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Stay Away From Trouble Proverbs 1:10-19

Stay Away From Trouble Proverbs 1:10-19. I. A warning about the wrong crowd. 1. Their sinners . 2. Peer Pressure. 3. Their Plan . A . They persuade by enticing you. B. They prowl for the innocent . C. Greed

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Stay Away From Trouble Proverbs 1:10-19

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stay Away From Trouble Proverbs 1:10-19

  2. I. A warning about the wrong crowd. 1. Their sinners. 2. Peer Pressure.

  3. 3. Their Plan. A. They persuade by enticing you. B. They prowl for the innocent.

  4. C. Greed D. Leads to trouble.

  5. II. The danger of hanging with the wrong crowd. 1. Their plans are evil. 2. They want you to become like them.

  6. 3. They don’t recognizedanger. 4. Sin always leads to destruction.

  7. III. How to stayaway from the wrong crowd. 1. Do not consent. 2. Stayaway from them. 3. Refrain.

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