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Adega do Cantor Sociedade de Vitivinicultura, Lda Quinta Do Miradouro - Álamos Apartado 5008 8200-443 GUIA ABF Algarve - Portugal t: +351 289 572 666 f: +351 289 572 667 general@winesvidanova.com
Adega do Cantor Sociedade de Vitivinicultura, LdaQuinta Do Miradouro - ÁlamosApartado 50088200-443 GUIA ABFAlgarve - Portugalt: +351 289 572 666f: +351 289 572 667 general@winesvidanova.com www.winesvidanova.comwww.winesvidanova.com/shopSAT NAV CO-ORDINATES - +37° 7' 25.72" (37.123811) -8° 16' 43.89" (8.278858) FISCAL NUMBER / VAT – 506164381
The Adega do Cantor is situated at Guia, a few kilometres northwest of Albufeira in the middle of the Algarve. It was built to produce wine, principally the Vida and Onda Nova ranges, from three surrounding Quintas: Quinta do Moinho, Quinta do Miradouro and Vale do Sobreiro. Our aim is to produce the highest quality wine that the region can offer using a combination of traditional and innovative modern winemaking techniques.
We produce 2 ranges A traditional blended range called Vida Nova and a single varietal range called Onda Nova. We also produce one-off specials such as Vida Nova Sparkling Rosé 2008 Ourcurrent Vida Nova range Vida Nova Branco 2009 Vida Nova Rosé 2009 Vida Nova Tinto 2008 Vida Nova Reserva 2007 Vida Nova Reserva 2008 Ourcurrent Onda Nova Range Onda Nova Syrah 2007 Onda Nova Aragonez 2007 Onda Nova Syrah 2009 Onda Nova Alicante Bouchet 2009
OurLimitedEdition Vida Nova Sparkling Rosé wascreated to celebrate SirCliff´s 50 yearsinshowbiz
The production facility is a 200 tonne boutique winery built to a bespoke design in collaboration with Castle Rock Logistics, a company specialising in winery design and project management and based in Western Australia. It took 18 months to design on computer and 10 months to build. The winery is modular in design in order to be easily expandable to a final capacity of 300 tonnes.
Everythingisdoneon-site – frompickingthegrapes, pressing, processing, blending, storing, maturingandbottling.
Ourcurrentbarrelmaturedwinesinclude: • Vida Nova Reserva 2007 • Vida Nova Reserva 2008 • Onda Nova Syrah 2009 • Onda Nova Alicante Bouchet 2009
What we are proud of – Our Achievements/Awards • Adega do Cantor is the biggest private commercial producer of wine in the Algarve region. • Vida Nova Tinto was the first Algarvian wine to be exported from Portugal. • Adega to Cantor was the first winery from the Algarve region to win a medal at the International Wine • Challenge in London – For Vida Nova Tinto 2004. • Adega to Cantor was the first winery from the Algarve region to win a silver medal at the International Wine • and spirits Competition in London – For Vida Nova Tinto Reserva 2004. • Vida Nova Rosé is the only wine from the Algarvian region to be on sale in a UK multiple grocer – Waitrose. • Vida Nova Rosé 2008 – Bronze Medal –IWC • Vida Nova Branco 2008 – Commended – IWC • Onda Nova Verdelho 2008 – Bronze Medal IWC • Onda Nova Syrah Rosé – Commended - IWC • Vida Nova Branco 2009 – Gold Medal – Competition “Melhor Vinho do Algarve” in Fatacil, August 2010 • Vida Nova Reserva 2008 – Gold Medal – Competition “Melhor Vinho do Algarve, Fatacil, August 2010 • Vida Nova Rosé 2009 – Overall Winner – Competition “ Melhor Vinho do Algarve, Fatacil, August 2010 • Vida nova Rosé 2009 – Gold Medal – MUNDUSvini – Der Grosse Internationale Weinpreis, Neustadt an der • Weinstrasse im September 2010
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For further information, please contact: Sylvia Schleuter Marketing & Distribution Adega do Cantor Sociedade de Vitivinicultura Lda. Quinta do Miradouro, Apartado 5008, Álamos, 8200-443 GUIA ABF Algarve, Portugal. www.winesvidanova.comsylvia@winesvidanova.com Telem:+ 351 968 644 797 Telf: + 351 289 572 668