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AtlasNet Release Notes Authorizations. Authorizations. AtlasNet Release Notes Authorizations. Authorizations Introduction.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Introduction Authorizations is an AtlasNet application that allows agency families to manage authorization information for services performed on national account or COD shipments.It also provides Financial Services with one location to view authorization information on a shipment.Agents can build authorization profiles containing one or more authorizations, and associate those profiles with particular accounts. An account can have one or more profiles associated with it. For instance, an account may have two different levels of service. You can set up separate profiles for each level of service.On Edit Shipment, a user can assign a profile of authorizations that matches the account on the shipment. Once a profile is assigned, a user can record information about those authorizations as he communicates with the customer and the account.The Authorizations application consists of two parts: 1) Authorizations administration, where authorizations and authorization profiles are created and maintained; and, 2) Authorizations maintenance, where authorizations are worked on at the shipment level from Edit Shipment. The following pages discuss each part in more detail.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Authorizations administration is a separate application that’s only available to agent users who will set up and maintain authorizations and profiles. (In-house users cannot access Authorizations administration.)To open it, select Authorizations from the Applications menu on the AtlasNet main page.The application consists of a Search page for entering new or locating existing profiles and authorizations, and Add/Edit pages for creating or modifying a profile and an authorization.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page The Search page contains two query types: Authorizations and Profiles.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page The Authorizations query type lets you search for authorizations that exist for your agency family.Selecting a Status of All and clicking Submit returns all authorizations for your agency family.The first time you do this, you’ll notice twelve authorizations are listed. These are commonly-used authorizations for you to use. You can also add others to suit your needs.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page If you type the first few characters of an authorization in the Authorization field, all authorizations that begin with that text will be returned.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page Selecting a status of Enabled returns a list of active authorizations. Enabled authorizations can be associated with profiles.Selecting a status of Disabled returns a list of inactive authorizations. Disabled authorizations are no longer in use, and cannot be associated with profiles.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page To edit an authorization, click its Edit link.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations - Edit Page This opens the Authorizations – Edit page where you can edit the name of the authorization and enable or disable the authorization.Disabling an authorization prevents you from assigning it to profiles. It will continue to exist on profiles to which it’s already assigned.Editing the name of an authorization will change its name on any profiles to which it belongs. It will not change its name on any shipments to which it’s already assigned.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations - Edit Page Click Delete to delete an authorization.You will not be able to delete an authorization if it’s assigned to a profile. It must be removed from all profiles first.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations - Add Page To add an authorization, click the Add Authorization button on the Search page.Enter the name of the authorization, and check the Enabled checkbox if you want to be able to assign it to profiles.Note: When adding new authorizations, create ones that match your tariff and contract terms so Financial Services can more easily determine how to bill them.Click Save.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page The Profiles query type lets you search for profiles that exist for your agency family.Search for profiles by account by either:--entering the six digit entity code, or;--entering the first few characters of the account’s name, clicking the “?” button, and selecting the Company Code/ID record that matches the entity code of the account.Click Submit.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page To search for profiles by division, check one or more division checkboxes and click Submit.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page If you type the first few characters of a profile’s description in the Description field and click Submit, all authorizations that begin with that text will be returned.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page To view the authorizations associated with a profile, click the “+” link to the left of a profile.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page To edit a profile, click its Edit link.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Search Page This opens the Profile – Edit page where you can edit the profile information and add or remove authorizations.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Profile – Edit Page The Description field indicates what the profile is. For instance, an account may have a profile description called “Gold Service”, and another profile description called “Silver Service.”
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Profile – Edit Page The Account field displays the entity code of the account associated with the profile.On Edit Shipment, you can assign this profile of authorizations to any shipment with this entity code.The Division checkboxes indicate which types of shipments the profile applies to. If you select RSG on a profile, it can only be used with RSG shipments.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Profile – Edit Page A profile can have an Effective Date and an Expiration Date.A profile can’t be assigned to a shipment if its effective date is later than the current date, or if its expiration date is earlier than the current date.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Profile – Edit Page Use the Remarks field to enter additional information describing this profile. For instance, for the “Gold Service” profile, you might enter remarks indicating who this service is for (e.g., upper management at the account, VIP’s, etc.).
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Profile – Edit Page The Profile Authorizations section of the page lists all authorizations associated with the profile.The Default Action column lists the initial instructions from the account for the authorization in this profile.For instance, “Overtime Load or Unload” may always be authorized in the profile, whereas “Shuttle Auxiliary” always requires you to request authorization.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Profile – Edit Page The Default Action values and definitions are listed below.Authorized by Account – The service can be performed.Not Authorized – The service cannot be performed.Request Authorization - Approval must be obtained before the service can be performed.COD to Shipper – The service is COD to the Shipper.Prepaid – The service has already been paid.Service Chargeback - The service is performed by an agency to rectify a service failure on someone's part. The service should be paid to the performing agency, but the account or customer is not paying for it.N/A – The authorization doesn’t apply to this profile.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Profile – Edit Page Click the Remove link by an authorization to remove it from a profile.Click the Add button to assign other authorizations to the profile.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Add Authorizations to Profile Page The Add Authorizations to Profile page displays all authorizations that are not part of the profile.Click the Cancel button to exit the page if you don’t want to add new authorizations to the profile. Click the checkbox by each authorization you want to add, and click the Add button.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Profile – Edit Page Your newly-assigned authorizations will appear on the Profile – Edit page.Next, select the Default Action value for the newly-assigned authorization. This is a required field.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Profile – Add Page To add a profile click the Add Profile button. The following are required to save a new profile.--Description--Account--One or more Divisions --One or more Authorizations (Click Add to add authorizations.)The following are optional.--Effective Date--Expiration Date--Remarks
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance To associate authorizations with a shipment, or to work with authorizations already associated with a shipment, click the Authorizations link on the Edit Shipment in Dispatch.For an agent user, the shipment must be booked by an agent in your agency family.In-house users can access this link on any shipment.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance Click the Select an Authorization Profile drop down menu.If you created active authorization profiles for the six digit entity code on your shipment, they will appear on this drop down.Note: A profile can’t be assigned to a shipment if its effective date is later than the current date, or if its expiration date is earlier than the current date.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance Select a profile and click Apply Profile.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance In the example, the Silver Service profile has been selected. The authorizations associated with it are now displayed on the page.To save this profile to the shipment, click Save Authorizations. (The green Save Authorizations button indicates the profile hasn’t been saved.)Click Close if you don’t want the Silver Service profile associated with the shipment.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance To enter information about the authorizations on this shipment, click Add/Edit Authorizations.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance The fields on the page can now be edited.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance Use the Current Action drop down menu to record the account’s response on an authorization request.In this example, the Default Action for Additional Labor is Request Authorization.If a request is made and an authorization is given, select Authorized by Account in the Current Action drop down menu.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance Record who is providing the service in the Provider field.Record who is paying for the service in the Payer field.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance Record who requested the service in the Request By field.Record when the request was made in the Date field immediately below it.If you enter a Request By, you must enter a Date, and vice versa.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance Record who responded to the request for authorization in the Response By field.Record when the response was received in the Date field immediately below it.If you enter a Response By, you must enter a Date, and vice versa.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance Record additional information about the authorization in Remarks.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance Click the Notes icon to enter notes specific to the authorization.These notes are separate from notes on Edit Shipment.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance When you finish making changes, click Done Editing.Note: If you click Cancel Editing at this point, all of the changes you made since coming into edit mode will be lost.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance Clicking Done Editing returns you to view only mode. At this point your edits have not been saved.(The green Save Authorizations button indicates your edits haven’t been saved.)Click Save Authorizations to save your edits.Click Close to Cancel your edits.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance To enter an ad hoc authorization, click Add/Edit Authorizations, enter the authorization’s name and click Add.Ad hoc authorizations can be added to any shipment, including COD shipments that don’t have profiles.Ad hoc authorizations cannot be deleted.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance The ad hoc authorization appears on your list in alphabetical order.Notice that it does not have an asterisk in the leftmost column. Ad hoc authorizations don’t have asterisks. Authorizations that come from a profile have asterisks.To save your changes, click Done Editing to return to view only mode, and then click Save Authorizations.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance If an authorization is not applicable to the shipment, set its Current Action to N/A.The authorization will turn yellow.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Authorizations Maintenance To remove a profile from a shipment, click Remove Profile.Warning: Removing a profile from a shipment deletes all profile authorization information you’ve entered regarding this shipment. (Ad hoc authorizations aren’t affected.)Only users with access to the Authorizations Administration application have access to the Remove Profile button.
AtlasNet Release NotesAuthorizations Summary In conclusion, here are the steps required to start using Authorizations.Authorizations administration: 1. Contact the Helpdesk to get access to Authorizations administration. Access should only be given to users who will set up authorizations and profiles. These are the only users who can remove profiles from a shipment.2. Once those users have access, create the authorizations your agency family needs to work with. You’ll start off with twelve commonly-used authorizations. Note: When adding new authorizations, create ones that match your tariff and contract terms so Financial Services can more easily determine how to bill them.3. Create profiles that your agency family will needs for its accounts.4. Assign authorizations to those profiles and set the Default Action values.On Edit Shipment:1. Click the Authorizations link on a shipment where your agency family is the booker.2. If it’s a national account shipment, select a profile. Add ad hoc authorizations as needed.3. If it’s a COD shipment, add ad hoc authorizations.