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CONNOR National Lead and Asbestos Services CONNOR Institute. Meeting all of your environmental inspection services and training needs!. Brandon L. Odom Principal Instructor II bodom@connorinstitute.com 410.296.7971 (O) 762.333.4899 (M). www.connorinstitute.com www.connorsolutions.com.
CONNOR National Lead and Asbestos Services CONNOR Institute Meeting all of your environmental inspection services and training needs! Brandon L. Odom Principal Instructor II bodom@connorinstitute.com 410.296.7971 (O) 762.333.4899 (M) www.connorinstitute.com www.connorsolutions.com
Indoor Air Quality Hazard Contributions • Lead-based paint • Asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) • Moisture infiltration
What is Lead? • A chemical element (Pb) • An additive used in paint to make it more durable and resistant to rust and corrosion • It is also a dangerous poison • Lead-based paint was banned in 1978 for residential use by the Consumer Product Safety Commission
What can I do to prevent exposure to lead? • Have an accredited Lead-Based Paint Inspection Contractor conduct an inspection for lead-based paint. • If you are not going to be doing any renovating yourself… • Hire an EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm employing only EPA Certified Renovators and workers who have been trained by an EPA Certified Renovator. • If you are going to be doing some or all of the work yourself… • Become an EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm, become an EPA Certified Renovator by taking the 8-hour EPA Certified Renovator Initial Course and maintain certification by taking the 4-hour refresher course every 5 years.
Why should I use/become an EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm employing EPA Certified Renovators and other trained workers? The Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule requires: • Training providers must be accredited. • Renovation firms must be certified. • Renovators and Dust Sampling Technicians must be trained and certified. • Non-certified workers must work under and be trained on-the-job by a Certified Renovator. • Lead-safe work practices must be followed for work covered by the Rule. • Renovators must educate owners/occupants.
What is asbestos? • A naturally occurring mineral • Used in thousands of building materials • Bans by EPA for certain ACM began in 1973 and continued through the 1980’s and 1990’s • May cause adverse health effects such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis
Why was asbestos used and where would I find it? • Why? • Increases durability • Water resistant • Good sound, heat, and cold insulator • Where? • Sprayed-on fireproofing • Acoustical insulation • Floor tile/floor tile mastic • Pipe, tank & boiler insulation • Electrical insulation • Wallboard & cement pipe • Ceiling tile • Textured Paints • Caulking (HVAC & Windows)
What can I do to prevent exposure to asbestos? • Prior to any renovations of homes built before 1989… • Take a 4-hour Asbestos Awareness course for the ability to recognize potential asbestos-containing building materials and the understanding of what regulations govern the identification and removal of such materials. • Hire an accredited Asbestos Inspector Contractor perform an inspection prior to any renovations in pre-1989 housing. • If asbestos-containing building materials are found, hire an accredited Asbestos Abatement Contractor to remove the materials prior to renovation.
Where does mold/fungal growth come from? • Mold (or spores) + Organic material + Moisture = Mold Growth • Temperature 40 - 100º F • Relative Humidity 60% or higher • Some will grow on materials with a moisture content of 16% or higher
What kinds of adverse health effects can mold/fungal growth cause? • Avoidance Reactions • Discomfort, itching, burning, etc… • Allergic Reactions • Asthma and Respiratory Illness, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis • Toxic Effects • Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome, Pulmonary Hemosiderosis • Infections • Aspergillosis (allergic reaction, colonization, or invasive infection) • Histoplasmosis - associated with the droppings of birds and bats (flu-like symptoms)
What can I do to prevent moisture infiltration and exposure to mold/fungal growth? • Take a 4-hour Mold Awareness course for the ability to recognize potential sources of moisture infiltration and what methods should be used to address such sources. • If building materials are suspected to have mold/fungal growth, hire a contractor to perform indoor air quality sampling and collect bulk samples. • If wanting to perform mold remediation work yourself… • Take the 2-day Moisture Infiltration and Mold Remediation for training on personal protection, work area preparation, and proper waste management. • If not wanting to perform mold remediation work yourself… • Hire a contractor certified to perform mold/fungal growth remediation work and request to see training certificates.
CONNOR National Lead and Asbestos Services • Lead-based paint inspections • Lead-based paint risk assessments • Inspections for lead-contaminated dust (MD & DC) • Asbestos inspections • Indoor air quality samples (mold/fungal growth) • Bulk sample collection for mold/fungal growth
CONNOR Institute • EPA Certified Renovator • Maryland Lead Maintenance and Repainting Supervisor • Are You In Compliance? • Asbestos Awareness • Mold Awareness • Moisture Infiltration and Mold Remediation CONNOR Institute offers a variety of training courses that aid in safety and compliance with federal and state regulations.
CONNOR National Lead and Asbestos Services CONNOR Institute Meeting all of your environmental inspection services and training needs! Brandon L. Odom Principal Instructor II bodom@connorinstitute.com 410.296.7971 (O) 762.333.4899 (M) www.connorinstitute.com www.connorsolutions.com