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Outcome 4—Global Issues

Outcome 4—Global Issues. Solid Waste Disposal. Why is this an issue?. Early civilizations: Hunter-gatherers More modern societies: As cities developed, the need for trash disposal increased. Solid Waste—definition.

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Outcome 4—Global Issues

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  1. Outcome 4—Global Issues Solid Waste Disposal

  2. Why is this an issue? • Early civilizations: Hunter-gatherers • More modern societies: As cities developed, the need for trash disposal increased.

  3. Solid Waste—definition • Solid waste is defined as household garbage and other discarded materials. • In the US each man, woman and child produces 4#/day. If you include construction site and sewage treatment plant wastes, it bumps our totals up to 6#/day...

  4. Solid Waste—definition • Many of today’s products are designed to be used once and then thrown away. • During Nov and Dec, households will generate ~1million extra tons of garbage per week!

  5. Solid Waste—definition • 2 types of trash— • Biodegradable—will eventually decompose due to actions of decomposers. • Non-biodegradable—will never decompose because they are not made of items found in the natural world.

  6. Where does our trash go? • Today: 60% of our trash is landfilled, 30% is recycled and the rest is incinerated. • % by volume = Paper 50%, Plastic 10%, Metal 6%, Glass 1%, Organic matter 13%, Misc. 20%

  7. History of trash collection • Open dump concept and problems • Produced smells in nearby areas • Provided breeding grounds for flies and rats • Unattractive to look at • Spread of disease rampant

  8. Today’s trashcollection • Sanitary landfill: Wastes put in ground and covered each day with dirt, plastic or both. • Mandated since 1993—trying to help environment has increased the $$ to dispose of trash. Landfills are expensive!

  9. Today’s trash collection • Why are landfills so expensive? • 2 types of liners to contain leachate/garbage • collecting and treatment of the leachate • monitoring of groundwater, surface water, and methane.

  10. Sanitary Landfill

  11. Layering in a landfill • Pack/compact garbage into 3m deep sections, cover with 15cm soil and continue this layering until desired height. Finally, seal the landfill with 60cm of soil, planting trees and grass on top.

  12. Problems with Landfills • Leachate—water that contains toxic chemicals dissolved from wastes in landfill. If this gets through the liners, it may contaminate nearby water supplies and poison ecosystems.

  13. Problems with Landfills • Methane—decomposition in a landfill occurs without oxygen. The byproduct is methane, a highly flammable gas…

  14. Problems with Landfills • Eventually we will run out of space…noone wants a landfill in their neighborhood. • WI only has about 5 – 10 years left of landfill space. • Neighboring states are actually out of space already and are buying space in our landfills, decreasing our timeline even more.

  15. Alternatives to Landfilling • Incineration: burning of waste. • Most waste is paper...burning reduces the volume of our trash by 90%. • Some plastics and bleached paper contains products that when burned create dioxin...a carcinogen. • The remaining ash contains heavy metals such as Hg and Pb. This ash must be sent to a special landfill = $$

  16. Alternatives to Landfilling • Produce less waste— • By making choices you can limit your trash production. • Look at packaging options in the items you buy. • Companies will get the message that consumers don’t want all the extra packaging.

  17. Alternatives to Landfilling • Recycling—currently we recycle 30% of our trash, up from 7% in 1970. • saves raw materials and NRG • it lowers air and water pollution. • An Al can produced from a recycled can uses only 5% of the nrg required to mine the raw material (bauxite). • If we recycled the Sunday newspaper alone we could save 500,000 trees/wk

  18. Alternatives to Landfilling

  19. Alternatives to Landfilling • Compost— • grass clippings/yard waste and kitchen scraps... • it would reduce stream of flow to landfill by ~13%

  20. Reduce and Reuse—the consumption issue • US and Canada residents produce 2 – 3 times the amt of solid waste per person than other industrialized countries and many more times that of a developing nation. • Ppl living in cities more than a rural person.

  21. Consumption issue • More and more ppl work away from home making convenience foods a desirable item. • Many times in a convenience food, it took more nrg to produce the packaging than it did to create the actual product!

  22. Consumption issue • Packaging makes up approximately 50% of our waste stream and is the cause for the use of 50% of our paper and 25% of all plastics...this all goes directly to a landfill!

  23. Disposables…what’s the big deal? • Disposable items make up another 25% of our waste...in the US we throw out enough: • Al to rebuild the entire commercial air fleet every 3 months • Tires to encircle the planet 3 times • 18 billion disposable diapers/year = to the moon and back 7 times! • 2 billion disposable razors/year • 10 million computers/year • 8 million TVs/year • 2.5 million non-returnable plastic bottles/HOUR • 38 billion pieces of junk mail/year

  24. What can you do? • Carry groceries that are small, or use a canvas bag, string bag, etc. • Buy recycled goods—especially if they contain post-consumer waste—and then recycle them when you are done. If you don’t buy recycled goods, then you ARE NOT recycling! • Reduce your junk mail Mail Preference Service Direct Marketing Association 11 West 42nd St. PO Box 3681 New York, NY 10163-3681

  25. What can you do? • Buy products in concentrated form when possible • Choose items with least amount of packaging • Helium balloons = litter! Don’t buy them • Use pesticides in smallest amt possible and whenever possible, use a less toxic alternative • Don’t dispose of hazardous chemicals by flushing them, pouring down drain, throwing in trash or dumping in storm sewers...dispose of them properly!

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