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Asos. Vs. Badger. Introduction (BADGER).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Asos Vs Badger

  2. Introduction (BADGER) Badger website is bit odd It don’t describe about how this website work It only says what they sell and visit their shop. There are logo of the bands of clothes in their website. They have a theme of a online magazine. But hard to understand. It doesn't look like it been updated for a weeks.

  3. Asos • Images with360 degree, Zoom, Catwalk Videos, Full colour. • Discounts / Offers(also special offer like Christmas offer) • Easy Categories and Sub-Headings • One of the top clothing site online • Buy online • Face book • Twitter • ASOS Life Blog • Magazine • Online email magazine • Mobile Text Messaging, Newsletters (Updated daily) • Live Service Update • Not really any disadvantage • You tube vidieo

  4. Badger • It has a Online Magazine that is hard to understand. • It don’t say any thing about discount or any offer • You can’t buy online • The information is at the back • It don’t look like they are trying to communicate with customer. • Badger website is hard to understand

  5. ASOS WEBSITE A search engine for quick search for what you want A Easy Headings for a quick search Offer for Christmas The website is worldwide And also accept different currency.

  6. Lot of subheading and easy to use.

  7. Connect with ASOS For easy contact It been trusted by a vast majority of credit card company They are more than a clothing shop

  8. It describe what your item is made of. 360* view is a unique way of see what you want to buy. Share it in facebook and Twitter

  9. BADGER Website They are introduction them self. This is the magazine but look like an ordinary picture but some customer might get confused The brand they sell

  10. In the magazine it only picture you can’t buy the item online It like they want their costumer to go to their shop

  11. They only have 2 way of commutation By phone and Messaging them They only have 2 way of commutation By phone and Messaging them

  12. Advantage and Disadvantage ASOS ASOS • It look like you want to spend money on some thing • It easy to use • It has a unique way to see the item • You can ask them online in the website • You can connect with them on facebook and twitter. • Lot of way to contact ASOS • None BADGER BADGER • Very hard to understand how to start the magazine. • You cant buy online • Only 2 way to contact them • No facebook or twitter link • A good theme of a online magazine. • Has logo of brand they sell.

  13. USES OF SOCIAL NETWORK • Over a millions of people use social network. • Facebook is the most popular • It is easy to share comment. • ASOS use social network as their advantage by updating every 1 hrs. • BADGER have no link with the social network

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