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GDPR Compliance Requirements - GDPR System

GDPR-System explain the GDPR Compliance Requirements and provide the resources you'll need to follow the new legislation. For more information, visit here: https://www.gdpr-system.eu/

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GDPR Compliance Requirements - GDPR System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome To GDPR System

  2. GDPR stands for the General Data Protection Regulation, a new set of rules that came into effect on May 25. The GDPR is a piece of EU legislation passed by the European Parliament in 2016. It aims to make it simpler for people to control how companies use their personal details. 

  3. GDPR Audits GDPR audits are investigations which evaluate the processes for fulfilling privacy data requirements and GDPR guidelines. They are conducted by internal or external auditors and take place in irregularly planned intervals or in a case of doubt.

  4. Data protection Breach A data protection breach can be the result of you failing to uphold the principles of the Data Protection Act, or it can be the result of a cybercrime, such as hacking, which puts data at risk. Target of data breach: PII – Personally Identifiable Information. 

  5. For more information Visit here www.gdpr-system.eu

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