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Connecting with New People: Evangelism in a modern context

Connecting with New People: Evangelism in a modern context. Dr. Don Nations DNA Coaching, 2013. What is evangelism?. Definitions Helping people come into a right relationship with God through Jesus One beggar telling another where to find bread Sharing the good news of Jesus

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Connecting with New People: Evangelism in a modern context

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Connecting with New People:Evangelism in a modern context Dr. Don Nations DNA Coaching, 2013

  2. What is evangelism? • Definitions • Helping people come into a right relationship with God through Jesus • One beggar telling another where to find bread • Sharing the good news of Jesus • Telling people about your friend Jesus

  3. Does anyone care about evangelism any more? • About 42% of churches did not receive one person on profession of faith last year • If you subtract Confirmation, the number would be much higher • Most churches are not growing • Most churches don’t have great hospitality and guest follow-up • Most Christians did not attempt to share their faith with a non-Christian last year • Does anyone really care any more?

  4. Why do evangelism? • Because most churches are declining • Because we used to be lost and know what it is like • Because people were created to have a relationship with God through Jesus • Because Jesus told us to

  5. Is it really my responsibility? • Yes! • 80% of guests first attend at the invitation of a friend • Our slogan is “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors – The People of the United Methodist Church”; you don’t want to be sued for false advertising do you?! • Churches are missionary outposts of the Kingdom of God • Jesus gave us the ministry of reconciliation when he made us ambassadors of God

  6. Investing in Evangelism • Reordering the priorities of the church • Focusing the church outward, not inward • Advertising • Sprucing up • The time and cost of training people • The anxiety inherent in any change • Redefining the role of the pastor • Reviewing the worship service and possibly making changes to it

  7. What is not working • Newspaper ads on the religion page • Handing out tracts • Evangelism Explosion • Allowing outside groups to use the church facilities • Being a wedding chapel • Cute sayings on church signs

  8. What is working today? • Large events sponsored by the church with good follow-up • Large events in which the church participates with good follow-up • Servant Evangelism

  9. What else is working? • Having a great website • The pastor/staff intentionally spending time with those who do not attend church • Improve worship and programming (signature ministry)

  10. Questions?

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