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ePDP: Technology? Not an issue!

ePDP: Technology? Not an issue!. . Dr. Maria Rodriguez-Yborra Reader in Technology Enhanced Learning – Faculty of Arts and Media Technologies, University of Bolton, UK. ABSTRACT

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ePDP: Technology? Not an issue!

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  1. ePDP: Technology? Not an issue!  Dr. Maria Rodriguez-YborraReader in Technology Enhanced Learning – Faculty of Arts and Media Technologies, University of Bolton, UK ABSTRACT The recommendations from the government Dearing Report (1997) later evaluated by Goodrich (2007), came at the point of reconfiguration from departments to schools in the University of Bolton (UoB) and thus offered the opportunity to develop, within the newly formed Schools, different approaches to fulfil the UoB PDP framework, including electronic PDP (ePDP) approach in line with its new UoB e Strategy. Since 2008, the Faculty of Arts and Media Technology –AMT-(former AME) eLearning team, has been exploring different approaches in the use of technology to support teaching and learning, including a piloting a number of electronic media to support PDP (ePDP). The initiatives have included the use of the UoB VLEs (WebCT, and later Moodle) as well following the approaches that some subject areas had using cloud technologies. In 2011, the use of Mahara was introduced after the Faculty of Advanced Engineering (FAE) showed some progress on ePDP using this Open Source tool. Since then, both Faculties have started working in close collaboration to follow the number of eTools that different subject groups seem to prefer, and assess its efficiency. • Summary: Currently, the use of an electronic tools for PDP purposes is popular among students and staff, although the diversity of tools has increased in the past 12 months (i.e. Macromedia FlashPaper, just started to be piloted), Still the reflective requirement for PDP proves to be the biggest challenge, not least with academic staff. Common ePDP tools used across the UoB • UoB VLE (Moodle) • Mahara and Pebble-Pab(Education and Teacher training): Mahara is available on the University server. Pebble Pad its a IFL free link for TT students.In addition, the following applications have free versions available for use • Google Apps:A series of Cloud-based Google services to communicate, collaborate & share ideas. • Behance:free online portfolio builder (preferred by art students) • EverNote:An application that allows you to easily find Web pages, stored images, audio, video, and screen shots. It provides indexing & searchability for your files and media. • VoiceThread: Allows users to create multimedia slideshows using images, documents, and videos. Other users can then respond with comments using text, audio, or video. • Weebly:A platform to create free websites or blogs using a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. • Wordpress:An open-source blogging tool & publishing platform. (Very popular among Art & Design subject groups) • Yola:A website-building platform offering free hosting & free website addresses. • Elgg:An Open Source social-networking engine that provides a framework for building your own social network

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