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Web Designer in Pune/Web Design Company in Pune

Web designer in Pune explains how to make your website appealing to your customers and increase your bottom line. Original Blog Posted Here On: http://www.satejinfotech.in/web-designer-pune-explains-make-website-appealing-customers/

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Web Designer in Pune/Web Design Company in Pune

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  1. Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Sales Improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS Software Web Designer in Pune Explains - How to Make Your Website Appealing to Your Customers? Publisher: Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd. BLOG: www.satejinfotech.in/blog Company: www.satejinfotech.in Web designer in Pune explains how to make your website appealing to your customers and increase your bottom line. www.satejinfotech.in Tel: 0231- 2620003 hello@satejinfotech.in

  2. Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Sales Improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS Software A ?e?site today has e?ol?ed f?o? its i?itial days of ?A?out Us? a?d is ?o? ?e?o?e the fa?e of a ?o?pa?y i? ?a?y ?ays. A??o?di?g to a su??ey, ??% of ?o?su?e?s sea??h the ?o?pa?y’s ?e?site ?efo?e making any purchases. A website also enables the company to generate leads, improve brand recognition and increase credibility. Therefore, it becomes imperative that you create an everlasting first impression with your website. However, ensure that your website is unique and best highlights your products and services. As a reputed website designing company in Pune, we would like to share some tips as to how you could make your website appealing to your prospective customers. 1. The Five Seconds Rule 5 seconds is all you have got to create a valuable impression on your visitors. Make sure that you get a web designer in Pune to give a compelling outlook to your website. If the visitor does not find what he is looking for in the first five seconds, he will perhaps not stay on your website longer. This means, you will have to work harder to create visually appealing website with compelling content that will attract you? ?isito?’s atte?tio?. 2. Know the Value of Your Services and Products It is highly ?e?o??e?ded that you do?’t just list out you? p?odu?ts a?d se??i?es o? you? ?e?site. Rathe? understand the importance of the service and product f?o? you? ?usto?e?’s p?ospe?ti?e. E?su?e that they a?e ?o?plia?t ?ith the ?usto?e?’s ?e?ui?e?e?ts. Ensure that the description about your services and products is brief, relevant and clearly visible on your website. This description is mandatory as it will help you in being different from your competitors. Make sure that you work in tandem with a web design company in Pune and get all the required content and design on your website. 3. Credibility and Professional You? ?e?site is you? ?o?pa?y’s i?age a?d the?efo?e you ?eed to ?uild ??edi?ility f?o? it so as to d?i?e your prospective visitor down the sales funnel and make him a client. Hence you must have a professional and a lucid approach towards creating your website. Carefully evaluate as to which factors will help increase the trust between you and your target audience. It could be a certificate/degree from a reputed Institute, a government approval, a validation from a third party or some awards for your products or services. www.satejinfotech.in Tel: 0231- 2620003 hello@satejinfotech.in

  3. Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Sales Improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS Software Including any of the above mentioned factors could add value to your website and make the visitor think about your company and take a decision wisely. 4. Graphics and Images A picture speaks a thousand words. True, as humans are naturally attracted towards visuals. Ho?e?e? good you? ?o?te?t ?ay ?e, a pe?fe?t ?isual ?ill do the t?i?k a?d sa?e you? ?isito?’s ti?e. Captivate your visitor with several applets or other special effects that will convey your important message effectively. Flash is also widely used to enhance the images and certain texts. However, make use of Flash diligently as over-use of it can make your website look unprofessional. Graphics and special effects if correctly used, will make your visitor curious about website and make them visit it over and over. 5. Contact Details Undoubtedly your company logo and name must be a prominent feature on your website. However, it is equally important that you place your contact information at prominent places on your website. Easily visible contact details can fetch you more clients as they will be able to contact you directly. A highly creative website without any contact information can be useless. Make your B2B website more functional by adding your phone number, email address or company address at prominent places. It is imperative that you ensure your prospective client does not have 6o search a lot for your contact details. Find a capable web designer in Pune who will work efficiently and cater to all your requirements with perfection. 6. Give Examples of Your Products & Services No points for guessing why you should be doing this. Customers today are highly aware of what they require and therefore leave no stone unturned to know more information about the products. Share images or videos of your products or mention about case studies of your services revealing about their actions and results. These ideas will enable your potential customers to know about your products and services in detail. Examples will help our prospective customers understand your services and products better and connect with you in a better way. Consult with a reputed web designing company in Pune and ensure you incorporate examples of your products and services in an appealing way. www.satejinfotech.in Tel: 0231- 2620003 hello@satejinfotech.in

  4. Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Sales Improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS Software 7. Why You and Not Others? Internet is a strong tool and more and more people are making use of it to search for products and other requirements. Your website gives you the perfect platform to state as to what sets you apart from your competitors. This does not mean that the reason should be stated in one paragraph. It implies that multiple elements such as blogs, images, videos, content, etc in your website contribute in setting you apart from others. Your choice of colours, images, special effects will definitely have an impact on your consumers. 8. Simple Yet Interesting The?e’s a diffe?e?t i? ?ei?g si?ple a?d goi?g ?la?d. If you ?ish to ?e i? the ?at ?a?e the? you? ?e?site must be creative and easily accessible. Choose the colours and images wisely so as make your website more desirable to your potential clients. Get in touch with a smart web designer in Pune who will help you in designing the most appropriate website for your company. 9. White Space Although important, White space or negative space is the most neglected or underutilized element of your website. It is nothing but space between elements on your website such as the space between graphics, gutters or margins. Whitespaces enable your website to be legible, create balance and make your website quite impressive. In addition to the above few points, other factors such as usability, readability and accessibility also. A website designing company in Pune that you choose to get your website must be proficient enough to incorporate all of the above points so as to make your website unique and give it an edge over the others. Original Blog Posted Here On: http://www.satejinfotech.in/web-designer-pune-explains-make-website- appealing-customers/ www.satejinfotech.in Tel: 0231- 2620003 hello@satejinfotech.in

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