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Development of Myanmar National Electrification Plan Toward Universal Access ---- An Overview. Dr. Xiaoping Wang Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank. Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar November 22, 2013. A Bridge to Universal Energy Access. A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future.
Development of Myanmar National Electrification Plan Toward Universal Access ---- An Overview Dr. Xiaoping WangSenior Energy Specialist, World Bank Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar November 22, 2013 A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Key MessagesfromMay 2013 WorkshoponAchieving Universal Access toElectricity in Myanmar Access to modern energy service has direct bearing on poverty reduction and rural development. Globally, 70% of the poor and 85% of those without access to electricity live in rural areas. Universal Access to Electricity by 2030 is achievable and affordable – as proven in other countries, the goal can be achieved with sustained government’s commitment, targeted sector policies, and significant financial support from donors The National Electrification Plan (NEP) should chart out a path towards universal access designed specifically for Myanmar, embrace both grid and off-grid solutions, and include appropriate policy and technical innovation to lower cost, improve reliability, and provide timely service to all households The World Bank Group will support NEP Development. Both financial support for investments, and technical assistance for institutional development will be available to Myanmar for the implementation of NEP A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Electrification Rate Increased Rapidlyin Vietnam Between 1993-2011
Laos also Made Rapid Progress in Electrification Since 1995 84% Access to Electricity 2013 15% 1995 A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Asian Countries Saw Rapid Increase in Electrification Rate at Relatively Low GDP Level A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Government of Myanmar is Strongly Committed to Achieving Universal Access to Electricity Goal to achieve > 50% coverage in 2016 - The Government is developing an implementation plan to increase electricity coverage in 2016. Renewable Energy for Rural Electrification - A Rural Electrification and Potable Water Resource Committee was established through the recent Presidential Decree where one of the mandates is to promote renewable energy for rural electrification. Integrated Rural Development and Rural Electrification - With the new mandate of Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development on rural electrification, rural development and rural electrification are fully integrated. A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Government Commitment to Universal Access Aligns with UN Sustainable Energy for ALL (SE4ALL) Objectives Myanmar and SE4LL - Myanmar endorsed the UN SE4ALL Initiative, a goal to ensure universal access to modern energy services by 2030, co-led by the UN Secretary General and the President of the World Bank. Myanmar an high impact country - Myanmar is identified as one of the high impact countries that offer the most potential to make rapid progress by SE4ALL. Myanmar is one of the first countries, and currently the only country in the East Asia and Pacific Region, to receive significant grant support (approximately $2 million) from the World Bank/ESMAP SE4ALL Technical Assistance Program. A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Myanmar National Electrification Plan (NEP) 2015-2030 NEP is envisaged to be a comprehensive action plan for developing, financing, and implementing electricity access scale-up program nationwide, with the target of achieving universal access by 2030. NEP aims to align support from different stakeholders with the implementation program for achieving national access targets and syndicates financing on a timely, ongoing and programmatic basis. • Key Elements: • Geospatial Least Cost Electrification Rollout plan (grid and off-grid) • Road Map and Investment Prospectus A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
GeospatialLeastCostElectrificationRollout Plan • A high level geospatial rollout plan comprising: • A systematic grid network rollout connection plan • A complementary spatial plan for off-grid investments A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Scope of Work Electricity demand and connection projection at a disaggregated level (district or lower) Comparison of different technologies and electricity supply options, and estimate total costs of electrification at each sub-location Create GIS-based spatial least-cost electrification planning platform with geo-referenced data layers that cover both grid extension, and off-grid applications by sub-location Data gathering and analysis to support the spatial planning platform Examine the sensitivity of select outputs of the least cost plan to key policy variables such as connection charge, changes in grid supply cost per unit of electricity, deployment of proven low cost network designs, and equipment enables to reduce investment requirements A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Grid Roll-out Grid roll-out plan shows demand growth, grid expansion, and consolidation of municipal grids to form a single, larger regional or national grid
Unit Investment Phase 1 < 20 Phase 2 20 – 25 Phase 3 > 25 Roll-out: By Branch (MV) Connect most cost-effective branches first
Road Map and InvestmentProspectus Road Map and Investment Prospectus • A road map to achieving universal access to electricity by 2030, including: • Long-term and intermediate targets for 2015-2030 • investment financing framework for 2015-2020 (short-term) • action plan to address enabling policy and institutional framework • capacity strengthening initiatives for key institutions and agencies A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Scope of Work • Establish institutional framework for NEP implementation • Establish key roles for gov agencies, private sector, implementation agencies (YESB, MESB, ESE, private sector, etc), and DPs • Oversight, policy, regulatory, and legal framework • Near term action planfor capacity strengthening • Gap analysis and financing plan for prospectus (2015-2020) • Analyze sector-wide financing gap for the first time slice (2015-2020) of NEP • Recommend policy platform and framework for syndicating annual financing requirements from different stakeholders • Draft final road map and investment financing prospectus • Roadmap, geospatial rollout plan summary, implementation plan, financing gap and policy platform • Investment financing prospectus 2015-2020 • Plan for updating and approval of Geospatial Plan and Prospectus. A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Work Plan • Two consulting firms have been competitively selected to assist in NEP development, and bring in technical expertise and international experience. • Columbia University • — Geospatial least cost electrification rollout plan— With experience in Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, • Castalia • – Roadmap and Investment Prospectus– with experience in Indonesia, Rwanda, Kenya, Vanuatu A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Work Plan • MOEP and MOLFRD jointly lead the NEP preparation with participation from other NEMC member agencies and assistance from the World Bank and ADB. • MOEP and MOLFRD co-manage the consulting firms together with World Bank. This includes strategic guidance to data collection, review of key deliverables, organization of workshops and study tours. • Consultants work closely with the government teams throughout the NEP preparation process • Close coordination with ADB, JICA and other donors on respective, related initiatives. • Details on work plan and study methodology of each element will follow in the next sessions. A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future
Proposed Key Milestones and Deliverables A Bridge to Universal Energy Access A Bridge to a Sustainable Energy Future