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Test your grant writing skills and knowledge in this interactive game show! Select the correct answers and proceed to the next question to win big money.
Click the appropriate dollar amount at right to proceed to the question _________________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Writing a Successful Grant or Award Application
Phone A Friend • “OK Contestant…Please select a friend to help you with this one. You have thirty seconds to discuss your options…” Return to the Question
Ask the Audience • “Audience, we need your help on this one…in a moment, we’ll ask you to indicate, by show of hands, your choice for the correct answer…” Return to the Question
50/50 Fifty - Fifty • You’ve asked that two of the wrong answers be eliminated, leaving you with one wrong answer plus the correct one. Return to the Question
Correct Correct! Proceed to Next Question
Incorrect Sorry, That’s Incorrect Return to the Question
Question #1...How do you select a grant or award to write for? 50/50 Find one in the newspaper. Select a grant that supports your goal. B A Throw a dart and pick one. Write to everyone you can find. C D
Question #2...What is one of the final steps in completing your grant or award application? 50/50 Call and beg the foundation for support. Make a wish on a star. B A Hope for the best. Proofread! D C
Question #3...How much information should you provide on the grant or award? 50/50 Just keep writing and writing, … Fill all the paper. B A Answer all questions and address all requirements. Doesn’t matter D C
Question #4...What should you ask for in your grant or award? 50/50 Extra pay just for you The moon A B Trip to Europe for the summer Only what is realistic to complete C D
Question #5...What is the most important thing that can insure you have a chance to be selected? 50/50 Write as much as possible. Follow all directions! A B Send flowers to the readers. Just be creative. C D
Question #6...Do you need to answer all the questions asked? 50/50 Only if you have a good answer NO B A If you have time Yes, answer every question. C D
Question #7...What advise is there for the budget page? 50/50 Ask for the moon Be vague so you have flexibility later B A Write clearly and accurately Skip it C D
Question #8...What style of writing should you use? 50/50 Write clearly and to the point Fiction! B A More is better Ramble on so they don’t really know what you are doing C D
Question #9...What might they be looking for in your proposal? 50/50 Fun Good PR B A Catchy phrases A plan for the future and maintenance of the project C D
Question #10...What sources should be used to obtain ideas for grants and awards? 50/50 Your neighbor Research A B Your dreams Card Club C D
Question #11...What theme should be easy to read into your award? 50/50 Focus on the purpose of the grant We are great! B A We are poor, help us. Use the latest educational jargon as often as you can C D
Question #12...Do you really need to meet the timelines of the award? 50/50 No, they are just kidding. No, it is just a guideline. A B Yes, late grants are not considered. Not really D C
Question #13...What is the focus of the Rotary Service Learning Award? 50/50 Service Learning! Field Trips B A Fun activities for kids Buying technology C D
Question #14...If you are not selected what should you do? 50/50 Ask for feedback, make changes and try again. Cry! A B Call and yell at them. Give up! C D
Question #15...What should you do if you win? 50/50 Cash the check and go to Vegas Thank them and follow your project design. A B Call your mom. Ask for more money. C D