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Preparing Your Practice for Value-Based Care: A Roadmap to Transform Your Practice and Benefit Patients

Learn how to shift to value-based care and improve your practice and patient outcomes. Discover what value-based care entails and its benefits, such as improved satisfaction, outcomes, and cost savings. Explore the impact on patients and practices, and follow a five-step guide to prepare for value-based care successfully. Hear Dr. Edgar Maldonado's insights from Cornerstone Personalized Life Care Clinic. Find resources, FAQs, and support at stepsforward.org.

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Preparing Your Practice for Value-Based Care: A Roadmap to Transform Your Practice and Benefit Patients

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preparing your practice for value-based care • Make the shift to value-based care and benefit both your practice and your patients

  2. Whatis value-based care? Value Based Care is a care model intended to at least partiallylink paymentsto patients’ health outcomes and/orquality of care, unlike traditional fee-for-service care models.

  3. By partnering and establishing trusting relationships with patients, caregivers, providers, and community partners, [we] are able to improve quality of life, satisfaction with care and reduce unnecessary spending. “ ” • Dr. Edgar Maldonado, Physician • Cornerstone Personalized Life Care Clinic, High Point, NC

  4. The impactvalue-based care can have on your patients and practice • Patients  More engaged patient population  Improved health outcomes • Greater satisfaction with physician-patient relationship • Practice  Better outcomes  Greater satisfaction with physician-patient relationship  Better reimbursement  Cost Savings

  5. Cost savings opportunities when using value-based care

  6. Fivesteps to prepare for value-based care 1 Identify your patient population and opportunity 2 Design the care model 3 Partner for success

  7. Fivesteps to prepare for value-based care 4 Drive appropriate utilization 5 Quantify impact and continuously improve

  8. How is it working in other practices? High Point, NC

  9. For additional resources, frequently asked questions and implementation support, visit www.stepsforward.org!

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