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Best Free Traffic Methods For Generating Income On The Inter

The secret to maintaining a high return on investment online is to keep ad costs low. This article will explain how to do that by using the best free traffic methods to promote your website.

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Best Free Traffic Methods For Generating Income On The Inter

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  1. Best Free Traffic Methods For Making Money From The Internet Fernando Morales

  2. The most important ingredient that will determine the overall profitability of your website is traffic.

  3. Traffic is like oxygen, if your website doesn't get any, it will not survive.

  4. One of the faster ways to get a ton of traffic to your site is by paying for it. PPC advertising has always been one of the easiest ways to drive traffic to a website, but the dilemma with pay per click advertising is that it has become outrageously expensive.

  5. Depending on the keywords your targeting you could end up getting charged between $3 - $10 every time a visitor clicks on your ad and lands on your website.

  6. For arguments sake let's do some simple math. If you got 100 visitors to your website at $3 a click you would be paying $300 and let me tell you it's not hard to reach a 100 clicks in a day or even a couple of hours.

  7. So the dilemma that most website owners are confronted with is how to get the necessary amount of targeted traffic to their website and preferably free.

  8. One of the most effective ways free traffic generation is article marketing. • Article marketing allows website owners to develop keyword targeted content that will attract laser targeted searchers to their website.

  9. However in order to make the most of[ article marketing, it's critical that your website is search engine friendly.

  10. Search engine optimization or SEO for short is a way to tap into the same playing field as those who use pay per click but without the cost. • Their is a trade off though and it involves investing time to create the content that you'll need to attract the people your trying to reach.

  11. Search engine optimization involves making sure that the content on your website is optimized for the kinds of keywords that attract cash in hand consumers.

  12. Article marketing gives you an opportunity to leverage the second most important part of search engine optimization and that is backlinks.

  13. In order to get the traffic your looking for you must have backlinks pointing from other websites back to yours.

  14. Article marketing allows you to gain a huge amount of backlinks by submitting your content to as many directories as you can with a backlink at the end of each article pointing back to your website.

  15. Now imagine having the ability to generate 100 clicks on your backlinks to your website everyday without the expense? That's the power of search engine optimization and article marketing.

  16. What makes it an even more profitable proposition despite the obvious time investment is that you can have hundreds of articles delivering traffic to your website on complete autopilot for a long time.

  17. You have two routes you can take when it comes to creating articles that will drive all the free traffic you want to your website. You can write them yourself or you can outsource the work to a freelancer.

  18. If you would like to learn more about how you can make an extra $100 - $200 a day using the best free traffic tactics for promoting your website… The Affiliate Commission Crusher System will show you how to start making real money online.

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