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12 th Grade PEP. Career Exploration. Overview. Review Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Rubric and set a goal for improvement Review majors and the importance of choosing the right degree, major, or program of study, in terms of career, employment, and pay.
12th Grade PEP Career Exploration
Overview • Review Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Rubric and set a goal for improvement • Review majors and the importance of choosing the right degree, major, or program of study, in terms of career, employment, and pay. • Review resume and 21st century skills
Readiness Rubric Academic Knowledge • Academic knowledge includes core academic subject mastery in reading, writing, math, and science as measured by student grades and standardized assessments (e.g. TCAP and college entrance exams) • Get out your College & Career Readiness Rubric and complete the first section entitled, “Academic Knowledge” (Example responses) 3.2 GPA Is this student developing or meeting, according to his/her GPA? TCAP?
21st Century Skills Collaboration “Working Together, Learning Together” Information Literacy “Untangling the Web” Critical Thinking “Think Deep, Think Different” Self Direction “Own Your Learning” Invention “Creating Solutions” • The knowledge, skills, and behaviors to be successful in post-secondary and career. Critical Thinking Invention Self Direction Information Literacy Collaboration
Readiness Rubric21st Century Skills • Use the College & Career Readiness Rubric to assess your development of “21st Century and Workforce Readiness Skills” (Example responses)
Non-Cognitive Abilities • Non-cognitive abilities refer to the behaviors, skills, attitudes, and strategies that are not reflected in test scores, but are crucial to both academic, college, and lifelong career performance. • Non-cognitive abilities include the following: • Beliefs (e.g. belief that one can improve with effort and hard work as well as the belief that one is responsible for his/her successes and failures) • Behaviors (e.g. attendance, homework completion, study skills, learning strategies, and persistence)
Readiness RubricNon-cognitive Beliefs Use the readiness rubric to assess your Academic Beliefs (Example responses)
Research on Non-cognitive Beliefs • Students who responded positively to Academic Mindset questions (questions 1 – 3 from previous slide), display what is called a growth mindset. • Students with a growth mindset… • Believe that their abilities and intelligence can grow and change through effort and learning. • View mistakes as learning opportunities. • Are more likely to choose challenging tasks and less likely to give up when things get difficult • Are more likely to improve their test scores and GPA over time.
Readiness RubricNon-cognitive Behaviors Use the readiness rubric to assess your Academic Behaviors
Self-Assessment & Goal Setting • Although the rubric may say “school work,” these skills and behaviors could be easily applied to a work setting as well. • Being prepared and on-time, working hard, taking responsibility, and working well with others, etc. are all skills needed for success in college and the workforce. • Watch Video “10 things employers look for in their employees” • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGdTTbXizYI&feature=related • If you are struggling with these 21st Century & Workforce Readiness skills now, you will likely struggle after high school. Develop a plan now to begin improving in these areas. • Select one of the categories where you most need to improve • Write a goal statement. Include what steps you will take, by when, to see improvement in this area.
Each year in Colorado, there are… • Twice as many high school dropouts as there are jobs available for them • More jobs available for HS graduates than there are students who graduate • Twice as many job openings for those with some college education as there are students who complete at least some college training • What does this mean for you? 3. Taken from report by Colorado Succeeds, “The Business Case for Education Reform.” 2. 1.
Earnings Overlap by Educational Attainment Note the percent of people within each education level who earn more or less than those with a Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Median Lifetime Earnings Master’s Doctoral Professional Less than HS Diploma Some College Associate’s HS No degree Why do you think this is? Occupational choices Work skills and work ethic
Highest-Paying Occupations by Educational Level Click the link to view the Highest-Paying Occupations by Educational Level: http://www.acinet.org/select_educ_rd.asp?next=oview5&optstatus=&id=1&nodeid=7&soccode=&stfips=&jobfam=&ShowAll=
Select 1-2 majors or focus areas of study that most interest you Or use, Clusters to Majors: http://www.denverscholarship.org/document.doc?id=958
Explore majors by employment rate and pay • Use this wall street website to search your top majors by employment rate and earnings: • http://graphicsweb.wsj.com/documents/NILF1111/#term • Record findings on your handout
Resume • Resume • Document that highlights your academic and co-curricular strengths; your relevant skills, including 21st century and workforce skills; and your work habits, experiences, and behaviors. • Used as a tool to market or sell yourself when applying for a job, scholarship, college program, or another related opportunity. • According to Job Outlook 2012National Association of Colleges and Employers, employers look for evidence of the following on a resume… • Ability to work in a team • Leadership skills • Written communication skills • Problem-solving skills • Strong work ethic
NavianceResume Builder • Open a new tab and log-in to Naviance using the following Username and Password Student ID # mmddyy Click, “Log In”
Naviance Resume Components Objective Summary Work Experience Education Volunteer Service Extracurricular Activities Awards/Certificates Skills/Academic Achievement Music/Artistic Achievement Athletic Achievement References Leadership Click on the drop down menu to select and complete appropriate resume’ categories Use what you learned about majors and career outcomes to help complete your objective