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Jeopardy. Cell Size. What Type Of Division Does That?. Cell Cycle. Mitosis. Meiosis. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. Final Jeopardy Question. Cell Size 500 Points.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy

  2. Cell Size What Type Of Division Does That? Cell Cycle Mitosis Meiosis 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 Final Jeopardy Question

  3. Cell Size 500 Points Name the two main reasons why cells divide rather than continue grow. AND THE ANSWER IS: The DNA becomes overloaded; the cell cannot exchange materials across the cell membrane efficiently Back

  4. Cell Size 400 Points What is DNA overload? AND THE ANSWER IS: When the DNA is no longer able to control all of the processes of the cell. Back

  5. Cell Size 300 Points As the size of the cell increases the the _________increases faster than the __________. AND THE ANSWER IS: Volume; surface area Back

  6. Cell Size 200 Points The rate at which the exchange happens depends on the ________ of the cell. AND THE ANSWER IS: Surface area Back

  7. Cell Size 100 Points What happens when living things grow? AND THE ANSWER IS: Their cells replicate to create more cells Back

  8. What Kind of Division 500 Points Q: The daughter cells contain homologous chromosomes. A: Mitosis, Meiosis, Both, Neither Mitosis AND THE ANSWER IS: Back

  9. What Kind of Division 400 Points Q: Crossing-over, the exchange of genetic material, occurs. A: Mitosis, Meiosis, Both, Neither AND THE ANSWER IS: Meiosis Back

  10. What Kind od Division 300 Points Q: Tetrads form during metaphase. A: Mitosis, Meiosis, Both, Neither AND THE ANSWER IS: Neither Back

  11. What Kind of Division 200 Points Q: Sister chromatids are separated and pulled to opposite poles of the cell. A: Mitosis, Meiosis, Both, Neither AND THE ANSWER IS: Both Back

  12. What Kind of Division 100 Points Q: Nuclear division happens twice. A: Mitosis, Meiosis, Both, Neither AND THE ANSWER IS: Meiosis Back

  13. Cell Cycle 500 pts What happens during each of the three phases of interphase? AND THE ANSWER IS: G1 – Cell Growth; S – Chromosome Replication; G2 – More Growth, Prepare to Divide Back

  14. Cell Cycle 400 pts What do cyclins regulate? AND THE ANSWER IS: The timing of the cell cycle Back

  15. Cell Cycle 300 pts How does cytokinesis occur in most animal cells? AND THE ANSWER IS: The cell membrane pinches in Back

  16. Cell Cycle 200 pts Which phase of mitosis takes the longest? AND THE ANSWER IS: Prophase Back

  17. Cell Cycle 100 pts What are the phases of the cell cycle, in order? AND THE ANSWER IS: G1, S, G2, M-Phase Back

  18. Mitosis 500 Points What is M phase of the cell cycle? Name the stages of the M phase, in order. Mitosis Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase AND THE ANSWER IS: Back

  19. Mitosis 400 Points During which phase does the nuclear envelope re-form around each cluster of chromosomes? Telophase AND THE ANSWER IS: Back

  20. Mitosis 300 Points What occurs in prophase? DNA condenses, centrioles separate, spindle fibers form AND THE ANSWER IS: Back

  21. Mitosis 200 Points What structure pulls the sister chromatids apart in anaphase? (Hint: In pictures they look like thin strings) Spindle fibers / microtubule fibers AND THE ANSWER IS: Back

  22. Mitosis 100 Points Where can chromososmes be found if a cell is in metaphase? In the middle of the cell / at the metaphase plate AND THE ANSWER IS: Back

  23. Meiosis 500 pts At the end of meiosis 4 identical /different cells are produced? AND THE ANSWER IS: different Back

  24. Meiosis 400 pts At the end of meiosis in females 1 egg cell is produced, and 3 ________ _______ are made. AND THE ANSWER IS: Polar bodies Back

  25. Meiosis 300 pts What type of chromosomes separate in metaphase 1? AND THE ANSWER IS: Homologous chromosomes Back

  26. Meiosis 200 pts After which phase of meiosis has the chromosome number been cut in half? AND THE ANSWER IS: At the completion of telophase I Back

  27. Meiosis 100 pts What is the purpose of meiosis? AND THE ANSWER IS: To cut the number of chromosomes in half / to make gametes Back

  28. Final Jeopardy Summarize the process of cell division? AND THE ANSWER IS: Time is up! In prophase chromosomes condense, centrioles appear and spindle fibers form. In metaphase chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. In anaphase homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles. In telophase the nuclear envelope reforms around the two sets of DNA, and cytokinesis begins. You have 20 sec! Back

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