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.NET Dojo

.NET Dojo. ASP.NET MVC. Ben Scheirman http://flux88.com Principal Consultant Sogeti. ASP.NET MVC. Alternative to WebForms Automatic vs. Manual Transmission You’ll like it IF….. WebForms isn’t going away. Schedule. ASP.NET MVC Basics Hello World Lab Blog Demo MvcContrib

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.NET Dojo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. .NET Dojo ASP.NET MVC Ben Scheirman http://flux88.com Principal Consultant Sogeti

  2. ASP.NET MVC • Alternative to WebForms • Automatic vs. Manual Transmission • You’ll like it IF….. • WebForms isn’t going away

  3. Schedule • ASP.NET MVC Basics • Hello World Lab • Blog Demo • MvcContrib • Inversion of Control • Unit Testing Lab • Ajax • Wrapping up the Blog • Q & A

  4. ASP.NET MVC Basics Model Controller View

  5. ASP.NET MVC Basics

  6. What is a route? {controller}/{action}/{id} {year} / {month} / {day} => Controller: Posts => Action: List => Constraints year:\d{4} month:\d{2} day:\d{2} ? products / edit / 5 customers / list users / new 2008/08/28 2008/08 2008

  7. What about Controller? ? Route values: Controller: “customers” Action: “list” public class CustomersController : Controller { public ActionResult List() { ... } }

  8. Rendering the view? public ActionResult List() { string message = “a message for the view”; return View(“list”, message); } ? //List.aspx <div> The message is <%= ViewData.Model %> </div>

  9. Hello World LAB Open: Labs\1-Hello World\NET Dojo - Lab 1 - Hello World.docx

  10. Blog Demo

  11. Hello World LAB Open: Labs\1-Hello World\NET Dojo - Lab 1 - Hello World.docx

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