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Gain essential skills in C++ programming with this course. Learn concepts, control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, and more. Explore development tools like GCC, Dev C++, and wxDev-C++. Prepare yourself with practice and online resources.
Computer Programming (ECE 201) Instructor : Dr. Soltan Alharbi Slides borrowed from Instructor: WajihAlouini
Dr. Soltan Alharbi • Office: Faculty of Engineering Department Chair • E-mail: salharbi@uj.edu.sa • Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday from 11:00 to 01:00
Course Overview • Course: Computer Programming (CE 201) • Time: • Place: NJ10 • Textbook: D. Malik, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Course Technology, 2012. • Supplementary references : W. Savitch, Problem Solving with C++, Addison Wesley, 2008. • Class Schedule • Lectures: two sessions/week. • Lab. : one session/week. • Prerequisites: • Basic computer skills (CPIT 100) • Calculus I (Math 110)
Teaching • Lectures • Quizzes • At least 2 quizzes • Homework (2) should be returned in within one week • Mid-term and final exam
Grading Policy • Homework : 10% • Labs: 25% • Quiz: 10% • Midterm exam: 20% • Final exam: 30% • Attendance : 5%
Objectives By the completion of the course, you should be able to: 1. define the programming concepts. 2. build a simple program by using control structures (if statements, looping structures). 3. recognize how and when to use functions which are raising the efficiency of the program. 4. build programs using arrays. 5. building some complicated programs.
Contents 1. Introduction to programming languages. 2. Introduction to C++, variables, and constants. 3. Input and output in C++ and arithmetic/logic instructions. 4. If and switch statements. 5. Looping. 6. Functions. 7. Arrays. 8. Characters and strings 9. Pointers. 10. Introduction to classes
Program Development Environment • Free C++ Development Environments • GCC on Linux/UNIX servers (ntut.edu.tw) • Not friendly for beginners • Windows-based • Dev C++ (http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html): not maintained • For further development, please check Orwell’s Engine (http://orwellengine.blogspot.com/ ) • Other choices: wxDev-C++ by Colin Laplace et. al. • Cygwin (http://www.cygwin.com/): UNIX-like emulation on Windows • MinGW (http://www.mingw.org/) • Commercial tools • Microsoft Visual C++ • Borland C++ • …
We will try to start from the vary basics and reach a satisfactory level in C++, which will allow you to implement projects and ideas you will have in the future. • If you are experienced please be patient and think of your colleagues that are not. • If you are an absolute beginner please invest time by yourself at the beginning to reach a satisfactory level.
How to Prepare Yourself? • LEARNING HOW TO PROGRAM WELL IS A PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND REQUIRES LOTS OF EFFORT, TRIALS AND ERRORS. • Practice, practice, practice… • Exercises • Online resources: programming exercises, forums, …