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EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH FOCUS ON NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING. NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING. Neuro refers to your neurological system, the way you use your senses of sight, hearing, taste touch and smell

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  2. NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING • Neuro refers to your neurological system, the way you use your senses of • sight, • hearing, • taste • touch and • smell • to translate your experience into thought processes both conscious and unconscious.

  3. Refers the way you use language to make the sense of your experience and how communicate that experience to yourself and others. Your language patterns are an expression of who you are and how you think. LINGUISTIC

  4. PROGRAMMING Is the coding of experience. It is a series of steps designed to achieve the specific result. The results you achieve and the effects you create in yourself and others are the consequences of your personal programs. There is a sequence of behaviour and thinking patterns that results in your experience.

  5. NLP offers you the opportunity to manage inner representations and signals. By doing this, you can: change your experience of situations & people. Influence the reactions you get, hold memories in a way that supports the person you want to be, create the future you want build the relationships you would like.

  6. YOUR LANGUAGE IS YOUR LIFE. It is an embroidery of patterns of words. It is a powerful tool. It is the currency of business transactions. Personal success relies largely on your ability communicate. What you say matters little compared with how you say it? Use the language that engages the heart and minds of their listeners.

  7. By learning to develop mastery of your language you can: improve the quality of information you exchange with others; increase the level of understanding you create with your communication: influence the outcomes of situations; empower yourself & others by challenging the constraints;

  8. Bypass conscious resistance by engaging the unconscious mind; communicate in a way that is captivating and compelling; enrich your language & consequently enrich your life.

  9. “ Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing .” Albert Schweitzer

  10. MIND AND BODY ARE PART OF THE SAME SYSTEM. Knowledge , thought, memory and imagination are the results of sequences and combinations of ways of filtering and storing information.

  11. VISUAL: You think in pictures. You represent ideas, memory & imagination as mental changes. AUDITORY: You think in sounds. These sounds could be voices and noises. FEELINGS: You represent thoughts as feelings which might be internal emotion or thought of a physical touch. Colour and clarity of an image, The tone and volume of a sound, The strength & location of a feeling DIFFERENT WAYS OF THINKING

  12. Set of beliefs • Each person is unique. • Everyone makes the best choice available to them at time. • There is no failure, feedback. • Behind every behaviour is a positive intention. • The meaning of communication is its effect. • There is solution to every problem. • The person with most flexibility in thinking & behaviour has the best chance of succeeding.

  13. Brightness- Bright or dim? Dull or sparkly? • Clarity- Dim & hazy or sharp & in focus? • Size-Larger or smaller or life size? • Colour-Full colour, partial, shades,B & W? • Location-In front of you, to one side, behind? • Distance-Close to or distant? • Motion-Still snap ashots or movies? • Speed-Fast or slow? • Sequence-In order, random, simultaneous?

  14. Auditory distinctions • Volume - How loud, quiet? • Speed - Fast or slow • Location -Where is the source of sound? In front of you, to one side , behind you? • Distance- Is the sound close or far away? • Voice & Sound -Whether you hear a voice or other sounds? What is the tone in the voice? • Pitch_ High- low-mid range • Continuous-Is the sound continuous or intermittent?

  15. Imaginary bits picker. This usually means I disagree

  16. I know it all situation

  17. I am bored.

  18. Steepled hands means I am feeling superior. Watch for this and tailor your conversation accordingly.

  19. I want to leave. Ready to move.

  20. What we must always be particular in body language is that the various signals and gestures can have a variety of meanings. We must never take a signal out of context. It could be that my hands are cold and I am rubbing them, but it also means that what I am saying is good for you.

  21. Evaluate signals.

  22. These signals probably mean I am lying. It could mean that my collar may be too tight, my ear might be itching.

  23. I may be putting my hands to see if it’s raining but basically, I am honest.

  24. John Grinder and Richard Bandler Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Negative is more powerful Expand the pigeon holes Communicate not only the map but territory

  25. VisualAuditoryKinestheticPosture head up errect Often swaying, rounded, head down head tilted to one side, “telephone position”Breathing high in chest mid range low in abdomenVoice and fast, voice melodic, lower and softertonality higher pitched rhythmicEyemovements up or defocus midline or down left

  26. Visual eye accessing cuesAuditory eyeaccessing cuesKinesthetic eyeaccessing cuesInternal dialogueeye accessing cuesEYE ACCESSING CUES

  27. Even in moments when you seem to be your worst enemy - you accept yourself that is the first step in personal development.

  28. THANK YOUM. J. MALIKS.B.A.836 B.O.AHMEDABAD D.O.09879094925lic.malik@gmail.com

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