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Presentation given at the Food & Beverage Conference in Athens, November 2008. Based on insights research done in Greece, we present 10 topics to (make you) think about, with a focus on customer centric marketing and innovation.
We are Futurelab FUTURELAB
WE ARE FUTURELAB We create new profit opportunities for our customers. Our innovations and methods allow: Marketers to become more effective & engaging. Innovators to identify the next opportunity or niche. CEO‗s to connect their business to the customer. • • • In the process, we challenge every barrier to business success. We dislike writing reports, billable hours or elaborate processes. Instead, we prefer to "get on" with making money for your business. FUTURELAB
Futurelab Structure Priviliged Relationships Athens – Barcelona - Brussels – (Bucharest ) – Johannesburg – Hamburg – Moscow – Kiev - Munich - Shanghai A flexible boutique: 2 partners – 3 support staff – 7 associates – 28 specialists/contributors
FUTURELAB Welcome to the Bolshoi
Can you Make the Light Shine on Your Product? WHY BOTHER? 30,000 products in an average supermarket • +600% new product introductions since 1994 • Average shopping time: 21 minutes • Average products bought: 18 • 80% of purchase decisions made in-store • Average decision time: 2.5 seconds • • Shoppers only ―see‖ half of the products available Source: G2 Shopper Marketing Survey, April 2008 FUTURELAB
Consumer Behaviours During a Recession Changes Delay Purchases Plan Ahead Deal Seeking Service & Rewards Social Circling Save & Splurge WHY BOTHER? Especially Now Times are Tough. FUTURELAB Source: OgilvyOne, October 2008
FUTURELAB RESEARCH Case Study: the US market In the last years, US consumers spent approximatively US $1 trillion on food, or almost 10% of the GDP.1The pie chart above describes the consumers‘ reactions to the current economic situation. With food prices going up (see previous slide), brands are now facing a harsh truth: customers are disloyal. 9
FUTURELAB RESEARCH Case Study: the US market At the same time, consumer expectations have gone up, as shown in the above Accenture study. Compared to five years ago, 44% of US consumers surveyed have declared that they have higher customer service expectations. 23% have declared that their expectations have gone up since the last year. Furthermore, only 3% of consumers worldwide say that their CS expectations are always met. 10
FUTURELAB RESEARCH Case Study: the US market With the advent of new media and the ever-increasing awareness channels, US consumers now have increasingly higher expectations, with the CPG sector making no exception. Companies are now finding that issues such as sustainability, wellness and transparency are coming up more and more often. At the same time, the proven lack of effectiveness of traditional marketing methods is raising the stakes even higher. And, to top it all off, studies show that, even though companies are gathering huge amount of data about their customers, only a select few know how to interpret it properly. 11
perception 80% of CEO‘s believe their brand provides a superior customer experience 8 % of their customers agree (Bain & Company) FUTURELAB
Your customers are not a database – and not a statistic
CASE STUDY: 25-30 year olds TRADITIONAL SEGMENTATION ―Look at the numbers‖ Elsa (Female/urban/mid-income) 25 29
INSIGHT Understand what truly drives your customers Understand the emotional needs of your customers
CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES Most Marketers Don‘t Really Know ... India Everyone should do every job in the store at least once in his career. P&G employees will need to get out of the office and talk with customers. QUESTION WHEN DID YOU LAST “SPEAK” TO A SHOPPER? WORK IN A STORE? FUTURELAB
Insights into Ideas The Greek Consumer
FUTURELAB RESEARCH Issues and challenges: lack of insight Retailers focus mainly on collecting and tracking data about ―purchasing behaviors,‖ ―geographics,‖ and ―demographics.‖ All in all, Most food retailers know the ―what‖ of their customers—what they buy, purchasing frequency, etc. But few know the ―why‖. 20
10 things to make you think
10 Insights to make you think – 10 Questions to ask yourself
―I am sick and tired of Marketers lies‖
76% of consumers don‘t believe that companies tell the truth in advertisements Yankelowich,2006
Transparency • WHY (simple numbers or other, simple, straightforward proof of this) Transparency?
FUTURELAB RESEARCH Transparency? I&C: Transparency You are being watched…. 26
CSR SAB Miller: making a difference through beer Our key priorities Discouraging irresponsible drinking Making more beer but using less water Reducing our energy and carbon footprint Packaging, reuse and recycling Working towards zero-waste operations Building supply chains that reflect our own values and commitment Benefiting communities Contributing to the reduction of HIV/Aids Respecting human rights Transparency in reporting our progress Source: http://www.sabmiller.com/NR/rdonlyres/B5B9E625- 8661-47E4-9EB3- 783C2D977036/0/SABMiller_SDR_2008.pdf FUTURELAB COMMENT Sustainability, CSR – do good and tell about it, in very straight forward ways. The ‗we employed this many people, and paid this much in taxes, etc‖ works well. Dont fall into the PR trap, but tell people what you do, and why you do it. Page 12 FUTURELAB
Transparency It doesn‘t have to be complicated….
Are your campaigns truthful? Does the brand experience match the promise? At every touchpoint?
Question: How transparent are we in dealing with out customers?
― I don‘t want to lose that connection to the village, the old/real life‖
Authenticity Local Food 32
Authenticity Your own private sheep… 33
Authenticity Dole Traceability
Authenticity Crop to Cup Traceability
Authenticity De Kas As authentic as it gets – self grown food restaurant
Customization Brewtopia - Custom branded beverages Since 2002, we've dedicated our tiny minds to customising Beer, Water & Wines online You can now even create your own labels for delivery Worldwide We have no minimum order, no setup charges and 100% money back guarantee on all products. Source: http://www.blowfly.com.au/ FUTURELAB COMMENT How about doing this yourself (in cooperation with a small printer with an entrepreneurial mindset)? Customised labels for parties, at an affordable price. Which 18-year old wouldnt love to have his personal bottles at his graduation or birthday party? How collectable would that make the bottles? A great tool for engagement, collectability, and straight forward sales improvement. Page 28 FUTURELAB
Question: How authentic are we?
―The consumerism here is horrible – too many products, too much waste….‖
Reduce waste and over-abundance 100 Calorie Packs
FUTURELAB RESEARCH Reduce waste and over-abundance Future trends Mini-packs 41
FUTURELAB RESEARCH Future trends Functional food brand for pregnant women A French company has developed a new line of food products for pregnant women. Dubbed Luna, the range consists of eight products made with organic ingredients, all aimed at ensuring women get the nutrients they need for a healthy pregnancy. Included are honey & sesame biscuits that are rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and fibre; and a herbal infusion that promotes healthy circulation. 45
FUTURELAB RESEARCH Future trends Organic fast food - OBurger in Los Angeles Los Angeles-based OBurger is out to show consumers that organic, healthy fast food can be just as convenient as more calorie-clogging fast food options. The 100% organic menu is equally dedicated to the organic and sustainable cause. Besides that, the logistics alone at OBurger are an impressive feat in restaurant innovation. They use non- toxic cleaning supplies and packaging that is recyclable, compostable or biodegradable. 46
Question: How can we (im)prove our green credentials?
―I want you to really listen to me, understand me, engage with me‖
Engage in the conversation – Buzz, WoM • People want to have a conversation, not just being yelled at • People trust people
% 62 62 61 58 58 53 36 33 29 19 17 16 15 When forming an opinion of a company, how credible would the information be from … Academic Doctor or similar Person like yourself/peer Financial Analyst NGO Rep Accountant Lawyer Regular employee CEO Union Entertainer PR person Blogger A person like yourself or a peer 61% 55% 51% 33% 2003 2004 2005 2006 Edelman Trust Barometer 2006 People Still Trust Humans FUTURELAB