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Pembangunan dan peningkatan kualiti hidup. Kuliah 7. Kualiti hidup : Dikaitkan dengan taraf kehidupan, kesejahteraan dan kemampuan Kualiti hidup : Sukar untuk menentukan tahap sesuatu kualiti hidup ini disebabkan : Terdapat multidimension apabila kita mentafsirkan definisi tersebut.
Kualiti hidup : Dikaitkan dengan taraf kehidupan, kesejahteraan dan kemampuan • Kualiti hidup : • Sukar untuk menentukan tahap sesuatu kualiti hidup ini disebabkan : • Terdapat multidimension apabila kita mentafsirkan definisi tersebut. • Ianya merupakan sesuatu yang subjektif. • Bergantung kepada sesuatu masyrakat dalam mentafsirkan maknanya.
ZAPH (1987) : • The quality of life of individuals and groups is determined by the constellation (level, dispersion and colleration) of subjective well-being. The conditions of life include, on the other hand, the dimension of security needs (having) such as income, education, health, accomodation and work, and on the other hand, the dimensions of social needs (loving) such as families ties, social contacts and social and political participation. • Subjective well-being means the assessment, by the individual, of specific conditions of life and life in general. These include hope, fear, happiness, loneliness, compitence, insecurity and worries. Together, these are the components, of quality of life or individual welfare. • Ianya memberi maksud yang memerlukan komponen yang boleh diukur (tangibles) dan tidak boleh diukur (non-tangibles), objektif dan subjektif yang menekankan konsep ‘lebih baik’ (better) dan bukan sahaja ‘lebih’ (more).
Dua pendekatan dalam memahami kualiti hidup : • Ideal berasaskan agama, falsafah dan sistem kepercayaan : mempunyai sikap yang baik – peringkat dalaman berpunca dari nilai yang baik. • Kepuasaan membuat pilihan – sama ada individu berupaya mendapatkan apa yang dikehendaki yang dapat meningkatkan kualiti hidup mereka. Sejarah penggunaan petunjuk kualiti kehidupan.
Zaman revolusi perindustrian – keadaan kualiti kehidupan telah dinilai seperti bilangan anak perkeluarga; berbeza mengikut kelas sosial > petunjuk araf ekonomi yang lebih baik mempengaruhi saiz keluarga. • Harga roti: item yang penting dalam konteks perbelanjaan isi rumah. • Pengeluaran arak: item yang dimasukkan untuk mewakili perkembangan industri dan petunjuk masalah sosial. • Keadaan cuaca: mempengaruhi kesihatan terutama di musim sejuk.
Pembangunan mampan dan kualiti hidup : 4 jenis petunjuk. • Deskriptif : menerangkan apa yang berlaku dalam persekitaran atau kesihatan manusia seperti kadar emisi karbon dioksida di udara. • Pencapaian/performance : nilai rujukan atau target yang menunjukkan sejauh mana petunjuk tersasar seperti kadar pertumbuhan ekonomi. • Keberkesanan/eficiency : keberkesanan pengeluaran dan kepenggunaan seperti penggunaan tenaga per unit pengeluaran. • Kebajikan secara total : sama ada kebajikan secara keseluruhan meningkat.
Petunjuk Pembangunan Mampan Di UK • Jadual 1 sebahagian dari 15 petunjuk utama (headline indicators) dalam pembangunan mampan UK.
The Calvert-Henderson Indicators • Brief description of the 12 Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators are as follows: • Education Indicator summarizes the quantity, quality and distribution of education in the U.S. defined as life-long learning and contributes to the broader dialogue on who learns what, where, when and how throught out the life cycle. • Employment Indicator describes the structure of employment in the U.S. as developed by the goverment and amended by private research efforts and helps clarify basic questions as to what constitutes “employment” and “unemployment” and what it means when figures fluctuate over time.
Energy Indicator describes how much and how efficiently energy is consumed in the U.S. and provides feedback to the public on what can be done to reduce the environmental impact of energy consumption. • Environment Indicator presents detailed information on the health of our environment with a special emphasis on te production-consumption process. A research focus on water and air quality offers data of primary interest to the general public.
Health Indicator initiates a discussion on what constitutes “health” and examines the overall state of health of the people in America by age, race and gender. • Human Rights Indicator examines the degree to which the Bill of Rights is protecing U.S. citizens and the level of citizen participation in the electoral process. • Income Indicator focuses on changes in the standard of living as reflected in monetary measures of family income. The indicator examines and explains trends in the level and distribution of family income and wealth along with stagnant and unequal wage growth over the past 25 years.
Infrastructure Indicator explains the importance of the physical infrastructure to ur economy and provides an example of how to supplement our national accounts with an improved asset account to monitor our physical stock • National Security Indicator expalains process our nation takes to achieve a state of national military security beginning with the president’s National Security Startegy through the Congressional Budget Process. This includes both a diplomatic strategy and a military strategy, all of which are effected by public opinion and the perceived threat to security.
Public Safety Indicator examines how effectively our society promotes privates and public safety when faced with complex interrelationships between personal decisions, public actions, risks and hazards in the enviroment taht result in deaths from injuries. • Re-creation Indicator provides a novel approach to identifying the myriad ways that Americans chose to re-create the self, to be revitalized in body and mind, and to reestablish social contacts through leisure and / or recreational activities. • Shelter Indicator explores the types of housing Americans have access to the level of affordability of that housing, and how housing in turn affects broader social outcames.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kualiti hidup seseorang individu: • Faktor keluarga. • Faktor kesihatan dan keselamatan. • Faktor tekanan. • Faktor psikologi. • Faktor kerja. • Faktor pendidikan. • Faktor spiritual.
Kualiti merupakan satu faktor yang membolehkan seseorang itu ke arah kecemerlangan. • Quality of life boleh diterjemahkan sebagai kepuasan seseorang individu itu dalam fizikal, emosi, intelektual serta budaya dalam kehidupan seharian. • Sebagai seorang manusia semuanya seharusnya memiliki yang terbaik bagi diri mereka. • Quality of life ini seharusnya akan memberi kesan kepada produktiviti serta usaha seseorang.
Gross domestic product (GDP) – the unduplicated value of current production of goods and services originating within the boundaries of a country. • Life expectancy – the average years of life remaining for a person at a specified age, if the current age-specific mortality rates prevail for the remainder of that person’s life.
Unemployment rate – number of unemployment persons expressed as a percentage of the labour force. • Infant mortality – the number of deaths of liveborn children under one year of age divided by the number of live births. It is usually expressed as a rate per 1,000 live births. • Quality of life indicators – a concept of standard of living that includes material and non-material well-being.
MQoL • Tahappendapatan • Persekitarankerja • Kesampaiankepadapengangkutan • Kesampaiankepadakomunikasi • Perkhidmatankesihatan yang digunakan • Perkhidmatanpendidikan yang digunakan • Keadaanrumah • Suasanapersekitaran (alamsekitar) ditempattinggal • Kehidupankeluarga • Penglibatandenganahlimasyarakat/persatuan • Keselamatan/ketenteraman • Aktivitiriadahbersamakeluarga • Tahapkesihatan • Tahappendidikan
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