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Wellcome to English class

Wellcome to English class. Md.Bachhir Ahammed. Asst. teacher Dept. of Accounting Email:bachhir 1978@gmail.com Cell No: 01823006515. Narration T wo types of narration.As such- 1)Direct 2)Indirect We will change narration indirect from direct Firstly we have to know types of sentence.

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Wellcome to English class

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  1. Wellcome to English class

  2. Md.BachhirAhammed • Asst. teacher • Dept. of Accounting • Email:bachhir1978@gmail.com • Cell No: 01823006515

  3. NarrationTwo types of narration.As such-1)Direct2)IndirectWe will change narration indirect fromdirectFirstly we have to know types of sentence.

  4. Five kinds of sentence.As such- 1.Assertive sentence(বর্নাবিবৃতিবুঝায়) 2.Interrogative sentence(কোনপ্রশ্নকরাবাজিজ্ঞাসাবুঝায়) 3.Imperative sentence(আদেশ,উপদেশ,অনুরোধ,নিষেধবুঝায়) 4.Optative sentence(ইচ্ছাবাআশীর্বাদবুঝায়) 5.Exclamatory sentence(আবেগবাবিস্ময়বুঝায়)

  5. Tense পরিবর্তন Direct Indirect Pre Ind Past Ind Past con Pre con Past per Pre per Past per con Pre per con Past per Past Ind Past per con Past con

  6. Modal verb এরপরিবর্তন Direct Indirect Shall Should Will Would Can Could May Might Should Should Had to Must

  7. Now we have to know about personThree kinds of person.As such- 1)First person- I,We,Me,My,Mine,our,us,ours etc. 2)Second person- You,Your,Yours etc. 3)Third person- He,She,They.It,Karim etc.

  8. Inverted comma Dolly said to me,”I want to go to school now.” Subject Subject Principal verb Preposition Object Object Reporting verb Reported speech

  9. *Person পরিবর্তন১)Reported speech এর Subject যদি First person হয়তবে Reporting verb এর Subject অনুযায়ীপরিবর্তনহয়।২)Reported speech এর Subject যদি Second person হয়তবে Reporting verb এর Object অনুযায়ীপরিবর্তনহয়।৩)Reported speech এর Subject যদি Third person হয়তবেঅপরিবর্তিতথাকে। যেমন—Dir:Dolly said to me,”Iwant to go to school now”Ind:Dolly told me that she wanted to go to school then.

  10. Direct থেকে Indirect করতেনৈকট্যসূচকশব্দগুলোদূরত্বসূচকশব্দেপরিনতহয়। Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Yesterday Come The previous day Go Tomorrow Today The next day That day Now These Those Then This That Ago Before Here There Thus So

  11. Change the narrationAssertive sentence(বর্ণনাবাবিবৃতিবুঝায়) Reporting verb said এরপরিবর্তে told বসে (Object থাকলে) Inverted comma এরপরিবর্তে that বসে। To prepositionটিবাদযাবে The teacher said to me,”You are wrong” The teacher told me that I was wrong

  12. Interrogative sentence(কোনপ্রশ্নকরাবাজিজ্ঞাসাবুঝায়) Reporting verb said এরপরিবর্তে asked বসে। Auxi/modal verb দ্বারা reported speechটিশুরুহলে inverted comma এরপরিবর্তে if বসে।যেমন-am,is,are,was,were,have,has,had,do,can,could,mayetc প্রশ্নবোধকশব্দদ্বারা reported speechটিশুরুহলে inverted comma এরপরিবর্তে if নাবসে ঐ প্রশ্নবোধকশব্দটিইবসে।যেমন-who,why,whom,when,which,where,what,how He said to me,”Are you reading my book?” He said to me,”where do you live?” I asked me if He was reading his book He lived where asked me I

  13. Imperative sentence Reporting verb said এরপরিবর্তে reported speechটি অনুরোধবুঝালে-reqestedবসে আদেশবুঝালে-ordered বসে উপদেশবুঝালে-advised বসে নিষেধবুঝালে-forbade বসে Inverted comma এরপরিবর্তে to বসে

  14. He said to me,”please give me a glass of water.” He to me a glass of water requested give him Imperative বাক্যে Let and let us যুক্ত Reported speech হলে inverted comma এরপরিবর্তে that বসে। বাক্যেশুধু let থাকলে subject এরপরে might আর let us থাকলে subject এরপরে should বসে। Let অনুরোধবাঅনুমতিবুঝায়তাই said এরপরিবর্তে told or requested বসেlet us প্রস্তাববুঝায়তাই said এরপরিবর্তে proposed বসে। Kamal said to me,”Let him go there.” me Kamal told he that might go there

  15. Let us যুক্তবাক্যে us এরপরিবর্তেবসে Reporting verb এর subject ও object যদি first and second person or first and third person হয়তবে us এরপরিবর্তে we বসে। Subject and object যদি second and third person হয়তবে us এরপরিবর্তে you বসে। Subject and object যদিউভয়ই third person হয়তবে us এরপরিবর্তে they বসে। He said to me,”Let us go out for a walk.” He proposed to me that we should go out for a walk

  16. Optative sentence(ইচ্ছাবাআশীর্বাদবুঝায়) Reporting verb said এরপরিবর্তেইচ্ছাবুঝালে wished বসে। আশীর্বাদবুঝালে prayed বসে। Prayed ব্যবহারকরলেএরসাথে for বসাতেহয় Subjectএরপরে might বসে। Inverted comma এরপরিবর্তে that বসে। Mother said to me,”May Allah save you.” me that Allah might save Prayed for me Mother

  17. Exclamatory sentence Reported speech said এরপরিবর্তে আনন্দবুঝালে exclaimed with joy বসে। দুঃখবুঝালে exclaimed with sorrow বসে। অবাকবুঝালে exclaimed with wonder বসে। The man said,”Alas! I am undone.” The man Exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone

  18. Passage narration করতেহলে প্রথমেPassageটিভালভাবেপড়েবক্তাএবংশ্রোতাসনাক্তকরতেহবে। Passage narration করতেহলে Passage narration করতেহলে Passage narration করতেহলে Passage narration করতেহলে Passage narration করতেহলে

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