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INDEKS PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN. BAHAN KAJIAN. MK.STELA.SMNO.FPUB.MEI2013. PRODUKTIVITAS. PRODUKSI adalah aktivitas menghasilkan output, barang atau jasa , yang mempunyai nilai dan memberikan utilitas bagi individu .

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  2. PRODUKTIVITAS PRODUKSI adalahaktivitasmenghasilkan output, barangataujasa, yang mempunyainilaidanmemberikanutilitasbagiindividu. The act may or may not include factors of production other than labor. Any effort directed toward the realization of a desired product or service is a "productive" effort and the performance of such act is production. Hubunganantarajumlah input ygdigunakandalamproduksidneganjumlah output ygdihasilkandisebut FUNGSI-PRODUKSI. Sumber:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Production_%28economics%29

  3. PRODUKTIVITAS TEORI PRODUKSI merupakankajianttgproduksi, atauprosesekonomiygmengkonversi input menjadi output. Production uses resources to create a good or service that is suitable for use, gift-giving in a gift economy, or exchange in a market economy. This can include manufacturing, storing, shipping, and packaging. Some economists define production broadly as all economic activity other than consumption. They see every commercial activity other than the final purchase as some form of production. Production is a process, and as such it occurs through time and space. Because it is a flow concept, production is measured as a “rate of output per period of time”. Adatigaaspekpentingdalamprosesproduksi: Kuantitasbarangataujasaygdihasilkan, Bentukbarangataujasaygdihasilkan, Distribusitemporerdan spatial barangataujasaygdihasilkan. A production process can be defined as any activity that increases the similarity between the pattern of demand for goods and services, and the quantity, form, shape, size, length and distribution of these goods and services available to the market place. Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Production_theory_basics

  4. INDEKS PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN FaktorProduksi Input atausumberdayaygdigunakandalamprosesproduksidisebut “faktorproduksi”. Faktorproduksiinibiasanyadikelompokkanmenjadi lima kategori: Bahanmnetah Mesin/peralatanproduksi Tenagakerja Barangkapital Lahan. Dalamjangkapanjang “long run”, semuafaktorproduksiinidikendalikanolehmanajemen. Akantetapidalamjangkapendek “short run”, didefinisikansebagaiperiodedimanasalahsatufaktorproduksidianggaptetap (fixed). A fixed factor of production is one whose quantity cannot readily be changed. Examples include major pieces of equipment, suitable factory space, and key managerial personnel. A variable factor of production is one whose usage rate can be changed easily. Examples include electrical power consumption, transportation services, and most raw material inputs. In the short run, a firm’s “scale of operations” determines the maximum number of outputs that can be produced. In the long run, there are no scale limitations. Sumber:

  5. FUNGSI PRODUKSI FungsiProduksimenghubungkan output-fisikprosesproduksidnegan input-fisikataufaktorproduksi. Fungsiproduksimerupakansalahsatukonsepkuncidariteorineoklasik mainstream, ygdipakaiuntukmendefinisikan “marginal product” danmembedakan “allocative efficiency” ygmendefinisikanfokusekonomi. The primary purpose of the production function is to address allocative efficiency in the use of factor inputs in production and the resulting distribution of income to those factors, while abstracting away from the technological problems of achieving technical efficiency, as an engineer or professional manager might understand it. Sumber:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Production_function

  6. INDEKS PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN SpesifikasiFungsiProduksi Fungsiproduksidapatdinyatakandalambentukfungsionalsebagaisisikanan, dimana: Kuantitas output = F(Kuantitas input), (kapital, tenagakerja, lahanataubahanmentah). If Q is not a matrix (i.e. a scalar, a vector, or even a diagonal matrix), then this form does not encompass joint production, which is a production process that has multiple co-products. On the other hand, if f maps from Rn to Rk then it is a joint production function expressing the determination of k different types of output based on the joint usage of the specified quantities of the n inputs. One formulation, unlikely to be relevant in practice, is as a linear function: where and are parameters that are determined empirically. Sumber:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Production_function

  7. INDEKS PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN Fungsikuadratik yang khasditunjukkandalam diagram berikutinimengambilasumsi input tunggal (atau ratio input yang tetapsehinggadapatdianggapsebagai input tunggal). All points above the production function are unobtainable with current technology, all points below are technically feasible, and all points on the function show the maximum quantity of output obtainable at the specified level of usage of the input. From the origin, through points A, B, and C, the production function is rising beyond point X. Dari titik A ketitik C, perusahaanmengalamikeuntunganmarjinalpositifygsemakinmenurunatasvariabel input. Sumber:

  8. INDEKS PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN Stages of production To simplify the interpretation of a production function, it is common to divide its range into 3 stages. In Stage 1 (from the origin to point B) the variable input is being used with increasing output per unit, the latter reaching a maximum at point B (since the average physical product is at its maximum at that point). Because the output per unit of the variable input is improving throughout stage 1, a price-taking firm will always operate beyond this stage. Sumber:

  9. INDEKS PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN Foto.smno.saradan.okt2012

  10. Faktor-faktorProduksi ‘Economics is the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends (wants and needs) and scarce means (resources) which have alternative uses.’ Lionel Robbins 1930’s

  11. Faktor-faktorProduksi Proposed Minimum Data Set (MDS) of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Indicators for Screening the Condition, Quality, and Health of Soils The ‘scarce means’ in Robbins definition are the limited resources available for satisfying ends. Sumber: http://www.agnet.org/library.php?func=view&id=20110808172707&type_id=4

  12. Faktor-faktorProduksi Soil Physical Indicators Selected for Assessing the Quality of Taiwan Soils Resources are said to be scarce or limited relative to the extent of our wants and needs. Sumber: http://www.agnet.org/library.php?func=view&id=20110808172707&type_id=4

  13. SUMBERDAYA • Sumberdayaekonomidapatdikelompmokkanmenjadilahan, tenagakerja, kapitaldanenterprise. • Keempatfaktorproduksitersebutseringkalidisebut “sumberdayaproduksi’.

  14. SUMBERDAYA - LAHAN LahandidefinisikansebagaisemuasumberdayaciptaanTuhan yang terlibatdalamprosesproduksi. Sumber: http://www.agnet.org/library.php?func=view&id=20110808172707&type_id=4

  15. SUMBERDAYA - LAHAN Atribututamapenggunaanlahanyglestari: Menggunakanlahandenganorientasijangkapanjang; Meeting present needs without jeopardizing future potential; Enhancing per capita productivity; Maintaining/enhancing environmental quality; and Restoring productivity and the environmental regulatory capacity of degraded and impoverished ecosystems. Tanah untuktanaman, mineral dalamperutbumi, pohon-pohon, air untukikan, transport atauenergi, bahkanikanitusendiri. Sumber: http://archive.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu27se/uu27se03.htm

  16. Empatkategorisumberdayaekonomiataufaktorproduksi: • Land • Labor • Capital 4. Entrepreneurship

  17. INDEKS PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN PendekatanValuasiLahanPertanian The traditional income capitalization model provides a straightforward approach with which to view the economic fundamentals of farmland values. This model simplifies the farmland valuation problem and expresses current farmland values as a function of current income produced by farmland, the opportunity cost of capital or discount rate, and the constant rate at which income is expected to grow in the future, as shown below: Model iniberalasanbahwapeningkatannilailahan-pertaniankarenaekspektasipeningkatanpendapatan, penurunansuku-bunga, ataupeningkatanlajupertumbuhanpendapatandarilahan. Sumber: http://www.agecon.purdue.edu/commercialag/progevents/LandValuesWebinar/Farmland_Values_Choices_Web.pdf

  18. Nilahlahanpertanianditentukanoleh:: Soil quality in relation to soil properties, soil processes, and environmental quality • Produktivitas(supply of crops) • Biayaproduksi • Hargajualhasiltanaman(demand) • Interest rates • Inflation • Alternative investments KUALITAS TANAH Sumber: http://archive.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu27se/uu27se03.htm

  19. Produktivitastanah Sumber: http://www.agnet.org/library.php?func=view&id=20110808172707&type_id=4

  20. PenjualanKomparatifFaktor-faktoruntukmembandingkan: • Produktivitas + • Lokasion + or - • Other uses/income + or - • Family sales - • Sales contract + • Aksesjalan + or -

  21. Components of a Sustainable Soil Management System. Sumber: http://www.agnet.org/library.php?func=view&id=20110808172707&type_id=4

  22. Changes in Soil Organic Matter Content (MT/Ha) Calculated in Taiwan under Different Soil Management Systems with Long-Term Application of Composts or Fertilizers. Sumber: http://www.agnet.org/library.php?func=view&id=20110808172707&type_id=4

  23. KarakteristikLahanPertanian • Tidakmengalamidepresiasi or wear out • Suplainyatertentu (fixed) • Setiapbidanglahanbersifatunik • Nilainyatgtpada profit daripertanuan, penggunaanlainnya • Kepemilikanmenyediakankeamanan , pride (kebanggaan, kepuasan)

  24. PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN Lahantanamantermasuk : all land from which crops were harvested or hay was cut; all land in orchards, citrus groves, vineyards, and nursery greenhouse crops; land in rotational pasture, and grazing land that could have been used for crops without additional improvements; land used for cover crops, legumes, and soil improvement grasses, but not harvested and not pastured; land on which crops failed; land in cultivated summer fallow; idle cropland. Cropland is assessed according to the equalized assessed value (EAV) of its adjusted soil productivity index (PI) Sumber: http://tax.illinois.gov/publications/pubs/pub-122.pdf

  25. PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN TINGKAT PENGELOLAAN YANG OPTIMUM Hasiltanamanygdihasilkanolehsuatutanah pd kondisiiklimtertentutergantungpada input teknologiygdigunakandankapasitastanahdantanamanuntukmeresponnya. Manajemenmerupakanpemilihandanpenerapanteknologiproduksitanaman. Continuing increases in average crop yields result from improved management. Because the impact of management on crop yields is so great, the optimum level of management should be defined for measures of soil productivity to have any meaning. Tingkat optimum pengelolaantermasuk input-input ygdibutuhkanuntukmenghasilkankeuntungan-maksimumpadatingkatteknologitertentu. Sumber: http://soilproductivity.nres.illinois.edu/Bulletin811ALL.pdf

  26. Sasareantingkatpengelolaan optimum Sumber: http://soilproductivity.nres.illinois.edu/Bulletin811ALL.pdf

  27. PRODUKTIVITAS LAHAN IndeksProduktivitasTanamanuntuktanah-tanahpadatingkatpengelolaanyg optimum Produktivitastanahsnagatdipengaruhiolehkapasitastanahuntukmensuplaiharadan air-tersediaygdibutuhkantanamandalamkondisiiklimtertentu. Productivity also depends in part on the adaptation of a particular crop to specific growing conditions and level of management. It is often necessary to compare soils that differ in suitability for particular crops or in response to management. Estimated crop yields are not suitable for these comparisons because yields fluctuate from year to year, and absolute yields mean little when comparing different crops. Indeksproduktivitasmerupakansekalatunggaluntukmenilaitanah-tanahberdasarkankesesuaiannyabagitanamanpadakondisipengelolaantertentu. Sumber:

  28. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS TANAH merupakansuatuentitasfisikdanhidup, tersusunatarbatuan-lapuk, senyawakimiaanorganik, biomasaresidutumbuhandanbinatang, danberibuorganismehidup. Soil quality has been defined as the sustained capability of a soil to accept, store, and recycle water, nutrients and energy (Gregorich et al., 1994). In addition, soil quality is the capacity of a soil to sustain ecological productivity, maintain environmental quality, and promote plant and animal health (Doran & Parkin, 1994). Selamaperiodewaktutertentu, tanahmampumenjagakemampuannyauntukberfungsisbgkomponenhidupdarisuatuekosistem, tanahdapatmengalamidegradasi, ataudapatdiperbaikikualitasnya (Gregorichet al., 1994). Doran, J. & T. Parkin. (1994). “Defining and assessing soil quality.” In: Doran, J., D. Coleman, D. Bezdicek, B. Stewart, (eds) Defining Soil Quality for a Sustainable Environment. SSSA Special Publication 35. Madison WI: Soil Science Society of America: 3-21. Gregorich, E.G., Carter, M.R., Angers, D.A., Monreal, C.M. & Ellert, B.H. (1994). “Towards a minimum data set to assess soil organic matter quality in agricultural soils.” Can. J. Soil Sci. 74, 367-385. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  29. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS While production is measured in terms of the yields of crops a particular soil can produce, productivity is its yield per unit of input, in a given unit of time. Inputs in this case include energy, costs, time, labour, area, nutrients, etc. Produktivitasseringkalidiukurberdasarkanfaktoryg paling membatasiatau input yang mahal. Input ygdipilihuntukmenentukanproduktivitasharusdilakukansecaraeksplisit, karenaiaakanberubahmenurutpembatasygadadilokasi. Produktivitasekologismeminimumkan input non-renewable dan output ygmencemarilingkungan, sambilberupayamenjaminproduksi optimum jangkapanjang. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  30. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS Produktivitastanahmerupakansuatufungsi, bukanhanyakualitastanahnya, tetapijugaberagamfaktorlingkungan, sepertiiklimdantopografi. Two soils may have equivalent quality, in terms of the indicators listed in this section, yet one may be less productive than the other. This may be due to climate. For example, one soil may be located in a cooler location with a shorter growing season. Topography may also limit productivity. Tanah-tanah yang kualitasnyasangatbaik, mungkintidaksesuaiuntukusahatanikarenalerengnyasnagatcuram. Hal yang samajugadapatterjadiuntuktanah-tanahygkualitasnyabagusdenganpembatasnyaberbatu-batuan, drainage, ataubahaninduk. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  31. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS Kualitastanahdanindikatorproduktivitastanah : BahanOrganik Tanah (BOT) (or soil organic carbon); Struktur Tanah; Konservasi Tanah Jaring-jaringMakanan yang sehatdalamtanah. Each of these indicators can be tracked over time using a number of different methods. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  32. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS NILAI TANAH Tanah merupakanasetkapitalalamitempatberlangsungnyasistempertanian. Olehkarenaituuntukmenjagakelestariansistempertanianyg optimal maka TANAH harusdijagakesehatandanproduktivitasnya. TANAH dalamsistemproduksipanganbiasanyamengalami “undervalued”. Methods of agriculture that degrade the soil are profitable in the short term under our current system of accounting. This is because the losses of natural capital due to soil erosion or degradation are invisible in conventional economic accounts, and not included directly in the costs of food production. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  33. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS Degradasitanahakibatpemadatan-tanahdankemerosotankesuburantanahdapatdiimbangidneganepeningkatanaplikasi input produksisepertipupukdanbahanbakar. These inputs can mask the degradation of our soils by allowing crop yields to be sustained and profitable in the short term, at the expense of long-term productivity. Ironically, these additional fuel and fertilizer inputs are counted in our conventional measures as contributions to economic growth and ‘prosperity’ even though they may potentially represent a decline in ecological productivity, and additional costs to the farmer and society. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  34. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS Banyakupayadilakukanuntukmemberikannilaimoneterpadajasa-jasaekosistem yang dihasilkanolehtanah-tanahpertanian. Costanza et al. (1997) menetapkannilai-nilaiuntuklahanpertaniantanamanberdasarkanpadajasa-jasaekosistem yang dihasilkanolehlahan-lahanini. A higher value was placed on agricultural land that is under grass or forage, because of the importance of grass and forage in maintaining and protecting soil as a natural capital asset, as emphasized below. Table 1 shows the ecosystem services provided by these two classes of agricultural land, and the value assigned by Costanza and his international team of scientists to these lands. Costanza, R., d’Arge, R., de Groot, R., Farber, S., Grasso, M., Hannon, B., Limburg, K., Naeem, S., O’Neill, R.V., Paruelo, J., Raskin, R.G., Sutton, P., & van den Belt, M. (1997). “The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital.” Nature 387, 253-260. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  35. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS Table 1: NilaiJasaEkosistemygdihasilkanolehLahanPertanian ($1997/ha/yr) Costanza, R., d’Arge, R., de Groot, R., Farber, S., Grasso, M., Hannon, B., Limburg, K., Naeem, S., O’Neill, R.V., Paruelo, J., Raskin, R.G., Sutton, P., & van den Belt, M. (1997). “The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital.” Nature 387, 253-260. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  36. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT BOT merupakanbiomasabangkaitumbuhandanbinatangdalamtanah – sepertiresidutumbuhan, rabukkandanhternak, danbangkaserangga – yang tersusunatasunsurkarbon. Most scientific studies report soil organic matter as soil organic carbon (SOC); a factor of 1.7 is used to convert SOC to SOM. Organic matter is critical for maintaining soil productivity because of the beneficial effects it has on soil moisture, fertility and structure. It is the most important indicator of soil health and productivity in agricultural systems (Glover et al., 2000). Glover, J., J. Reganold, & P. Andrews. (2000). “Systematic method for rating soil quality of conventional, organic, and integrated apple orchards in Washington State.” Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 80, 29-45. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  37. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT Memelihara BOT merupakanprosesdinamikygtergantungpadaberapabanyak BO ditambahkanketanah (sebagairesidutanamanataurabukkandang) danberapabanyakkehilangan BO (melaluidekomposisi BO atauerosi). Thus trends are based on net organic matter losses or gains over time. Soil organic matter is decomposed by soil micro-organisms and provides a source of nutrients for plants. Lajudekomposisi BOT dipengaruhiolehlengas-tanah, temperature, tekstur, danaerasitanah. Tanah-tanahpertaniandapatmengandung 1 - 10% BO berdasarkanberatnya(Acton and Gregorich, 1995) tergantungpadalokasigeografisnyadanpengelolaantanahnya. Acton, D. & Gregorich, L. eds. (1995). The Health of Our Soils -- Toward sustainable agriculture in Canada. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research Research Branch Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Publication 1906/E. Ottawa, Ontario. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  38. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT Tanah-tanahPodsolikdan tanah-0tanah hutan virgin di Nova Scotia , kandungan BOT nyasekitar 2.8% - 5.8% dalamlapisantopsoilnyasetebal 30 cm. Cultivation of these soils results in the breakdown of organic matter with declines of 35% of initial soil organic matter reported (Carter et al. 1998). In some cases growing forage crops on these soils can restore soil organic matter to levels equivalent to forested sites, or even greater (Carter et al. 1998). Carter, M.R., Gregorich, E.G., Angers, D.A., Donald, R.G. & Bolinder, M.A. (1998). “Organic C and N storage, and organic fractions, in adjacent cultivated and forested soils of eastern Canada.” Soil Till. Res. 47,253-261. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  39. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS Maintenance of at least 3.8% organic matter (2.2% carbon) has been suggested as a minimum level required for “moderate structural stability” (Greenland et al., 1975). This level will serve as a goal for sustainable agricultural production. Humus merupakan BO yang telahdiprosesolehorganismetanahmenjadibentukyglebihstabil. Humus berawarnahitam, dansumberorisinilbahanorganikinitidakmungkindapatdikenalikembalisecara visual. Greenland, D.J., Rimmer, D. & Payne, D. (1975). “Determination of the structural stability class of English and Welsh soils, using a water coherence test.” J. of Soil Sci. 26, 294-303. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  40. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT Pemeliharaan BOT sangat vital bagiproduktivitassistempertanianjangkapanjangkarenaalasanberikutini: It is necessary for the formation of stable soil aggregates (see section on Soil Structure) which provide the soil with good aeration, drainage and resistance to erosion and degradation It provides the soil with a negatively charged exchange complex (see box) which prevents leaching of positively charged nutrients into groundwater and holds them in the soil, available for plant use. Organic matter itself is a reservoir of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, phosphorous and sulphur, which become slowly available to crops through processes of biological decomposition (see section on Soil Foodweb). It functions like a sponge to hold water in the soil and release it as needed by crops. This reduces drought-related problems in crops. It is essential as a food source for the many soil microorganisms that provide vital ecosystem services (including pesticide degradation, nutrient cycling, pathogen control, see Soil Foodweb section) It sequesters carbon and can be used to counteract greenhouse gas emissions. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  41. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT BOT dibentukdenganmengembalikan BO ketanah. Hal inidapatdilakukandenganaplikasirabukkandang (terutama yang telahmasak) kelahan, ataumengembalikanresidutanamanketanah. Plants with fibrous root systems, for example ryegrass, hay, or pasture, have immense potential to increase soil organic matter. These crops are considered soil building because each year their roots produce far more organic matter than is lost through normal SOM decomposition. Table 2 menyajikankontribusiresiduakarketanahsetiaptahun, yang secaralangsungberhubungandengansifatjenis-jenistanamaninidalammembangunkarakteristiktanah. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  42. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT Table 2: Estimasiresidubiomasaakarygdihasilkanolehjenis-jenistanaman, PEI Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  43. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT BOT dapatrusakdanhilang. Tillage, crop growth, crop harvest, and erosion are several of the loss pathways for organic matter. The cultivation of some types of crops can have a negative effect on soil quality, by causing net losses of soil organic matter. These potentially soil degrading crops include cultivated row crops such as corn, beans, potatoes and other vegetables. The between-row area in row crops is open and cultivated for the first part of the growing season accelerating the microbial breakdown of soil organic matter. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  44. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT BOT didekomposisiolehMikrobatanah. Dekomposisi BOT merupakanbagiandarisiklushara yang menstransferharadaribahanorganikkepadatanaman (prosesinidisebut MINERALISASI). Akantetapi, kalauperombakan BO melampauiakumulasinyadalamjangkapanjang, makakandungan BOT akanmenurun. The process of organic matter breakdown speeds up when air is mixed with the soil during cultivation. The tillage associated with growingannual crops is generally depleting to soil organic matter. Growing hay crops for several years in a row without tillage will help to re-build soil organic matter levels. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC


  46. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT NILAI BOT Estimasi total nilaisemuajasa-jasaekosistemygdihasilkanoleh BOT tidakmudahdiestimasi, tetapidapatdiestimasikontribusitahunan (musiman) hara-tersediabagitanaman. Carter et al. (1998) report an average soil nitrogen (N) content of 5,800 kg/ha for cultivated Podzols (the predominant soil type in Nova Scotia). Although some of that nitrogen exists in the inorganic (nitrate, ammonium, and amino acid) form, the majority of soil N is tied up in soil organic matter. This nitrogen is released to the growing crop through the process of mineralization. Moncayo (1992) estimated the annual contribution of organic N mineralization in Nova Scotia to be 1.5% of the total soil N content. Using this factor, we can estimate an annual contribution of N from soil organic matter of 87 kg N/ha. Fertilizer N is currently worth almost $1/kg. Therefore organic matter is contributing $82/ha/yr worth of nitrogen. The reservoir (stock) of soil organic N on farmed land is worth more than $5,400/ha ($945 million provincially). Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  47. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT NILAI BOT BOT jugamensuplaisejumlahhara P bagitanaman. Kandungan P BOT diperkirakansepersepuluh (0.10) kandungan N nya (Tisdale et al. 1985). Makadapatdihitungkontribusimusiman P kelahanpertaniansebesar 21 kg P2O5 /ha. Fertilizer P is worth about $1/kg P2O5, so the value of phosphorus supplied by organic matter is approximately $20/ha annually or $3.5 million province-wide. Because this remarkable contribution is provided ‘freely’ by nature, it appears nowhere in standard accounting systems. And when farmland is managed so that soil organic matter is lost, this loss of value also remains invisible. Ironically, the cost to the farmer of replacing this lost asset through synthetic fertilizer is then counted as a contribution to general economic prosperity, simply because the exchange of money now enters the economy. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  48. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT KEHILANGAN BOT Farmers on the monoculture potato fields will be spending approximately $10/ha/yr more than the farmers using potato-grass rotations to supply the N and P that could have been provided by the lost soil organic matter. If the farmers using rotations switched to a leguminous forage crop (which ‘fixes’ atmospheric nitrogen and adds it to the soil), they could expect to spend up to $114/ha/yr less than the monoculture potato farmers in the year after plowdown, to meet their potato crop’s N needs. This 0.5% loss of soil organic matter represents a decrease in stock value (based only on N and P fertilizer value) of $650/ha. Kehilangankapitalalaminidapatdipulihkankembalikalaupertanianmonokulturdiubahmenjadisistemrotasitanaman , misalnya forage-potato. We can expect a new, higher soil organic matter equilibrium level to be reached after about twenty years, the amount of time it would take to increase soil organic matter by 0.5%. Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC

  49. KUALITAS TANAH DAN PRODUKTIVITAS: BOT Table 5: A comparison of revenues and expenses, continuous corn vs. corn/hay rotation Sumber: GPI AGRICULTURE ACCOUNTS, PART TWO: RESOURCE CAPACITY AND USE: SOIL QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Jennifer Scott and Julia Cooper. September, 2002. gpiaTLANTIC


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