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Learn how Transactional Memory Introspection can revolutionize security policy enforcement to prevent unauthorized access in X servers. Discover implementation techniques and solutions to common issues in security enforcement.
Enforcing Security Policies using Transactional Memory Introspection Vinod Ganapathy Rutgers University
Take-home slide We can utilize the mechanisms of Software Transactional Memory to greatly improve security policy enforcement Transactional Memory Introspection
REMOTE LOCAL X server with multiple X clients Transactional Memory Introspection
REMOTE LOCAL Malicious remote X client Transactional Memory Introspection
REMOTE LOCAL Undesirable information flow Transactional Memory Introspection
Desirable information flow REMOTE LOCAL Transactional Memory Introspection
Operation request Response Allowed? YES/NO X server with authorization X client Security enforcement crosscuts application functionality X server Reference monitor Authorization policy Transactional Memory Introspection
Outline • Enforcing authorization policies • Problems with existing techniques • Transactional Memory Introspection • Implementation and experiments Transactional Memory Introspection
Existing enforcement interface dispatch_request ( ) { ... perform_request ( ); } perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } Transactional Memory Introspection
Existing enforcement interface dispatch_request ( ) { ... perform_request ( ); } perform_request ( ) { ... if (allowed(principal,resource,access)){ perform_access (resource); } else { handle_auth_failure1(); }; ... if (allowed(principal,resource’,access’)){ perform_access’(resource’); } else { handle_auth_failure2(); }; } Transactional Memory Introspection
Three problems • Violation of complete mediation • Time-of-check to Time-of-use bugs • Handing authorization failures Transactional Memory Introspection
I. Incomplete mediation dispatch_request ( ) { … perform_request ( ); } Must guard each resource access to ensure complete mediation perform_request ( ) { ... if (allowed(principal,resource,access)){ perform_access (resource); } else { handle_auth_failure1(); }; ... if (allowed(principal,resource’,access’)){ perform_access’(resource’); } else { handle_auth_failure2(); }; } Transactional Memory Introspection
I. Incomplete mediation [Zhang et al., USENIX Security ‘02] ssize_t vfs_read (struct file *file, ...) { ... if (check_permission(file, MAY_READ)) { file->f_op->read(file, ...); } ... } int page_cache_read (struct file *file, ...) { struct address_space *mapping = file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mapping; ... mapping->a_ops->readpage(file, ...); } Transactional Memory Introspection
II. TOCTTOU bugs perform_request ( ) { ... if (allowed(principal,resource,access)){ perform_access (resource); } else { handle_auth_failure1() }; ... if (allowed(principal,resource’,access’)){ perform_access’(resource’); } else { handle_auth_failure2() }; } Transactional Memory Introspection
II. TOCTTOU bugs Similar race condition found in the Linux Security Modules framework [Zhang et al. USENIX Security ’02] perform_request ( ) { ... if (allowed(principal,resource,access)){ perform_access (resource); } else { handle_auth_failure1() }; ... if (allowed(principal,resource’,access’)){ perform_access’(resource’); } else { handle_auth_failure2() }; } • Several similar bugs recently found in • popular enforcement tools: [Watson, WOOT ’07] • GSWTK • Systrace[Provos, USENIX Security ’03] • OpenBSD Sysjail[Johnson and Deksters ’07] Transactional Memory Introspection
II. TOCTTOU bugs Authorization check and resource access must be atomic perform_request ( ) { ... if (allowed(principal,resource,access)){ perform_access (resource); } else { handle_auth_failure1() }; ... if (allowed(principal,resource’,access’)){ perform_access’(resource’); } else { handle_auth_failure2() }; } Transactional Memory Introspection
III. Failure handling Handling authorization failures is ad hoc and error prone perform_request ( ) { ... if (allowed(principal,resource,access)){ perform_access (resource); } else { handle_auth_failure1() }; ... if (allowed(principal,resource’,access’)){ perform_access’(resource’); } else { handle_auth_failure2() }; } Transactional Memory Introspection
III. Failure handling • Exception-handling code accounts for a large fraction of server software • Over two-thirds of server software [IBM ’87] • Nearly 46% on several Java benchmarks [Weimer & Necula OOPSLA’04] • Exception-handling code itself is error-prone [Fetzer and Felber ’04] • SecurityException most often handled erroneously [Weimer & Necula OOPSLA’04] Transactional Memory Introspection
Summary of problems • Violation of complete mediation • Need to identify all the resources accessed • Example: Bug in Linux Security Modules [Zhang et al., USENIX Security ‘02] • Time-of-check to Time-of-use bugs • Examples: [Zhang et al., USENIX Security ‘02] [Watson, WOOT ‘07] • Handing authorization failures • Large fraction of server code relates to error handling [IBM survey, ’87, Weimer and Necula, ‘04 ] • Error-handling code is error-prone! [Fetzer & Felber ’04] Security enforcement crosscuts application functionality Our solution: TMI Decouples security enforcement from application functionality Transactional Memory Introspection
Outline • Enforcing authorization policies • Problems with existing techniques • Transactional Memory Introspection (TMI) • Programmer’s interface • Mechanics of TMI • Implementation and experiments Transactional Memory Introspection
Transactional memory primer • Alternative to lock-based programming • Reason about atomic sections, not locks • TM provides atomicity and isolation acquire(S1.lock) acquire(S2.lock) value = S1.pop() S2.push(value) Release(S2.lock) Release(S1.lock) transaction { value = S1.pop() S2.push(value) } Transactional Memory Introspection
Programmer’s interface to TMI dispatch_request ( ) { transaction [ principal ] { ... perform_request ( ); } } perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } Transactional Memory Introspection
Programmer’s interface to TMI dispatch_request ( ) { transaction [ principal ] { ... perform_request ( ); } } Authorization manager: case (resource=R, access_type=A) if (!allowed(principal, R, A)) then abort_tx perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } allowed(principal, resource, access)? allowed(principal, resource’, access’)? Transactional Memory Introspection
I. Complete mediation for free dispatch_request ( ) { transaction [ principal ] { ... perform_request ( ); } } TMI automatically invokes authorization checks perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } Transactional Memory Introspection
II. TOCTTOU-freedom for free dispatch_request ( ) { transaction [ principal ] { ... perform_request ( ); } } Conflicting resource accesses automatically abort transaction perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } Transactional Memory Introspection
III. Error-handling for free dispatch_request ( ) { transaction [ principal ] { ... perform_request ( ); } } Unauthorized resource accesses automatically abort transaction perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } Transactional Memory Introspection
Decouples functionality and security dispatch_request ( ) { transaction [ principal ] { ... perform_request ( ); } } Authorization manager perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } Transactional Memory Introspection
Outline • Enforcing authorization policies • Problems with existing techniques • Transactional Memory Introspection (TMI) • Programmer’s interface • Mechanics of TMI • Implementation and experiments Transactional Memory Introspection
TM runtime system • The TM runtime maintains per-transaction read/write sets and detects conflicts transaction { value = S1.pop() S2.push(value) } val1 = S1.pop() val2 = S1.pop() S2.push(val2) S2.push(val1) Transactional Memory Introspection
Retry TM runtime system Execution Validation Commit Read and Write Sets Transaction body Contention manager Commit logic Transactional Memory Introspection
Transactional Memory Introspection Execution Validation Authorization Commit Read and Write Sets Auth. Manager Success Transaction body Contention manager Auth. checks Commit logic Failure Retry Abort Transactional Memory Introspection
Transactional Memory Introspection dispatch_request ( ) { transaction [ principal ] { ... perform_request ( ); } } Accesses checked before tx commits Present in read/write set perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } Transactional Memory Introspection
Outline • Enforcing authorization policies • Problems with existing techniques • Transactional Memory Introspection • Implementation and experiments Transactional Memory Introspection
TMI Implementation: TMI/DSTM2 • Implemented using Sun’s DSTM2 • Object-basedsoftware TM system • TM system modified to • Trigger authorization checks on additions to read/write set and upon transaction validation • Raise AccessDeniedException upon abort • Integrate transactional I/O libraries • Fewer than 500 lines changed in DSTM2 Transactional Memory Introspection
Porting software to TMI/DSTM2 • Mark transactional objects with @atomic • Also require @atomic wrappers for libraries: java.util.HashMap, java.util.Vector • Reads and writes to fields of @atomic objects replaced with DSTM2 accessors • Place transaction{…} blocks around client requests • Write an authorization manager Transactional Memory Introspection
GradeSheet in TMI/DSTM2 Transactional Memory Introspection
Evaluation • Ported four Java-based servers • GradeSheet: A grade-management server • FreeCS: A chat server • WeirdX: An X window management server • Enforced a simple XACML based policy • Tar: A tar archive service • Enforced Java stack inspection policy Transactional Memory Introspection
Modifications needed Authorization managers were approximately 200 lines of code in each case Transactional Memory Introspection
When to enforce policy? dispatch_request ( ) { transaction [ principal ] { ... perform_request ( ); } } Eager perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } allowed(principal, resource, access)? allowed(principal, resource’, access’)? Transactional Memory Introspection
When to enforce policy? dispatch_request ( ) { transaction [ principal ] { ... perform_request ( ); } } Lazy allowed(principal, resource, access)? allowed(principal, resource’, access’)? perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } Transactional Memory Introspection
When to enforce policy? dispatch_request ( ) { transaction [ principal ] { ... perform_request ( ); } } Parallel perform_request ( ) { ... perform_access (resource); ... perform_access’(resource’); } allowed(principal, resource, access)? allowed(principal, resource’, access’)? Transactional Memory Introspection
Performance overheads of TMI 10x -15.8% Transactional Memory Introspection
Performance overheads of STM • Software transactional memory imposes a significant overhead Hardware TMs reduce runtime overheads of TM runtime systems Transactional Memory Introspection
Take-home message We can utilize the mechanisms of Software Transactional Memory to greatly improve security policy enforcement Transactional Memory Introspection
Thank you! Reference: Enforcing Authorization Policies using Transactional Memory Introspection Proc. ACM CCS, October 2008 Vinod Ganapathy Rutgers University vinodg@cs.rutgers.edu http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~vinodg