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2007 DNP Business Meeting AGENDA. Outgoing Chair's Report and Remarks (G. Huber) 5 min. DNP Thesis Prize 2006 award 2007 entry and judging timeline, nominations for thesis prize judges. Introduction of New Executive Report from NSERC GSC-19 Chair (John Martin) 15 min.
2007 DNP Business MeetingAGENDA • Outgoing Chair's Report and Remarks (G. Huber) 5 min. • DNP Thesis Prize • 2006 award • 2007 entry and judging timeline, nominations for thesis prize judges. • Introduction of New Executive • Report from NSERC GSC-19 Chair (John Martin) 15 min. • Report from TRIUMF Directorate (J.M. Poutissou) 15 min. • Treasurer's Report on Finances and Membership (G. Hackman) 5 min. • Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics discussion (M. Butler, 15 min) • Likely future roles of DNP, CINP to the community. • Invitation to CINP prospective members meeting at 5pm. • Other Business
2005-06 DNP Thesis Prize • Dan received a cash award from the DNP and an invitation to present his work at the WNPPC in Banff (expenses generously paid by TRIUMF). • See Dan’s article in the Jan-Feb/07 issue of Physics in Canada for more information on his research.
2007 Competition • Open to any student receiving their Ph.D. degree in experimental or theoretical Nuclear Physics from a Canadian university in 2006 or 2007. • Both the supervisor and the student must be DNP members (you may apply at the time of application). • Please submit: • Thesis copy (preferably PDF). • C.V. including list of publications, conference contributions, and other awards. • Letter from Department Head or Dean certifying that the thesis has been formally accepted by the University. • Letter of nomination from thesis supervisor describing in detail the contributions of the student to the research work. • Send applications by Sept. 30 to: Garth Huber, Chief Judge Department of Physics University of Regina Regina, SK S4S 0A2
2007-09 DNP Executive • CHAIR: Malcolm Butler (St. Mary’s) • VICE-CHAIR: Kumar Sharma (Manitoba) • SECRETARY-TREASURER: Greg Hackman (TRIUMF) • PAST-CHAIR: Garth Huber (Regina) Thanks to Mike Hasinoff (UBC) for serving on the DNP Executive from 2001-07.
GSC-19 Chair’s Reports for this and previous years can be found on the DNP website at: www.phys.uregina.ca/dnp
Treasurer’s report: Finances • Deficit ($1063), as predicted • ($750): DNP Prize • ($630): Plenary Speaker at 2006 Congress • ($20): Liaison Committee • ($750): Share of Subatomic Physics Long Range Plan “Glossy Brochure” (w/ PPD) • $1087: Membership Revenue – no more student fees • Balance on 2007-01-01: $9721 • Sustainable
Treasurer’s report: Membership As of May 1, 2007: • 132 members total – all but 31 with Ph.D.s In 2006: • 108 full memberships paid Reminder: Student membership now free
CINP-ICPN MISSION (from by-laws) The mission of the Corporation is to provide a formal organization to fairly represent and effectively advocate the interests and goals of the Canadian Nuclear Physics research community to relevant agencies and parties.
CINP-ICPN SCOPE (from by-laws) In support of this mission, the Corporation's activities may include but are not limited to: • soliciting, assembling, and organizing the physics research plans of the Canadian Nuclear Physics research community into a broad-based road-map for presentation to bodies such as the NSERC Grant Selection Committee and long range planning committees. • representing the broad-based interests of the Canadian Nuclear Physics community to relevant institutes, in Canada and abroad. • providing a forum for the advancement of the interests of students and alumni of higher education programs in Nuclear Physics in Canada. • organizing workshops or other initiatives of interest to the Canadian Nuclear Physics community. • facilitating Canadian participation in new Nuclear Physics initiatives in Canada and abroad.
CINP-ICPN Inaugural Meeting of Board of Trustees this morning • Peter Blunden (Manitoba), to 2008 (Secretary) • Paul Garrett (Guelph), to 2009 (Treasurer) • Garth Huber (Regina), to 2010 (President/Science) • Randy Lewis (Regina), to 2009 (Science) • Adam Sarty (Saint Mary’s), to 2008 (Membership) • Kumar Sharma (Manitoba), to 2010 (Website)
CINP-ICPN Today 17:00 - 18:00 Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics (CINP) General Meeting / Assemblée générale de l'Institut canadien de la physique nucléaire (ICPN) (MO-CNIP-Gen) (DNP / DPN) Thor. 124 (80)
ICNP 2010 • INPC 2007 meeting in Tokyo was a great success. • 850 participants and over 1000 presentations. • Jens Dilling presented to the IUPAP C12 commission a proposal to host the next INPC conference in 2010 in Vancouver. • Another bid came from Italy for the INFN to host it in Florence. • The committee decided to host it in Vancouver and was impressed by the proposal.