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Global and Regional Drought Monitoring Implementation through the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS).
Global and Regional Drought Monitoring Implementation through the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Will Pozzi, Richard Heim , Michael J. Brewer, J. Sheffield, Juergen Vogt, Mark Svoboda, B. Lloyd-Hughes, Rogier Westerhoff, D. Cripe, W. Wagner, L. Nunez, Margaret Nicholson, L. Bettio, J. Verdin, R. Lawford, P. Sentelhas, R. G. Rasul, I. Kaihotsu, and G. Percival www.ogcnetwork.net/AIP
The growing problem of drought and its impact on long-term sustainability of Earth’s water resources has been recognized for many years. At a 2007 GEO Ministerial Summit, the event concluded with a U.S. proposal that technical representatives from participating countries build upon existing programs to work toward establishing aGlobal Drought Early Warning System (GDEWS)within the coming decade to provide: • Asystem of systemsfor data & information sharing, communication, & capacity building to take on the growing worldwide threat of drought • Regulardrought warning assessmentsissued as frequently as possible with increased frequency during a crisis Richard Heim 2011
What is the GEO Global Drought Monitoring Portal? The GDMP is partly a web-based, real-time, geographic information system and partly a system of algorithms for reconstructing surface hydrologic conditions relative to a historical climatology to rank water scarcity conditions relative to a common drought severity ranking standard
A GDEWS Conceptual Framework – An Integration of Continental / Regional Drought Monitors GDMP – Global Drought Monitor Portal
Global Drought Monitor Portal (GDMP) http://www.drought.gov/portal/server.pt/community/global_drought • Top-down versus bottom-up: • Top down allows global or continental modeling of soil moisture (for agricultural drought monitoring or drought impact monitoring) • Bottom up engages the end user community into a drought community of practice that can verify drought forecasts, soil moisture nowcasts, or implement new technologies • Bottom-up approach links together drought-identified zones from indicators in each country, so that a methodology is required to make each country’s drought zone identification and drought severity consistent across the entire globe • each nation’s hydrometeorology infrastructure sets requirements for integrating each nation’s drought monitor into the GDMP (next slide)
Provide a web-services-based environment for computation and display of spatially consistent drought indicators on a global scale: • Global Soil Moisture Monitoring (for Agricultural Drought Monitoring) using Distributed Hydrological Models (DHMs) or Land Surface Models (LSMs) and root-zone reconstructed soil moisture from space-based scatterometer and SMAP for non-forest areas • Global areas away from the more highly developed meteorological grids of North America, Europe, Australia, East Asia require space-based precipitation measurement, which introduces errors into DHMs and LSMs or in direct calculation of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) • Drought is determined not only by water availability but water usage, so that water usage needs to be measured, a first stage towards drought impact monitoring.
Global Drought Monitor Portal http://www.drought.gov/portal/server.pt/community/global_drought North American Drought Monitor European Drought Observatory Princeton University African Drought Monitor University College London Global Drought Monitor Participating Continents Slide coutesy of Michael J. Brewer
Access through the Global Drought Monitoring Web Portal to Continental, higher spatial scale drought monitoring maps and products (“drill down”) http://edo.jrc.ec.europa.eu/php/index.php?action=view&id=2
Global Drought Monitor Portal How the IT Functions • The GDMP is made interoperable with the GEO Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) • by utilizing Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Mapping Services (WMS) and other web services • Global (International) soil moisture and precipitation datasets spanning several decades are also registered and available through GEOSS, providing advanced analytical data services that can be combined with the GDMP map generation or time series plotting capabilities
In summary, the GDMP is a new tool that: • provides global drought coverage, • provides an infrastructure which can be populated with drought information originating from nations across the world, and • provides data and web services capabilities for display and analysis of climatic & hydrologic data originating from participating nations; thus it • provides crucial support for drought monitoring and mitigation in semi-arid regions and other parts of the world, and • serves as a foundation for the creation of a GDEWS. Richard Heim 2011
Both impact and monitoring aspects of drought must be carried out simultaneously in order to understand the scope of drought 2) To meet the needs of governments special overlays are often needed (portray information by constituency). 3) Drought reporting creates opportunities for “citizen science”. Slide courtesy of R. Lawford 2011
Technologies for Monitoring Global Drought Impacts • They establish an impacts baseline for monitoring • Climate change, policy change effects, landscape modification, etc • They direct relief in effective ways through national governments • They allow directed preparatory actions to be undertaken to reduce vulnerability in advance of the next drought • They are a basis for “ground truth” indices • They provide a basis for quantifying drought losses • They provide information for estimating environmental consequences of drought. M. Svoboda 2010
Global Drought Impact Monitoring is the first step toward establishing Drought Vulnerability • A drought intensity may be greater in North America than the drought intensity over Ethiopia, but the impact is much less over North America, because the vulnerability is higher within Ethiopia. • Monitoring uses of water will help establish vulnerability so that vulnerable groups may be targeted to provide early warning.
Agricultural Water Use Monitoring is not Limited to Crops—Look at Grazing Acreage in Australia Slide courtesy of M. Nicholson 2011
Agricultural Water Use Monitoring is not Limited to Crops—Look at Grazing Acreage in Australia Slide courtesy of M. Nicholson 2011
Top Down versus Bottom up Global Drought Impact Monitoring • Top down approach is based upon global land surface model or distributed hydrological model including water usage that is linked to satellite-measurable or land-based measurable parameters • PC Raster for Global Water Balance (PCRGLOBWB) in Global Water Scarcity Information Service (GLOWASIS) • Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model • Bottom up approach links together the various monitoring services, such as FEWSNET, Joint Research Centre Monitoring Agricultural Resources (MARS) and Foodsec, Commonwealth of Australia Bureau of Rural Sciences (seen above) R. Lawford 2011
Another European Framework ProjectDrought Early Warning System for Africa (DEWFORA) Pilot Projects
GEO Global Drought Early Warning Information Service Subsystems • Current Implementation • Global Drought Monitoring Portlet • Under Development and Deployment • Global Drought Impact Monitoring Portlet • Next Implementation • Global Drought Forecasting Portlet • Longer Range Implementation Goal • Global Drought Impact Forecasting Portlet
Reconstruction of Water Budgets (for Hydrologic Drought) using Space-based Earth Observations • Accuracy towards closing the water budget using exclusively remote sensing heavily depends on precipitation quality; • Remotely sensed ET over the 13 basins is consistent with VIC output; • Reservoir storage is a significant component for understanding terrestrial water storage. Gao, Lettenmaier, Ferguson, and Wood 2009 13
Disparity between TRMM, CMORPH, and NLDAS over the Mississippi Valley Sheffield, Ferguson, Troy, Wood, and McCabe 2009
Seasonal Precipitation • TRMM real time product has significant errors in some basins • Precipitation from remote sensing needs to be corrected for orographic effect Gao, Lettenmaier, Ferguson, and Wood 2009 5
Remote Sensing Capability by Basin Good Correlation Coeff. ET ΔS Precip MAE(mm/mo) Good Range Offset(mm) Good Ohio Colorado Arkansas Columbia East Coast Gulf California Great Lakes Great Basin Lower Missi Upper Missi Rio Grande Missouri 8
How do I access the GEO Global Drought Monitor? • http://www.drought.gov/portal/server.pt/community/global_drought/ • YouTube • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW_PFC_I6wo • Documentation • Global Drought Monitoring Service through the GEOSS Architecture
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