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Palirria offers high-quality traditional Greek ready-to-eat meals inspired by authentic recipes. Our products are free from preservatives and additives, cooked in the finest ingredients such as olive oil.
Brief History • In 1956, in a smallvillageofEviaislandcalled ‘Politika’, Antonis Souliotisfoundeda ready-to-eatmealsfamilybusiness. Atthattime, thecompany’sspecialtieswerevineleavesstuffedwithriceandbakedgiantbeansintomatosauce. • Later, hissons Kostas andVassilistransformedthecompanyfrom a smallfamilybusinessintotheGreekleadingcompanyofready-to-eatmeals. • In 1989,begins theconstructionofthenewmodernfactorywhichwascompletedin 1992andisfullyoperationalsincethen. • In 1995, Palirria is thefirstready-to-eatmealscompanyinGreecethatiscertifiedwithISO and later acquiresthe HACCP , BRC and IFS certificates • In 2000, Palirria Bulgaria L.T.D. a subsidiary company wasfounded. • In 2008, Palgreen Food Industries a subsidiary company in China was founded • Persistence in qualityat all levels, traditionalrecipes, constantinnovationandtheuseofthemostadvanced technologicalequipment,havebeenthesecrettosuccess.
Our philosophy • Palirria aims at developing and producing healthy, top quality Ready–to–Eat meals that are: • delicious and tasty • free from preservative and additives • inspired by traditional Greek recipes • using pure, carefully selected , high quality ingredients • using safe packaging that is easy to use, store and carry, and thus, allows consumption both in and out of the house with great convenience • produced under the highest hygienic condition in our modern production facilities certified by ISO 9001, HACCCP, BRC4 & IFS 59001 • and thus responding to the modern consumers’ nutritional habits and needs
Products Ready-to-Eat Meals Private Labelin all categories Ambient(stored in 18-20oC) Chilled(stored in 2-4oC) Frozen(stored in -18oC) Plate(microwavable) UNDER DEVELOPMENT Tin Can Glass Jar Authentic Greek dishes cooked in Olive Oil, specially prepared with a Heat & Ready to Serve recipe and packed in order to maintain the nutritious values of their finest ingredients and the beneficial attributes of olive oil. Appropriate for conventional and/or microwave oven. No preservatives added. Traditional recipes including favorite authentic dishes from all over Greece, packaged under the strictest hygienic demands , to ensure full taste, safety, long shelf life . No preservatives added Authentic Greek recipes cooked in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, specially packed in order to maintain the nutritious values of their finest ingredients and the beneficial attributes of olive oil. No preservatives added. Unique selection of traditional recipes from various locations all around Greece cooked in Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Highest quality & tradition of Greek gastronomy in your dish. No preservatives added. Retail size (200-280g) Food service (2 kg) Retail size (350g) Retail size (280g) Retail size (400g) Retail size (400g) Food service (1.7 kg)
Product Range: Ambient-Glass Jar • Meditteraneo is a selection of seven popular cold starters “meze”, representative of local cuisine around Greece, prepared in a unique way that combines gastronomy with tradition. These Ready-to-Eat products are: • cooked in Extra Virgin Olive Oil • free from preservatives and additives • vegetarian • using the finest ingredients that ensure a delicious and high quality product • packaged in a patented modern jar with an equally “eye-catching” label that reflect the fine quality of the content
Product Range: Ambient-Glass Jar * For Logistics information refer to the table at Appendix I where there are specific details.
Product Range: Ambient-Plate • Cuisine Hellenic is a selection of eleven authentic Greek Main Dishes that are: • cooked in Extra Virgin Olive Oil • free from preservatives and additives • specially packed in order to maintain the nutritious values of their finest ingredients and the beneficial attributes of olive oil • using an advanced easy to use package corresponding to the daily needs of modern consumers • appropriate for microwave and/or conventional oven • Vegetarian recipes available
Product Range: Plate Product Range: Ambient-Plate * For Logistics information refer to the table at Appendix I where there are specific details.
Product Range: Ambient-Tin Can • A selection of fourteen traditional recipes including favorite authentic dishes from all over Greece: • using the finest ingredients that ensure a delicious & high quality product • free from preservatives and additives • produced under the strictest hygienic conditions that ensure the safety of the product whilst retaining the full taste and its nutritious values • “Eye-catching” , modern packaging which is easy to store & convenient to use • Vegetarian recipes available • Long shelf life
Product Range: Ambient-Tin Can * For Logistics information refer to the table at Appendix I where there are specific details.
Product Range: Food Service PALIRRIA S.A. offers products for its Food Service range, in practical packages of ready to eat meals. These range addresses the needs of professionals in HO.RE.CA (Hotel, Restaurants, Catering) sector with practical and hygienic packaging, offering easiness in opening, serving, warming, and storage . Our products are available in 2 different types of packaging depending upon the customers' needs and ultimate use. More specifically: Stainless still cans of 1 , 2, 2.5, 5 kg depending on the product Aluminium trays of 2 kg
Product Range: Food Service * For Logistics information refer to the table at Appendix I where there are specific details.
Indicative Sales Figures Total Sales Performance PALIRRIA GREECE 2000 – 2010 (in million euros)
Indicative Sales Figures Export Sales Performance PALIRRIA GREECE 2000 – 2010 (in million euros)
Indicative Sales Figures Sales Performance PALIRRIA GREECE in Greece 2000 – 2010 (in million euros)
Facilities Greece Bulgaria China Annual Production Capacity: 15.000tn / shift Annual Production Capacity: 6.500tn / shift Annual Production Capacity: 2.000tn / shift 10.500 sqm / 120 Employees 6.500 sqm / 550 Employees 12.000 sqm / 150 Employees
Quality Certificates HACCP Food Safety Management Certificate International Food Standard IFS Certificate ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Certificate BRC Global Standard Certificate
Contact Details STYLIANOSGERAZOUNISExport Area Sales Manager mobile : +30 69369 44931 e-mail : sgerazounis@palirria.com 2nd km. of Country Road Psahna-Politika 34400 Politika, Evia, Greece Tel : + 30 22280 24735 ext: 212 fax: + 30 22280 24113web site: www.palirria.com INDUSTRY OF TRADITIONAL READY MEALS