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Communication for Behaviour and Social Change. Making a difference through communication!. Presentation Objectives. By the end of this presentation, you should be able to: describe the steps in developing a communication strategy; explain CSBC programme needs and challenges.
Communication for Behaviour and Social Change Making a difference through communication!
Presentation Objectives By the end of this presentation, you should be able to: • describe the steps in developing a communication strategy; • explain CSBC programme needs and challenges.
Communication for Social and Behaviour Change Communication for Social and Behaviour Change or CSBC is a wide range of activities and interventions targeted to specific individuals and groups that are intended to facilitate and promote selected changes in behaviour to mitigate HIV transmission and to strengthen care and support of those who are infected and/or affected by HIV and AIDS. The interventions should enable individuals and groups to sustain positive behaviours to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS. CSBC is developed within a framework and through the creation of communication strategies which focus on the lifestyle and social needs of individuals, their families, and the communities they live in.
The Purpose of CSBC The purpose of CSBC is to help people gain the awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes as well as the ability to meet their developmental needs. CSBC is: • centered around people, that is based on an audiences' needs and perceptions; • interactive; • developed through partnership and collaboration with audiences; • integrated into existing and new social service programming and people's lives; • learning and action based, in other words, oriented to helping people understand issues and then be able to act in ways that improve their health, education or economic well being.
Role of CSBC in HIV and AIDS • Increase knowledge • Stimulate community dialogue • Promote essential attitude change • Advocate for policy changes • Create a demand for information and services • Reduce stigma and discrimination • Promote services for prevention and care
Role of CSBC in a Comprehensive HIV and AIDS Programme Community mobilization Care and support CSBC Political support Prevention
Goals of Communication for Social and Behaviour Change for HIV and AIDS • Safer sex practices (abstinence, delayed debut, less partners, condom use) • Improved health care seeking behavior for STIs, TB • Promote VCT and other services (MTCT) • Create a demand for HIV/AIDS information • Harm reduction of IDU (safer injecting) • Stimulate community discussion on risk • Reduce stigma and discrimination • Blood safety -- better practices, recruitment • Health worker attitudes and practices
Guiding Principles of CSBC • Integrated comprehensive HIV and AIDS interventions and/or programmes • Based on systematic formative assessment • Developed with active participation of the stakeholders and the community • Uses a variety of communication channels • Monitoring and evaluation planned at the beginning and implemented throughout the life of the intervention • Involvement of PLWA • Positive and action oriented • Messages and materials are pre-tested
Unaware Aware Concerned Knowledgeable Motivated to change Trial behavior change Sustained behavior change Behavior Change Process Theory Mass Media Community networks and traditional media Interpersonal/ group communication Stages of Change Continuum Enabling Factors Channels Effective communication Enabling environment User friendly services, and accessible commodities
Possible Channels of Communication Mass media: radio, TV, events Traditional media, puppet shows, music drama Print support materials • Interpersonal communication • Peer education • Health workers • NGOs/CBOs
Partners Local and state government Faith-based organizations Unions – teachers, transport workers Youth Non-governmental organizations Health care providers Women’s organizations Medical associations Channels TV/Radio/Newspaper Print materials Billboards Outreach Peer education Pulpit Community events Social networks (church, unions, military, women’s groups) Possible Partners and Channels
Mass Media • Targeted to general community • Increases acceptance of and empathy for community initiatives • Helps to create positive image of condom use • Increases personal risk assessment • Tackles issue of stigma
Interpersonal Communication • Outreach – with support tools • Peer education – with support tools • Local media – drama, puppets, etc. • Targeted materials for specific groups • Materials for health care workers
Developing an Effective CSBC Strategy 1. Programme Goals 2. Stakeholder Involvement 3. Identify Target Audience 4. Conduct Formative Assessment 5. Segment Target Population 6. Define Behavior Change Objectives 12. Feedback and Revision 7. Design BCC Strategy and M&E Plan 11. Monitoring and Evaluation 8. Develop Communications Materials 9. Pre-test Materials 10. Implement and Monitor
1. Programme Goals • CSBC is based on the overall goals of the HIV and AIDS programme. • A programme goal may be to decrease prevalence of HIV among a certain population group.
2. Stakeholder Involvement • Avoids future backlash. • Forges links for coordination and collaboration.
3. Identify Target Audience • Risk behavior • Gender • Age • Location • Ethnicity • Language • Primary and secondary target audiences
4. Conduct Formative Assessment • Perceptions of risk • Settings for risk • Opinion leaders/Change Agents • Services • Barriers to behavior change • Perceived key benefits • Media habits and entertainment habits • Health care seeking behaviors • Hopes and fears for the future • Communication resources and infrastructure
5. Segment Target Population • Primary populations • Those at high risk or vulnerability • Those providing services • Policy makers • Secondary populations that influence the primary populations ability to adopt or maintain safe behaviors
6. Define Behavior Change Objectives • Increase use of condoms • Increase use of services • Delay of sexual activity • Reduction in number of partners • Community’s ability to discuss risk and stigma • Betterment of health provider attitude
Examples of CSBC Objectives • Programme Objective • Reduce prevalence of STIs among truck drivers • Behavior Change Objective • Increase condom use • Reduction in number of partners • Increase appropriate STI seeking behavior • Communication Objective • Increase self risk perception • Increase demand for information and STI services • Increase demand for condoms • Change in attitude about condom use and number of partners • Increase skill in condom use
7. Design CSBC Strategy and M&E Plan • Elements: • CSBC Objectives • Theme/Entry Point • Messages • Channels • M and E Plan • Partners • Resources
8. Develop Communications Materials • To disseminate messages • Support print materials • Mass media materials • Spot development • Advocacy materials
9. Pre-test Materials Test for: • Comprehension • Attraction • Persuasion • Acceptability • Audience identification • Promotes action
10. Implementation and Monitoring • Sequencing of activities • Coordination • Link to services • Interactive • Synergy of channels • Flexible • Target Interventions
11. Monitoring and Evaluation • Monitoring • Inputs and outputs • Pulse on perceptions • Evaluation • BSS Findings • Special Studies
12. Feedback and Revision • Communication is not static • Needs of community change over time • CSBC is constantly changing
Summary: CSBC Programme Needs • Understand and use CSBC processes and principles, management, and planning. • Develop a coordinated delivery plan. • Establish quality standards. • Build well trained staff to provide a quality service. • Ensure availability of supplies, updated to meet changing needs and situations of target audience.
Summary: CSBC Programme Needs • Provide monitoring and logistic support for the staff and their work. • Monitor and maintain relationships among implementing agencies, beneficiaries and stakeholders. • Hold periodical review and evaluation of both the system and the results.
Challenges • Integrating CSBC into all programme elements • Limited training resources • Political and physical environments • Sustainability and flexibility • Expanding the response • Linkages and coordination • Developing sound CSBC objectives • Developing capacity in CSBC
Conclusion • CSBC is not a collection of different, isolated communication tactics, but rather, it is a framework of linked approaches that function as part of an on-going, interactive process.