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Learn the key components of a joyful children's worship service and how to engage young hearts in praising the Lord. This guide offers practical tips, from order of service to song selection, to foster child-like faith and participation in worship. Prepare your heart to lead with purity and involve children in various roles to enhance their worship experience. Embrace the essence of seeking the presence of the Lord in every aspect of your children's worship service.
Components of a Children’s Worship Service Prepared by Teachable Heart Ministries
From the lips of children… When the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and the children shouting in the temple area, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David,’ they were indignant. ‘Do you hear what these children are saying?’ they asked him. ‘Yes,’ replied Jesus, ‘have you never read, “From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise”?’ ” (Matthew 21:15,16)
Child-like Faith • Their praise came from their simplicity of heart Unadulterated faith in a loving, caring, wonder-working Savior. • The children had a unique ability to see Jesus for who He was (and still is today)— the Son of God—and the natural response from their hearts and lips was praise. • “Of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Tips on Children’s Worship • There are many components of worship in a children’s church service. • songs of praise, speaking praise, giving tithes and offerings, teaching of the Word and serving others in ministry • Here are a few items to consider as you strive for a meaningful children’s worship service.
Order of Service • If you want to have a powerful worship experience, purposefully plan your service. • Sample order: hang-time, praise and worship songs, offering, and the message, wrap up, prayer song and altar call, small groups
Song Selection • Will the children understand the meaning of this song? • Does this song contain too many words, is it hard to learn? Do I have a good mix of songs—fun, fast praise songs, songs for transition, and slow songs of worship? As you lead, observe the children. • Are they entering into worship, you may need to make adjustments to bring it to their level. • Teach about why we worship- Psalm 8:2; 29:1-4; 33:1-5; 100:1-5; 150:1-6; James 5:13.
Prepare Your Heart to Lead… Prepare Your Heart- ask yourself… • Do I have any unconfessed sin in my heart? Anger? Bitterness? Pride? I need to be a vessel of honor for God and anointed as I lead. • Encourage their involvement, and then show them by your example.
Involve the Children Children will be more responsive in the worship service when they have ownership in it. • A child can be a praise team member (a singer and/or instrumentalist), song slide or overhead attendant, sound technician, prayer team member, or song motions leader.
The Jesus Factor • The one element in your worship service you do not want to neglect is seeking the presence of the Lord. • We’ve all done it. We get busy doing what we do and forget why we do it! Do that too often and service becomes an idol! As in the passage of Scripture in Matthew, when the children sense the presence of Jesus, they will worship Him.