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Discussion: offshoring

Discussion: offshoring. Today’s discussion will be organized into 3 sessions Session 1: Learning Group Session 2: Expert Group Your 1st job is to act as an expert and share the knowledge gained from your learning group.

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Discussion: offshoring

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Discussion: offshoring • Today’s discussion will be organized into 3 sessions • Session 1: Learning Group • Session 2: Expert Group • Your 1st job is to act as an expert and share the knowledge gained from your learning group. • Your 2nd job is to try and come to a consensus on the following topic a few new questions. • Session 3: Open Discussion/Debate • Your expert group will report to the class your consensus, if you found one or the main components of your discussion.

  2. Groups: • Group 1: Reggie, Adam, Stephen, Ben, Antonio • Group 2: Nicholas, Gus, Joshua, Michael, Zachary • Group 3: Callan, Jian, Lucas, Mathew V., Andrew • Group 4: Alexander, Matt J., John, Chris, Allen

  3. Learning Groups • Group 1: “The Muddles Over Outsourcing” by Bhagwati, Panagariya and Srinivasan • Group 2: The Economist Debate on Offshoring • Group 3: “Offshoring: Big Deal, or Business as Usual” by Blinder • Group 4: The Economist of articles

  4. Learning Groups: • Work as a group to work through the reading question for your article. Keep notes! • Further: • Why does offshoring occur? Think about the basis for trade! • Was the author(s) optimistic about offshoring, from a U.S. perspective? • What type of jobs should we (Americans) worry about being lost/gained? • What are the policy implications that can be made based on the author’s conclusions? • How did your perception change (if at all) about offshoring after reading this article?

  5. Expert Group • 1st act as an expert and share the knowledge gained from your learning group. • 2nd your group will be assigned to one side of the following claim: • Offshoring is a “big deal” for the US economy, not “business as usual.” Thus US corporations have a duty to maintain a strong presence in the US. • Use the evidence you have gathered to outline arguments supporting your position.

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