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Atatürk Wargaming & Convention Center - MJWC Mission and Future Planning Outline

Explore the multifaceted initiatives and projects at Atatürk Wargaming & Convention Center: MJWC's impactful role in national defense, command post exercises, international collaborations, and future plans. Review past events, present activities, and innovative developments.

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Atatürk Wargaming & Convention Center - MJWC Mission and Future Planning Outline

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  1. JTLS in Turkey

  2. Atatürk Wargaming and Convention Center MJWC Mission Developed Projects Past Events Present Activities Future Planning Outline

  3. Atatürk Wargaming and Convention Center (AWCC) 25 July 2003

  4. 2nd Wargaming Floor Exercise Control Floor 1st Wargaming Floor Ground Floor Basement Floor Atatürk Wargaming and Convention Center (AWCC) • Comprised of 6 floors and 3 main blocks. - Wargaming block, - Cultural block, - Top level meeting block.

  5. Wargaming Block On each wargaming floor : • 4 wargaming halls with different capacities (total capacity for 12 wargaming halls is 1500 people), • Modular furniture, More than 800 fiber optic network outlets,

  6. Multinational Joint Warfare Centre (MJWC) • Inaugurated in March 2015 • Host both national and international command post and computer assisted exercises as well as cultural and academic activities. • Lead combat model development efforts in Turkish Armed Forces. • Support training and education activities in War Colleges Command.

  7. MJWC Mission • Aimsto act as an Exercise Control Centre (EXCON) for national,multinational and NATO exercises, • * Providing education support, • * Developing scenarios and MEL/MIL scripts, • * Providing media simulation support, • * Develop joint doctrines, • * Conduct concept/doctrine experimentations and • * Contribute to the NATO concept experimentation process.

  8. TATYONSIS (Exercise Management System) DevelopedProjects

  9. ANTES (Engagement and Detection Query Program) DevelopedProjects

  10. Past Events Hosted Nat. & Intl. Exercises/Events (2015-2016) YILDIZWargame 1999-2016(Annual-JTLS) ZAFER CPX 2004-2016 (Corps Level, every 2 years - JTLS) Army College CPX 2008-2016 (Annual-JCATS) NATO ACT Transformation Conference (Sep.2015) NATO Federated Mission Network (FMN) Seminar (Nov.2015) NATO Terrorizm Specialists Conference (Oct.2015) NATO Eurasian Star CPX (Jun.2016)

  11. Attendance/Observer Allied Joint Operation (AJOD) WG Cooperative Resolve 2015 Trident Juncture 2015 NATO Cyber Coalition 2015 Eurasian Star 2016 CAX Forum 2016 Trident Jaguar 2016 Coalition 2016 CJEX 2016 Trident Jaguar 2017 (core planning) Past Events

  12. MJWC is currently on the phase of changing command authority from Turkish War Colleges Command to Turkish General Staff Operations Department to become a sole EXCON role for combined/joint exercises of Turkey Keep working on JTLS-CCIS (Command Control And Information Systems) integration, Keep on improving TATYONSIS and ANTES according to exercise feedbacks, Still trying to finalize JTLS (5 yrs) contract issues Upgrade to JTLS version 5.x (?) PresentActivities

  13. NATO IOC decleration (2017), FOC (2018) Host National CPXs YILDIZ Wargame EFES Intl. Exercise EXCON VATAN Nat. (Army,Navy,AirForce) CPX Exercise EXCON Host International CPXs Eurasian Star 2017 Trident Javelin 2017 (?) Steadfast Pinnacle 2017 (?) Steadfast Pyramid 2017 (?) Future Planning

  14. JTLS Order of Battle Editor (JOBE), JOBE Interface Navigator (JINN) During the Database Preparation, we separate the existinc database into several parts via JINN. Role players prepare their partial database by using JOBE. They copy units, change unit locations etc. When we are merging the JOBE XMLs to JTLS database via JINN, we get a lot of failure messages (due tolabel length constraints, unit copy failures etc.). This situation causes us to spent so much time resolving each failure, or creating the whole changes from beginning in DDS. If there can be catched an error in JOBE, JOBE itself should warn the user about the error instead of giving error during the merging database by JINN. So that JOBE user can see the error early and correct it at the data preparation step. Proposals

  15. * JTLS users can easily access online player manual (OPM) pages for other Force Sides by opening an OPM and navigating to an enemy side. A password system is required for security. * Cyber-War can not be modeled in JTLS. Sometimes we need to play cyber-attack to communication systems or missile-guiding systems. Proposals

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