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WATER RESOURCES AS AN IMPORTANT FACTOR OF LAND DEVELOPMENT. Program of Rural Areas Development 2007-2013. Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector. T he quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy. I mproving the environment
Program of Rural Areas Development 2007-2013 Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestrysector Thequalityoflife inruralareasand diversification of theruraleconomy Improving the environment and the countryside LEADER
AXIS 4 LEADER • Implementation of Local Development Strategies • Implementation of cooperation projects • Running the Local Action Group, acquisition of skills and activation
WATER RESOURCES OF THE EARTH Oceans 96,5 % Glaciers and permanent snowcover 1,74 % Permanent frozen land 0,022 % Subsurfacewater 1,7 % Soilwater 0,76 % Lakes 0,013 % Rivers 0,0002 % Wetlands 0,0008 % Waterinatmosphere 0,001 % Biologicalwater 0,0001 %
WATER RESORCES USE 7 times growth in the last century Actual total use in the world: 2180 km3Annual water abstraction by source and by sector in UNEC region Agriculture: 69 % Industry: 23 % Domestic: 8 % Source: EEA, based on data from Eurostat data table:
WATER RESOURCES ISSUE 1.Seasonal and spatial distributionof precipitation Results: permanent too less,insomeperiodstoo much ortoo less, trends of decreasing of water resources, catastrophes. 2. Fast rising of waterdemanddue to population growth (from1.65 billion to 6,3 billions inthelastcentury), economic development and changestandard of living. 3. Climatechange– trends of water resources decreasing. 4.Polutionof waterresorces.
WATER CATASTROPHES (floods, droughts, tsunami, cyclones, landslides (mudslides, snowslides etc.) Number of water’s catastrophes Cost of water’s catastrophes
Number of lost of life (red colour) and number of incured people (black colour)in catastrophes connected with water
Criticalsituationsinforestconcerningwaterconditions • Catastrophes • Shortor long term states Floods Droughts Overflow Deficits
Total number of people (milions) in UNEC region affected by drought (blue colour), extreme temperature (dark brown), flood disasters (light brown) and storm (green)
CHANGES OF PRECIPITATION IN PERIOD 1961-2006 • Observedchanges • [mm/10 years] • Source: • European Environment Agency Report No. 2/2009
Air temperature and precipitation in period 2080-2099 (according IPCC)
Changes in periods of droughts South Europe Central Europe North Europe Północna • Source: European Environment Agency Report No. 2/2009
Critical situations: • too less water, • too much water, • water too poluted, 14
Climatic balancein Poland in period21.05 – 20.VII. 2010 • Source: IUNG Puławy, • Monitoring of drought
Polution of water bodies State in 2008:w 2008 r.:in Vistula basin good state onlyin 223 catchments (on 2618),inOderbasin good state onlyin 67 catchments (on 1673). Source: GUS 2009
Wastewaterin period 1970-2008, Source: GUS 2009
Number and range of floods in Pol in period 1946-2001 Źródło: Ministerstwo Środowiska, Departament Zasobów Wodnych
Area of arable lands with irrigation systems [ha] • Source: European Environment Agency Report No. 2/2009
Problems: • - technically difficult, • - economically expensive, • environmentally negative. • Source: EEA Eldred 2.08 • (European Lakes, Dams and Reservoirs • Database), 2008. • Development of water • reservoir’s capacity in Europe DEVELOPMENT OF NEW WATER RESOURCES
SOLUTIONS? The main ways: water saving, water recyckling, water harvesting. Tools: legislation, participation of all sectors, economy mechanisms, research and technology develipment, education, monitoring and controlling systems.