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Stacking cranes are used for container handling. They are required in container storage areas and wherever rail/road transhipment are carried out. They are divided into RTG (Rubber Tyre Gantry) and RMG (Rail Mounted Gantry). RTG Usually RTG with their diesel-electric
Stacking cranes are used for container handling. They are required in container storage areas and wherever rail/road transhipment are carried out. They are divided into RTG (Rubber Tyre Gantry) and RMG (Rail Mounted Gantry) RTG Usually RTG with their diesel-electric drives, there are four legs supported on the rubber tyres. The trolley with the main hoist on the top.
2.2. RTG / RMG - Cranes • World Market in 2001 // RTG / RMG - Cranes 500 units • all STS-OEMs with several additional RTG/RMG-OEMs • RTG, RMG, ACS, Bridge Cranes, Straddle-Carriers are options - often they replace each others • SEW order intake, approx. 50 RTG/RMG
2.2. RTG / RMG - Cranes • RTG-Crane • Price 1…3 MUSD / crane • Crane Drives • 1 main hoist drive • trolley drives ( 1…2 drives ) • gantry drives ( 2…8 drives ) • Price 30…80 TUSD / crane
2.2. RTG / RMG - Cranes • Lifting capacity 40 tons • Lifting height • 1 over 3 … 1 over 6 • ( 12 … 21 m) • Span 5 … 7 plus 1 • ( 19 … 25 m ) • Hoisting speed with load • 23 m/min • Hoisting speed without load • 46 m/min • Trolley travel speed 63 m/min • Gantry travel speed 135 m/min
2.2. RTG / RMG - Cranes • RTG-Crane • Lifting height 1 over 5 • Span 7 plus 1 • RTG-Crane wheels are often chain-sprocket-driven. Sprocket is fixed on gantry gearbox LSS. Overhung load on LSS can be very high. Check always !!
2.2. RTG / RMG - Cranes • RTG-Crane • “8 wheeler RTG” • RTG has 8 wheels .
Capacity : under spreader 40 t Stacking height : 5 +1 TEU width : 6 +1 TEU Track gauge : 23,4 m No. of Wheels : 8 Max. hoisting height : 18 m Speeds Hoist full : 20 m/min Hoist empty : 40 m/min Trolley Travel : 70 m/min Gantry Travel full : 30 m/min Gantry Travel empty : 130 m/min
2.2. RTG / RMG - Cranes • RTG-Crane • “16 wheeler RTG” • RTG has 16 wheels.
2.2. RTG • RTG - Crane • Main Hoist & Trolley Drives
2.2. RTG - Trolley • Typical trolley-drive where a gear unit is directly connected to the trolley wheels.
Zhangzhou Port RTG, Noell - Main hoist Gear unit = M3PHT80, Motor = 185 kW
Zhangzhou Port RTG, Noell - Trolley traveling KH97 SEW Geared Motor with torque arm and shrink disc
Special Expansion tank Electric motor Gear unit Transmission Chain
RTG gantry gear Heavy Motor should have a common baseplate with the gear, avoid to use motor adapter. Motor adapter should be steel welded instead cast iron due to shock or jerk during operation Shaft end pump should be replaced by expansion tank
Zhangzhou Port RTG, Noell - Gantry traveling Motor Special Differential gear Twin rubber tyres
2.2. RTG / RMG - Cranes Rail-Mounted Gantry RMG cranes have proven particularly effective for rail/road transhipments of large quantities of containers and swap bodies. These cranes are very similar to RTG, but the gantry legs are moving along the fixed rail only Example: RMG cranes with capacity of 50 t and a slewing trolley for rail/road container tran-shipment in USA.
2.2. RTG / RMG - Cranes Capacity under spreader : 40 t Stacking height : 2 +1 TEU width : 36,8 m Track gauge : 19,3 m No. of Wheels : 16 m Max. hoisting height : 10 m Speeds Hoist full : 30 m/min Hoist empty : 60 m/min Trolley Travel : 100 m/min Gantry Travel full : 120 m/min
2.2. RTG / RMG - Cranes • RMG-Crane • RMG- Rail mounted Gantry Cranes are also commonly used on railyards for loading and unloading of containers. Fantuzzi Reggiane RMG
2.2. RTG / RMG - Cranes • RMG-Crane • Comparison with RTG • RTG need extra care for Fuelling and maintenance of the Diesel generator set. RTG consumes more energy than RMG • RTG is less expensive about 25% than RMG because of travelling mechanism, electrical power supply, additional rail and foundation. • RTG can be more flexible to move into other area without rail. • RMG has a much wider span and high stacking height than RTG, which has a better position for loading and unloading with trains or railway transportation. Hilgers RMG
2.2. Overhead Bridge Cranes • Overhead Bridge Crane • Port of Singapore
2.2. Straddle Carriers • World Market in 2001 • 350 Straddle Carriers • Kalmar has 50 % market share • and Noell has 35 % market share. • TMC (Japan), Belotti Ferrari (Italy), CMR Teco (Italy) and Gottwald share the rest of the market. Kalmar Straddle Carrier
2.2. Straddle Carriers • Straddle carriers are handling systems for the transport and stacking of containers. They are suitable for universal use and attain unequalled speeds. With stacking heights of up to 3 + 1 and carrying capacities of up to 50 t, they are used at container handling yards of all sizes. They are also employed for the loading and unloading of goods wagons and lorries. Noell Straddle Carrier
2.2. RTG / RMG - Main Hoist • Main Hoist drive with throughgoing solid shaft • Rope drums on gearbox LSS, high radial forces • ECT, Rotterdam • Main Hoist drive with hollow shaft • Rope drum supported on both ends, no radial forces on gearbox LSS • Jurong Port, Singapore