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Things known with certainty, eph . 5:5

We live in an ever-changing world. The latest and greatest electronic device is surpassed before you get it out of the box and turn it on. Amid all these changes, things which are steadfast, sure, and never-changing become all the more important.

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Things known with certainty, eph . 5:5

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  1. We live in an ever-changing world. The latest and greatest electronic device is surpassed before you get it out of the box and turn it on. Amid all these changes, things which are steadfast, sure, and never-changing become all the more important. We need the surety of God (Mal.3:6), Jesus Christ (Heb.13:8), and the Word (Heb.2:1-4). The word translated by the NASV as “unalterable” in Heb.2:2 is the Greek term bebaios- it means stable, fast, firm, and sure. With so much instability in the world, we should be thankful for Things known with certainty, eph. 5:5

  2. SOBERING CERTAINTIES: 1. That “sowing to the flesh” yields a harvest of corruption, Gal.6:7-8. It has been well-said that “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time.” But it should be added that “You can never fool God!” Heb.4:12-13 David tried to hide his sin with Bathsheba (2Sam.12), Jonah tried to hide from his God-given responsibilities (Jonah), and Ananias & Sapphira tried to hide their actions (Acts 5:1-11). None were successful, Eph.5:5.

  3. SOBERING CERTAINTIES: 2. That all of our earthly possessions will be left behind, 1Tim.6:7. Death is the great equalizer of mankind, for all will experience it, Heb.9:27. And no hearse ever pulls a trailer, Job 1:21. There are two simple reasons for these things: >Eternity is a destination only for spiritual- not the physical, John 18:36; Eccl.12:7; and >The earth and its works will be destroyed, 2Pet.3:10. Therefore, we should store our treasures in a safe place, Matt.6:19-20.

  4. SOBERING CERTAINTIES: 3. That God’s Word will be the standard of judgment, John 12:48. What we thought, felt, experienced, or were told will not be the basis for judgment, Matt.7:21-23. Our deeds (2Cor.5:10) will be measured against God’s inerrant record, Rev.20:11-15. While such surely does not negate the grace and mercy of God, Titus 3:5-7; Neither does it exclude our actions, Titus 2:11-15. We should be eternally grateful that the rules will never change, 1Pet.1:22-25.

  5. But there are also what should be CELEBRATORY CERTAINTIES: 1. That God’s love is sure, Rom.8:31-39. “Yes,” we must keep ourselves inthe blessings of that love, Jude 21; But isn’t it great to be able to always depend on the God’s love for us? No other power can separate us from it! He loves us so much that He gave His Son to save us, Rom.5:8; And desires nothing more than everyone’s salvation, 1Tim.2:4; 2Pet.3:9. No matter what else happens, we can depend on God’s love for us. If that doesn’t make you feel “special,” nothing else can or will.

  6. But there are also CELEBRATORY CERTAINTIES: 2. That as long as there is still “today” there is still opportunity to be saved, Heb.3:7 – 4:2. Salvation has always required a change of heart, belief, and obedience, 3:12,19; 4:1-2; And we can certainly harden our hearts to the point that they are past the capacity of feeling, repentance, and faithful obedience, vv.12-13,15; But it is also true that if we will repent, confess, and obey, He will save us no matter what we’ve done! Heb.9:13-14; 10:18; 1John 1:9-10. It is never too late to do the right thing, if we will.

  7. But there are also CELEBRATORY CERTAINTIES: 3. That if we will add to our faith in spiritual growth, we will never stumble, 2Pet.1:5-11. Virtually every N.T. book warns against apostasy (Christians loosing their salvation)- don’t tell me it can’t happen! 2Pet.3:17; Gal.5:4; Heb.3:12 But there is a sure way to prevent it: GROWTH, 2Pet.1:10-11! And if your heart is truly right, He will help, Jude 24. Yes you can- now get busy making your salvation “certain.” 2Pet.1:10

  8. SOBERING& CELEBRATORY CERTAINTIES: Sowing to the flesh always yields a harvest of corruption. You can’t take “it” with you when you go unless you’re talking about the record of your life. God’s Word will be the standard by which our lives will be judged. But… God’s love for us will never fail. As long as there is a “today,” salvation is still available. Our salvation can be “made sure” by spiritual growth!

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