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Die Gally Websolutions GmbH bietet massgeschneiderte Webdesign Lu00f6sungen in WordPress fu00fcr Firmen und hilft Ihnen bei der Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen.<br><br>Als etablierte Webagentur implementieren und beraten wir Firmen. Im digitalen Dschungel helfen wir den Durchblick zu behalten und empfehlen erfahrungserprobte Web-Lu00f6sungen.<br><br>Gerne beraten wir Sie auch im Bereich Online Marketing mit LinkedIn, Facebook und Google.<br><br>English:<br><br>Gally Websolutions GmbH is a Webdesign Agency based in Basel (Switzerland). Since 2009 we help our customers with their company webpage (mostly WordPress) and support them w

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Webdesign Published by: gally-websolutions

  2. First Steps To Online Marketing When you've made the decision to go forward with internet marketing, there are a few things you should consider. Visit Online Marketing Basel -What motivates me to promote online? -What do I want to promote on the internet? -What do I know about web marketing? Today is your fortunate day if the response is "I don't know." I'll go through some of the steps I've learned about Internet marketing via a lot of trial and error. Visit Webdesign WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Why are you interested in internet marketing? Is it for the purpose of enhancing your offline business? Making money without having to leave your house? alternatively... Because Internet marketing takes care of itself and produces you money on autopilot, it's simpler than offline marketing. Visit SEO Basel

  3. You're in for a major surprise if it's the final option. In the world of Internet marketing, there is no such thing as EASY or AUTOPILOT. Yes, it is, but not in the sense that many people believe. It is simple, but not easy, to promote online. That is to say, it takes a lot of time and effort to set it up, and you must regularly tune and test it in order to optimise your efficiency and profitability. I hope I haven't scared you away yet. Online marketing may be a lot of fun, and you may meet people from all over the globe. Click Webdesign Basel YOUR NICHE/MARKET So, after you've found out why, where do you begin? This is a niche market. Your specialisation. It's as simple as that. So, what exactly is a niche, and how do I locate my target market? That may be found in a variety of locations. First and foremost. You'll want to choose a lucrative niche to focus on. What you don't want to do is promote a niche where no one buys anything or pays very little. You want to choose a niche that is currently popular. It's what everyone's talking about, and it's what people want to learn about, use, and buy. Visit Word Press Basel

  4. Summary Die GallyWebsolutions GmbH bietetmassgeschneiderteWebdesignLösungen in WordPressfürFirmen und hilftIhnenbeiderSichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen. AlsetablierteWebagenturimplementieren und beratenwirFirmen. ImdigitalenDschungelhelfenwir den Durchblickzubehalten und empfehlenerfahrungserprobte Web-Lösungen. GerneberatenwirSieauchimBereich Online Marketing mit LinkedIn, Facebook und Google. English: GallyWebsolutions GmbH is a Webdesign Agency based in Basel (Switzerland). Since 2009 we help our customers with their company webpage (mostly WordPress) and support them with all their online marketing goals. Our main language is German, but you can speak English with us anytime. We're looking forward to the first contact with you. Visit this site to learn more: https://www.gally-websolutions.com/

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