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Training Up the Deputies

Training Up the Deputies. CIO 411Academy April 2-3, 2013 Dona Boatright CCCC Vice Chancellor, Emeritus. “ Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt . ”. Measure for Measure, W. Shakespeare. Overview. The Hierarchy of Rules

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Training Up the Deputies

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  1. Training Up the Deputies CIO 411Academy April 2-3, 2013 Dona Boatright CCCC Vice Chancellor, Emeritus

  2. “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.” Measure for Measure, W. Shakespeare

  3. Overview • The Hierarchy of Rules • Key Regulations • Managing at the College • Hot Issues • Resources and Tips

  4. Understanding the Language • No good dictionary or Grammar available • But check out the glossary of terms • Know the “frame”

  5. Living in Acronym World • And then there is the unrelenting use of abbreviations…….

  6. Abbreviations Can Make or Break You • WSCH • FTEF • FTES • SACC • TBA • FTO • ARRA • TMC • AA-T, AS-T

  7. Peralta Community College District • PPSI • VVSS • PPIT • SPPAC • DAS • PRC • SMT • IEC • BCC • DMC • PAAA • CIC • IEC • BSMC • VPI/D • DWEMPC

  8. Some Words are Charged… • They have multiple meanings • The evoke different responses from different constituencies

  9. Some Issues Have Been Canonized…

  10. AB 1725 • Represents the 10 Commandments? • OR • Work of the Devil?

  11. Know Who is Talking • Know who is talking

  12. Leadership in a bureaucratic environment: See the big wave, surf forward; don’t look back

  13. Statute Title 5 regulations Local board policy The hierarchy of rules • Statute: state law—the Education Code • Title 5 (of the California Code of Regulations): regulations adopted by the Board of Governors • Local board policy: local implementation of regulations

  14. Statute: Education Code • Section 70901: • (a)The Board of Governorsof the California Community Colleges shall provide leadership and directionin the continuing development of the California Community Colleges as an integral and effective element in the structure of public higher education in the state.The work of the board of governors shall at all times be directed to maintaining and continuing, to the maximum degree permissible, local authority and control in the administration of the California Community Colleges. • 70901(b)(6):Establish minimum conditions entitling districts to receive state aid for support of community colleges.

  15. Ed Code, cont’d • 70902. (a) Every community college district shall be under the control of a board of trustees, which is referred to herein as the "governing board." …The governing board of each community college district shall establish rules and regulations not inconsistent with the regulations of the board of governors and the laws of this state for the government and operation of one or more community colleges in the district.

  16. Regulations - who cares!!!

  17. Regulations—who cares?You Should!!! • Ethical commitments made by those who sign off on compliance • Economic implications for failure to adhere to regulations that have apportionment sanctions attached • Political implications of flouting of regulations

  18. Title 5 regulations • Minimum conditions for receipt of state support • Standards of scholarship (§51002) • Remedial coursework limit (§55765.5) • Grade changes (§55760) • Award of degrees and certificates (§51004) • Minimum requirements for the Associate Degree (§55806) • Open courses (§51006) • Equal employment opportunity (§51010) • Student fees (§51012) • Curriculum (§51021)

  19. Regulations and the Department of Finance If DOF believes that a mandated cost results from a new regulation, they can veto a BOG decision!!

  20. Local Board Policy • Policies implementing Title 5 regulations • Per Ed Code 70902 above • Be aware of your own district’s policies

  21. Minimum Conditions Compliance • Be aware of all the elements • Know which ones are your responsibility • Pay attention to deadlines on reporting

  22. Minimum Conditions Compliance Advice • Some topics “involve greater likelihood of violations and will be monitored more closely” • “Self-compliance and other mechanisms” will now be used for some issues which are tracked elsewhere: Comprehensive Plans Approval of new colleges and educational centers Accreditation Counseling programs Objectives Faculty, staff and student participation in governance • or through the complaint process

  23. Leadership is Key Stretch people to potentially achieve goals they didn’t think were possible. Be direct. Don’t tiptoe around hard issues. Be an “information socialist”. Don’t hoard information

  24. Managing at the College You cannot know all the information all the time. Key is to be AWARE of: • your areas of responsibility • where to find information quickly when you need it • who you can call when you cannot find it!

  25. Managing at the College • Hiring • Evaluation • Scheduling • Assignment/Load • Contract Negotiations • Contract Management • Conflict Resolution

  26. F/T Faculty Hiring/Evaluation • Use CIO network for “real” reference checks • Keep department culture in mind (good fit or change agent?) • Be advocate for students • Be vigilant during first year • Be bold

  27. P/T Faculty Hiring/Evaluation • Avoid Crisis or Convenience Hiring • Create Part-Time Faculty Pools • Pay attention to Evaluation process • Monitor Re-hire process • Student evals & complaints • Grading practices • Student retention • Avoid “owning” mediocre PT faculty • Be Advocate for Student Needs

  28. Collective Bargaining • Be involved whether at the table or not • Pay attention in your practices • Avoid setting unwanted precedents • Train your Deans and Chairs

  29. Faculty Assignment and Load/Contract Enforcement • Quest for Perfect Schedule for STUDENT needs as opposed to faculty • Be strict, consistent but not inflexible • Create an ethos of fair process so you do not have to overrule your dept. chairs • KNOW the contract

  30. Conflict Management • Maintain communication with deans/chairs • Follow college processes • Document conversations • Be creative • Use resources: HR, Medical, Legal

  31. . REMEMBER: It’s not about you. You don’t lead by your position. You lead by how you influence other people’s thinking.

  32. Awareness of Statewide Issues • Know the System Office Structure & Staff • Use the tools: • websites • Read the memos • Meet the deadlines • Ask questions • Engage with the Consultation Process

  33. Recent and Continuing Issues • Budget • Basic Skills • 50% law • Categorical shrinkage • Scheduling Priorities (transfer, cte, basic skills) • SB 1440 Implementation aat/ast • Non Credit • BOG Student Success Task Force Recommendations • Title 5 Regulation changes. • Accreditation

  34. SB 1440 • Law since 2010 • Transfer Degree simplified to 60 units with 18 units of major or area of emphasis • C or better students guaranteed admission to CSU • Prohibit CSU from requiring additional lower division course work beyond the 60 units • Senate developed Degree plans

  35. SB 1440 • Intersegmental Curriculum Workgroup • Web site: SB1140.org

  36. §58130 “No state aid or apportionment may be claimed on account of the attendance of students in non credit classes in dancing or recreational physical education.” Top Codes 0835 and 1008

  37. Accreditation: FOCUS ON THE BIG 4+1Accreditation: FOCUS ON THE BIG 4+1Accreditation: The Big 4 +1 Responses to Previous Recommendations Program Review – Sustained Planning – Sustained Student Learning Outcomes –Proficiency! Distance Education And now………….

  38. New Requirements on Student Achievement Data • Beno letter of Jan. 31, 2013 • US Dept. of Ed Regulatory Changes • Require setting standards for student achievement and performance • Require assessing achievement against college mission • Require public information

  39. Annual Report Form • Successful course completion rates • Successful Retention Rates • Institutional set standards for course completion, degree attainment, transfer etc. • Proof of URL on college website where one can find SLO assessment results for programs • Over 50 questions with much specificity

  40. AFFIRMATIVE ACCREDITATION REMEMBER: It’s all about the college…….. Question: “Can we assure parents, potential students and others that we provide a reputable, high quality educational experience?” Answer: Clear, concise, honest review Reports to avoid at all cost: National Enquirer or Doctoral Dissertation

  41. Be specific and measurable.. Action Plan The College will investigate stable funding sources required to maintain technology and the required support. The College will seek additional technology funding through on-going state funding, business and industry partnerships, and will forecast for a future bond measure to support its instructional technology needs.

  42. Self Evaluation The College and Library together have a very strong information competency program and plan in place to ensure that students gain information competency skills. As the number of courses infused with information competency increases, students will have more opportunities to learn and practice these skills regardless of whether they plan to obtain associate’s degrees or pursue other educational paths. Action Plan None.

  43. Remember - We’re all in this together…

  44. Resources and Tips • Program and Course Approval Handbook • Tutoring and Learning Assistance Guidelines • Basic Skills Report (“Poppy Copy”) • Legal Affairs site at www.cccco.edu • The roles of the “O’s”: CIOs, CSSOs, CHROs, CBOs, and others • CIO Manual

  45. Reference • Reframing Organizations, Artistry, Choice and Leadership • Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal • Jossey Bass, 1997 • How Colleges Work, the Cybernetics of Academic Organization and Leadership • Robert Birmbaum • Jossey Bass,1988

  46. Where Can I Find This Stuff? • Ccccio.org: CIOs • Cccco.edu: Chancellor’s Office • Cccaoe.org: Technical Education Deans • Rpgroup.org: Researchers • Cssofficers.org: CSSOs • Ccleague.org The League • Accjc.org: Accreditation • Asccc.org: Academic Senate • SB1440.org

  47. Top 10 “Get Real” List of Things Administrators Need to Know • There will never be enough MONEY! • There will never be enough STAFF! • There will never be enough TIME! • There will never be enough SPACE! There will always be problems with construction projects. • People will still be PEOPLE! They will occasionally misunderstand, blame it on someone else and mess things up! We are not Gods! • Your job will get harder, and the organization and work will be more complex. More rules, constraints…

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