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ISSUE #1: ► AERMOD results are generally greater when based on recent met data and “new” AERSURFACE (08009) vs. “old” (met data / “old” AERSURFACE). Impact ►Many facilities will suddenly face costly changes to remain in compliance as demonstrated via AERMOD. Example: “Facility X”.
ISSUE #1:►AERMOD results are generally greater when based on recent met data and “new” AERSURFACE (08009) vs. “old” (met data / “old” AERSURFACE).Impact►Many facilities will suddenly face costly changes to remain in compliance as demonstrated via AERMOD.
Example: “Facility X” • Previously modeled using CHS 1987-91 met data, which used “Old” AERSURFACE. • Recently modeled (same emission rates) using CHS 2002-06 met data, which used “New” AERSURFACE (08009). • Results of latter are >10 times larger for some volume & point sources; >2 times larger overall.
#2 – How to Determine Representativeness of Met. Site vs. Facility Site ?
Possible Methods (cont’d) A)Model using 2 met. stations, using the higher results. B)Model using met. data from 1 met station and 1) sfc characteristics from the met. station, and 2) sfc characteristics from the facility site; use the higher results ►Drawbacks for A) & B): - “double modeling” time/cost - EPA recommends using sfc roughness from the met site (Bowen Ratio & Albedo can be from facility site).
Possibililties (cont’d) C) Compare Surface Characteristics, land use, terrain, climatology, etc. between met. and facility site. ► How is representativeness defined ? ► Is there a recommended numerical or statistical approach ??