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Unleashing Creativity: Overcoming Barriers to Innovation

Explore the concept of creativity, debunk misconceptions, identify creative barriers, and learn how to become more creative. Discover the psychology behind creativity and how to foster a creative environment. Dive into self-assessment exercises to enhance your innovative potential.

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Unleashing Creativity: Overcoming Barriers to Innovation

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  1. Creativity "It'snotbecausethings are difficultthatwedarenotventure. It'sbecausewedarenotventurethatthey are difficult. ” Lucio Anneo Séneca. Córdoba. FirstCentury

  2. Summary 0. Description of theObjectives and teachingmethod1. WhatisCreativity?2. Psychology and Creativity3. Misconceptionsaboutthecreativity4. Creativebarriers5. Howtobe a creativeperson? 6. How are thecreativepeople?7. References

  3. Description of the Objectives and Content • Objective 1.- To define the concept of creativity and its characteristics. • Objective 2- To explain the importance of developing the creativity and to promote the creative environments in order to increase chances of success. • Contents: Concept of creativity, creative barriers, creative people and how to be more creative.

  4. Teaching Method Description • The participant of this training activity must read the slides carefully and follow the proposed exercises in order to get an overview of the importance of the proposed content and its involvement with the success of the entrepreneur person. • At the end of this pill, a series of self-assessment exercises could be found, intended to be a manner of verification of the proposed contents.

  5. 1.- Creativity 1.1.- WhatisCreativity? • Itreferstothefacultythatsomeone has tocreate and thecreativeability of an individual. • Thecreativityconsistonfindingtheproceduresorelements in ordertodevelopworks in a differentway, withtheintention of satisfying a specificpurpose. • Thecreativityallowstofulfil personal orgroupdesires in a faster, simpler, more efficient and inexpensiveway.

  6. 1.- Creativity 1.2.- Psychology and Creativity LEFT HEMISPHERE rationalside Analytical, divided in twoparts. Itworks in a linear and sequentialmanner. Fromoneitemtothenext: stepbystep. RIGHT HEMISPHERE creativeside It combines thepartscomposing a coherentwhole. Usually, itsearches and buildsrelationsbetweendividedparts. CC0 Public Domain Humans use theirtwohemispheres, howeverone of themisprevalent. Whichone of them shows how are we?

  7. 1.- Creativity 1.3.- Misconceptionsaboutthecreativity 1.- Itis false toarguethattobecreativeisanspecialgiftthatyouhaveornot and thatifyouhaven’tit, youshouldhavefewor no optionstodevelopit and thebestoptionisaskingforhelptosomeone more creative. 2.- Notonlypeoplewith a high cultural level can becreative. 3.- Thebeliefthatcreativepeople are disorganizedpeople. Vigotsky (1981) saidthateveryhuman has creativity and thereisthepossibilitytodevelopit. Thatmeansthatitisnotonly a matter of geniouspeople, howeveritexists in everyhumanthat can imagine, transform and createsomethingevenifthisisinsignificant in relationwithgreatcreativepersonalities in thehistory.

  8. 1.- Creativity 1.4.- Creativebarriers When are we more creative? Surveyshaveshownthatchildrenbetween 0-4 years are verycreative, ingenious and imaginative Whydoesthisinnatetendencydissapear? Maybe our imaginative tendency is marginalised by the education of our parents, educators and bosses and the racionality and order are imposed. It is shown: more years of schooling, less creativity… The very young children haven’t rules or aren’t afraid to be ridiculous or stupid. They are able to colour a tomato in blue or an elephant in pink because they haven’t the tyranny of the left brain.

  9. 1.- Creativity1.4.- Isithardtobecreative?There are a series of barriers and mental blocks: Barriers of perception: Eachpersonsees and interpretstheworld and thereality in a subjective and determinedmanner. Itdependsonseveralfactors as theeducation, thepersonality, theexperiencesortheinfluence of otherpeople. Emotionalbarriers: Who has neverbeenafraidto be ridiculous? Thediffidenceisanimportantbarrier, butalsothere are thefear and suspition of theunknown. Social-cultural barriers:Theimpositions of standars, social patterns and the social and cultural references are alsobarriersthatweacquiresincewe are childrenduetothefactthatthey are a part of oursocializationprocess.

  10. 1.- Creativity1.4.- Isithardtobecreative?There are a series of barriers and mental blocks:(II): Cognitivebarriers: Toadoptveryrational, conservative and logicalapproachesmovesusawayfromtheworld of dreams and imagination, and impoverishourway of thinkingbecausethisbecomesboring and routine. Conativebarriers: Thelack of will and attitude can bealsoimportantbarriers. Itrefersto a lack of curisioty and interestforeverythingaroundus. This causes a lack of motivation and indifference. Maybe it isn’t easy to be a creative person so, what can we do? THERE ARE SOLUTIONS

  11. 1.- Creativity1.5.- Howtobe a creativeperson?a).- Creating and living in creativeenvironments (I): • Stablish and assumechallenges: Calculatingtheeffortrequired. • Freedom. Stablishing a limitto define and developworks. • Dynamism. Avoidingthe usual routine. • Confidence and willingness. Increasingourself-confidence. • Time to imagine. Time for new ideas.

  12. 1.- Creativity1.5.- Howtobe a creativeperson?a).- Creating and living in creativeenvironments (II): • Joyand humour. Wemust be spontaneous. • Theconflictscan helpustoimprove and create new solutions. • Supportto ideas. Howthey are received and managed. • Debates. Freedomtoquestion. • Mistakes are allowed and theambiguityisnotbad.

  13. 1.- Creativity1.5.- Howtobe a creativeperson?a).- Creating and living in creativeenvironments (III) • watchthis short video abouttheCreativegooglespace: • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqG0O6debQM • Alsoyou can watchthisother video: Working at Google (Tour of Google): • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQO3xK9g_CE

  14. 1.- Creativity1.5.- Howtobe a creativeperson?b).- Creativeattitude: Following new patterns Findingunproposedapplicationsforan idea Discovering new ideas startingfrom a knownapplication Detectinganalogiesbetweendifferent ideas. Usinginterdisciplinaryknowledge. Listening Hesitatingontheinfallibity of oursolutions Integrating and acceptingthepoints of views of others in relationtoanownsolution Gettingtotheroot of theproblem

  15. 1.- Creativity1.5.- Howtobe a creativeperson?c).- When and wheretocreate? In whichwaysisthecreationproduced? • Usually, a creationdoesn’tblow up fromnothing, howeverit emerges fromanalogiesorfrom a fortuitousevent. • Example: the idea of theVelcro emerged duringtheexcursion of a Swissalpinistwithhisdog. He observedhowweedswereadheredtoclothes and hisdog and he thoughtthatitcouldbepossibletoadheretissues and buttonswithoutusingzips. CC0 Public Domain

  16. 1.- Creativity1.5.- Howtobe a creativeperson?c).- When and wheretocreate? In whichwaysisthecreationproduced? • There are twodifferentprocesses: • Production of ideas (divergentintelligence), in a conscious and intense way, the ideas are created (themajorpart are foolish and inapplicable). At thispoint, thequantityisquality (good ideas are comparable withgold and are linkedtodross). • Phase of incubation(convergentintelligence), At thisstage, itisthebrainwhoworks. We are farfromthe idea and itiswhenthis emerges, forexamplewhenwe are waking up, waitingthe bus orwalking…

  17. 1.- Creativity1.6.- How are thecreativepeople? Intelligent Flexible and withadaptivecapacity. Curious Willing and courageoustotakerisks. Confident and withself-esteem • Theyenjoywhatthey do and havepassiononit. • Persevering • Theyaccepttheirfailure as part of theprocess • Proactive • Theyknowthattheworldiscomplicated

  18. References Alonso, C. (2000). Qué es la Creatividad. Biblioteca Nueva. Madrid. Harrison, S. (2010). Creatividad.Pearson. Madrid. Nooe, Donald J.(2001). Solucione susproblemas creativamente. Gestión 2000. Madrid. Rabadán, R y Corbalán, J (2011) Creatividad: Teoría y Práctica Elemental para Profesionales de la Docencia, la Empresa y la Investigación. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba. Córdoba.

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