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THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR. 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures. 非馬 藝術世界. (7). 颱風季 每年這時候 我體內的女人 總會無緣無故 大吵大鬧幾場 而每次過後 我總聽到她 用極其溫存的舌頭 咧咧 舔我滴血的 心. TYPHOON SEASON Every year at this time the woman within me rages violently
THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures 非馬 藝術世界 (7)
颱風季 每年這時候 我體內的女人 總會無緣無故 大吵大鬧幾場 而每次過後 我總聽到她 用極其溫存的舌頭 咧咧 舔我滴血的 心 TYPHOON SEASON Every year at this time the woman within me rages violently with no provocation And when it’s over I always hear her licking my bleeding heart with her tender tongue
吞進,吐出 吞進,吐出 眯著眼的神仙 斜躺在沙發上 聽唸小學的兒子 在燈下,琅琅誦讀 鴉片戰爭的歷史 香煙繚繞裡 一段即將成正果的煙灰 突然被炙燙的一聲 「割肺賠腸」 震落凡塵 飯後一神仙 AN AFTER-DINNER IMMORTAL “one cigarette after dinner, happy as an immortal” -- a Chinese saying sucking in, blowing out sucking in, blowing out comfortably reclining on the couch with eyes half closed the immortal was listening to his young son reciting under the dim light the history of the Opium War in the thick of the swirling smoke a section of ash that had been cultivated to attain divinity was shaken abruptly by the burning words “to cede lungs and pay indemnity with intestines” and fell to the ground
懷舊 西出陽關無故人 更何況繞了大半個地球 今夜的天空 擠滿了 大大小小的人造衛星 卻沒有一個 載得起 我要給你的信息 NOSTALGIA It’s said that no acquaintances to the west of the border gate Yang Guan and now I am more than half the world away tonight's sky is crowded with man-made satellites big and small but I can't find even one that can carry my messages to you
神廟的完成 直到 木板的廟頂 傾塌腐爛 石柱紛紛出頭 撐持天空 這神廟 才算正式 完工 TEMPLE only after its wooden roof has rotted and collapsed allowing the marble pillars to emerge and prop up the sky is the temple complete
CEZANNE’S STILL LIFE lying back to back on a plate an orange and a banana each dreams its own dream Cezanne comes over gives the banana a half turn its graceful inner curve now embraces the orange’s plumpness instantly the air softens the color fluid and rich 在一個托盤上 一隻桔子 與一根香蕉 背對著背 各做各的夢 塞尚走了過來 把它们翻轉個身 讓香蕉優雅的內弧 溫柔攬住 桔子的渾圓 頓時 空氣軟化澄明 色彩豐沛 且流動了起來 塞尚的靜物
浮士德 還來不及找律師過目 便迷迷糊糊在她的唇上蓋了章 待看到她臉上隱隱約約的笑紋 才猛然想起 所有契約背後 都印有密密麻麻的細節 FAUST before he could consult a lawyer he absentmindedly put his seal on her lips then he saw her equivocal smile and suddenly realized on the back of every contract there’s always the fine print
黃河 溯 挾泥沙而來的 滾滾濁流 你會找到 地理書上說 青海巴顏喀喇山 但根據歷史書上 血跡斑斑的記載 這千年難得一清的河 其實源自 億萬個 苦難泛濫 人類深沉的 眼穴 YELLOW RIVER If you trace up the turbid current, you will find as any geography book can tell you the Kunlun Mountains in Qinghai Yet according to history’s bloody accounts this river which turns clear at most once in a thousand years has its origin in millions of eye sockets of suffering human beings
BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY at every turn there’s a fresh scene waiting to brighten our eyes and draw the wheels forward tender-yellow dark-red scorched-brown and the rebellious-green that refuses to change all find their own places in this colossal painting of autumn without the slightest discord 藍脊山道 每個彎口 都有一片 令眼睛一亮的 嶄新風景 在那裡引誘車輪 繼續向前滾動 嘩嘩舒展 從嫩黃到深紅到焦褐到 拒絕變化的綠 就這樣在樹上在空中在地面 在我們應接不暇的眼睛與心裡 各安其位各得其所
南京夫子廟 饑腸轆轆燈光發昏的廟內 子曰 朝聞道 夕食可矣 廟外 燈火輝煌熙熙攘攘 到處是聞香而來的食客 CONFUCIUS TEMPLE IN NANJING Having learned the WAY in the morning, it’s quite all right to DIE that very evening. -- Confucius Inside the dim temple the starving Confucius says Having learned the WAY in the morning it’s quite all right to EAT that very evening Outside the temple lights hanging over the eatery stalls glitter with splendor crowds attracted by the aroma of food pour in like waves
獵小海豹圖 牠不知木棍舉上去是幹什麼的 牠不知木棍落下來是幹什麼的 同頭一次見到 那紅紅的太陽 冉冉升起又冉冉沉下 海鷗飛起又悠悠降下 波浪湧起又匆匆退下 一樣自然一樣新鮮 一樣使牠快活 純白的頭仰起 純白的頭垂下 在冰雪的海灘上 純白成了 原罪 短促的生命 還來不及變色 來不及學會 一首好聽的兒歌 只要我長大 只要我長大‧‧‧ HUNTING BABY SEALS she doesn’t know why a club is raised she doesn’t know why a club is lowered as seeing for the first time the rising and setting of the sun the soaring and swooping of the gulls the rushing and retreating of the waves all natural all make her happy a raised head pure white a lowered head no longer white on the ice-covered beach
春樹 把時間的皺紋 深深藏在心底 好久不見 你還是一樣年青 SPRING TREES Bury the wrinkles of time deep in the bottom of your heart Every time I see you you’re as young as ever
CAGED LION upon withdrawing his gaze from distant green dreams he suddenly realizes the skyscraping forest has withered into cold iron bars mouth wide open yet he can no longer summon troops thumping across the wilderness just a few suppressed thunderclaps deep in his throat 獅 把目光從遙遠的綠夢收回 才驚覺 參天的原始林已枯萎 成一排森嚴的鐵欄 虛張的大口 再也呼不出 橫掃原野的千軍萬馬 除了喉間 喀喀的幾聲 悶雷
VIETNAM WAR MEMORIAL A block of marble and twenty six letters of the alphabet etch so many young names onto history Wandering alone amid the mass grave an old woman has at last found her only child and with her eyes tightly shut her trembling fingers now feel for the mortal wound on his ice-cold forehead 越戰紀念碑 一截大理石牆 二十六個字母 便把這麼多年青的名字 嵌入歷史 萬人塚中 一個踽踽獨行的老嫗 終于找到了 她的愛子 此刻她正緊閉雙眼 用顫悠悠的手指 沿著他冰冷的額頭 找那致命的傷口
情色網 赤條條光裸裸 這群後現代女人 沒有琵琶可抱 只好用自己 虛擬金色的頭髮 半遮 虛擬豐滿的 乳房 扭腰擺臀 在密密麻麻的網裏 引誘一尾尾 不眠的 魚 PORN WEB Nothing in this world can cover their virtual breasts wriggling in the net they know sooner or later they’ll lure some sleepless fish out of their virtual holes
LAKE LOUISE so delicate so vulnerable in a chamber deep in the high mountains alone there’s got to be a sign guarding this little girl of God NO DINOSAURS ALLOWED NO NOISY TOURISTS ALLOWED 露易絲湖 這麼嫵媚嬌豔的掌上珠 我見猶憐 難怪上帝他老人家 要頻頻交代 粗魯的恐龍不能來 熙熙攘攘的觀光客不能來