALE DISEASES Milano 9 - 10 aprile 2010. CRT: vi è un vantaggio maggiore nelle donne? M.Cristina Porciani FIRENZE.
Tenth International Symposium HEART FAILURE & Co. CARDIOLOGY SCIENCE UPDATE FEMALE DOCTORS SPEAKING ON FEMALE DISEASES Milano 9 - 10 aprile 2010 CRT: vi è un vantaggio maggiore nelle donne? M.Cristina Porciani FIRENZE
Heart Failure affects 5.3 millions Americans Nearly 50% of these are women Heart failure contributes 35% of the total female cardiovascular disease mortality Despite this fact, HF in women remains a poorly recognized syndrome and has not received the same public awareness as coronary artery disease
Where Are All the Women With Heart Failure? Lindenfeld J JACC 1997
Prevalence rates of congestive heart failure (CHF) among Framingham Heart Study subjects, by gender and age
Prevalence and Mortality from Congestive Herat Failure During years 2004 and 2005 based on Medicare Database Alaeddini J PACE 2008
Patients who were admitted with diagnosis of congestive heart failure for the years 2002 to 2004 based on Medicare Database Alaeddini J PACE 2008
CRT CRT has become a significant part of the management of patients with HF Several large-scale studies demonstrated significant improvement in multiple endpoints, including quality of life , hospitalization rate and survival in patients with advanced HF
Gender Disparity in the Use of CRT in the United States Females underwent CRT-PM or CRT-D implantation 2002 2003 2004 25% 26% 27% Alaeddini J. PACE 2008
What is the response to CRT in women ? ► Analysis of previous large CRT Trials ► Few studies addressing this issue
MIRACLE study The Multicenter InSync Randomized Clinical Evaluation (MIRACLE) was a prospective, randomized, double-blinded study A total of 453 pts ( 32%women) randomized to either CRT or a control group.
CRT reverses LV remodeling t Sutton MG Circulation 2003
Analysis of the MIRACLE Study Women Men Time to first HF hospitalization Woo G W et al J Int Card Electroph 2005
Analysis of the MIRACLE Study Women Men Time to first HF hospitalization or death Woo G W et al Journal Int Card Electroph 2005
CARE-HF Study 813 pts (26%women)
CARE-HF Study Cleland JGF NEJM 2005
MADIT CRT 1820 pts 24% women NYHA class I or II
MADIT CRT Risk of Death or Heart Failure, According to Selected Clinical Characteristics Moss AJ NEJM 2009
610 pts NYHA class I or II Linde C JACC 2008
REVERSE Study Effect of CRT on LVESVI 610 pts NYHA class I or II Linde C JACC 2008
141 pts Yu CM Circulation 2005
Few observational studies have shown that ………….
Does a Gender Difference in Response to C RT Exist? Bleeker GB PACE 2005
Does a Gender Difference in Response to C RT Exist? Bleeker GB PACE 2005
Does a Gender Difference in Response to C RT Exist? Response based on improvement in NYHA class Bleeker GB PACE 2005
The Impact of Age and Gender on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Outcome Baseline Characteristics of Patients Stratified by Gender Zardkoohi O et al PACE 2007
The Impact of Age and Gender on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Outcome Hospitalization for heart failure and/or death free survival curve Zardkoohi O et al PACE 2007
The Impact of Age and Gender on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Outcome When stratified by the etiology of the underlying cardiomyopathy, ischemic women appear to have a worse long-term outcome than all other groups Zardkoohi O et al PACE 2007
CRT: Gender Related Differences in Left Ventricular Reverse Remodeling Lilli A PACE 2007 195pts (23%women)
CRT: Gender Related Differences in Left Ventricular Reverse Remodeling ◄ ◄ Lilli A PACE 2007
CRT: Gender Related Differences in Left Ventricular Reverse Remodeling Lilli A PACE 2007
CRT: Gender Related Differences in Left Ventricular Reverse Remodeling Lilli A PACE 2007
CRT Trials and observational studies show discordant results However a gender related difference in response to CRT seems to occur It is not surprising since there are many reasons why male and female hearts are not the same
Gender Differences in Advanced HF: Insights From the BEST Study Baseline Clinical Characteristics by Gender 2708 pts(28%omen Randomized to Bucindolo or Placebo Ghali JK JACC 2003
Heart Failure in Women :A Need for Prospective Data Left ventricular Ejection Fractionin Women and Men with Congestive Heart Failure Hsich EM JACC 2009
Sex-Related Differences in Myocardial Remodeling Myocardial Response to Pressure Overload Women Men Piro M et al JACC 2010
Left ventricular geometry and function in patients with aortic stenosis: gender differences Echocardiographic characteristics of patients with aortic stenosis Kostkiewicz M Int J Cardiol 1999
Placebo E2 TAC Transverse Aortic Constriction van Eickels M Circulation 2001
Myocyte Death in the Failing Human Heart Is Gender Dependent Guerra S Circulation Research 1999
Gender-related survival rates and how they might be influenced by different pathophysiologic mechanisms in men and women. LVH,left ventricular hypertrophy; RAS, renin-angiotensin system; SNS, sympathetic nervous system. Jessup, M. JThorac Cardiovasc Surg2004
Conclusioni CRT: vi è un vantaggio maggiore nelle donne? Al momento attuale la scarsa rappresentazione delle donne negli studi sulla terapia cardiaca resincronizzante fa si che ancora non vi siano chiare evidenze su un loro maggior beneficio tuttavia Le particolari caratteristiche dello scompenso cardiaco ed in particolare i diversi meccanismi che modulano il rimodellamento ventricolare nelle done rappresentano importanti presupposti per una loro migliore risposta