DESCRIPTION A pediatrician's job description entails treating the physical ailments children encounter or might likely encounter. Providing preventative care, monitoring growth and development, and providing advocacy for children may all be included in a pediatrician's job description.
Skills Needed • First you need to get your undergrad degree- • Then your masters in premed • Then you need to go to school with training in all areas of medicine • Then you need to specialize in pediatric medicine • You need compassion, empathy, and the ability to listen. you need to understand that the parent and even the child are part of tech medical team-you need to understand that even they can teach you something you don't learn in medical school-you need to learn how to diagnose developmental delays instead of telling tech parent of a 2 year old that isn't talking that he's fine. You need to understand that medicine is about the patient-not the doctor.
Educational Requirements Prospective pediatricians need to meet extensive educational requirements, often beginning with a bachelor's degree in a science-related area, such as biology or chemistry. After finishing their undergraduate programs, they must complete medical school and a pediatric residency before seeking licensure and specialty certification.
Colleges • Private • Tufts University • Baylor College of Medicine • Regular • UTPB • TEXAS TECH • ASU
SALARY • Hourly • The average Pediatrician salary is $77.60 per hour. The lowest 10% earn $40.79 per hour and those in the upper 10% earn more than $80.00 per hour. • Annually. • On an annual basis the average wage is $161,410. The lowest 10% earn $84,840 per year while the upper 10% earn more than $160,000 per year. These salaries are calculated as a mean or median wage. • Lowest and Highest Pediatrician Salary • The lowest paid Pediatricians earn less than $85,000 annually while the highest paid Pediatricians earn more than $200,000 per year.
Jobs you can do while in high school and college • working on campus can be the most viable option but it is also hard to get a job on campus • Starbucks offers more than an extra caffeine boost for sleep-deprived college workers. Part-timers (part-time usually comes near 20 hours per week at the shops) receive a variety of benefits. Depending on workers' personal situations and specific job descriptions, these bonuses include perks such as medical, prescription drugs, dental and vision coverage. Starbucks baristas make between $6 and $13 per hour, depending on location and experience.
Best Schools • University of Washington in Seattle, Washington • University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, North Carolina • University of Iowa • Harvard University • University of Pennsylvania • University of Vermont
What I learned • I learned how the salary works. • The max that I could earn. • The min that I could earn.
WORK SITED • http://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/the-short-list-grad-school/articles/2012/04/03/10-priciest-private-medical-schools • http://www.healthcare-trainingcenter.com/jobs-pediatrics.asp • http://education-portal.com/pediatric_colleges.html • http://education-portal.com/articles/Pediatrician_Occupational_Outlook_and_Educational_Requirements_for_a_Career_in_Pediatrics.html • http://www.healthcaresalaryonline.com/pediatrician-salary.html • http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t877602/ • http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/2010/08/24/best-time-jobs-college-students/ • http://education-portal.com/schools_for_pediatrics.html • http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sugexp=cqn,rate_low%3D0.025,rate_high%3D0.025,min_length%3D2,cconf%3D1.0,second_pass%3Dfalse,num_suggestions%3D1&cp=9&gs_id=s&xhr=t&q=pediatricians+in+odessa+tx&aq=0s&aqi=g-s4&bav=on.2,or.r_g