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1. The Experiment CMS 2. Architecture, what is DCS in CMS? 3. Joint controls project

The Detector Control System of the Experiment CMS at CERN. MENU:. 1. The Experiment CMS 2. Architecture, what is DCS in CMS? 3. Joint controls project 4. SCADA system (supervisory controls and data acquisition) 5. Framework 6. Partioning 7. Further tools to build a control system

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1. The Experiment CMS 2. Architecture, what is DCS in CMS? 3. Joint controls project

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  1. The Detector Control System of the Experiment CMS at CERN MENU: 1. The Experiment CMS 2. Architecture, what is DCS in CMS? 3. Joint controls project 4. SCADA system (supervisory controls and data acquisition) 5. Framework 6. Partioning 7. Further tools to build a control system 8. Applications 9. Milestones and future 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS 1

  2. CMS detector 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS 2

  3. 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS 3

  4. 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS 4

  5. 5 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  6. 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS 6

  7. 7 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  8. DCS DCS environment: Infrastructure: cooling ventilation electricity CMS Security System TCR, pompiers Level 3 safety CMS CMS Magnet sensors LHC CMS 09/2001 8 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  9. Architecture of the CMS control system (functional block diagram): Communi cation with sub detector controllers Standard slow control Subdetector 2 controller DB Selection of runtype resource manager (selection of needed resources) RunCTRL ext.communication(LHC,infrastructure,magnet, safety,…) DAQ Supervisory System SCADA System Supervision of subdetector controllers Device Server LAN(ethernet) Classsical slow control (OPC, others) fieldbus (CAN, Profibus, ..) DB Subdetector 1 controller fieldbusdevices, PLCs, VME, HV+LVpower supplies Devices Downloading and reading of constants and programs Calibration events (T, rad. source, …) Sensors, Actuators FE electronics 9 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  10. JCOP (Joint Controls Project): Some years ago the 4 LHC experiments decided to try to do as much as possible in common for building their respective DCS system 1.)Use commercial hard- and software components where possible to economise manpower for development and maintenance as industry is doing it everywhere Basic ideas: 09/2001 10 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  11. Basic ideas (cont.): 2.) use one unique system for all controls within each experiment, which implies that system is • scalable • hierachical • partionable (easily integratable) • modular • open to outside (extensible) 09/2001 11 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  12. Functions of a SCADA system: (Supervisory controls and data acquisition) • HMI • Logging and archiving • Handles distribution and redundancy • Report generation • Automation (scripting, recipes, ..), FSM added • Access control • Alarms • Trending • … After intensive evaluation, the four LHC experiments selected PVSSII, market is rapidly evolving 09/2001 12 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  13. PVSSII (1): • Device oriented (structure of data, graphical representation) • All data + configuration is stored in “objects”, which are accessible through scripts, template panels and API, therefore complete control from outside possible • Mix and match of operation systems (NT, Linux, HPUX) • Complex devices built up out of several “objects” • Event driven • Network access (with special software installed) • Actions e.g. when value above threshold (call back feature) • We have connected a FSM to product • “C” is scripting language (next version VB, Java-scripting) 09/2001 13 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  14. PVSSII (2): • System of systems (distributed, hierarchical, partitioned), therefore no limits of number of procs to build up system • All panels are ASCII files (can generate them algorithmically) • Alarm grouping • Changes can be done online (scripting language is interpreted) • Timestamps 09/2001 14 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  15. Basic architecture of PVSSII: User Interface Layer UIM UIM UIM Processing Layer Ctrl API Scripts Communication and Memory Layer DM EV Driver Layer D D D 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  16. What are the Benefits of SCADA? • Standard framework « homogeneous system (with engineering) • Support for large distributed systems (networking + redundancy) • Follow evolution of market • Buffering against technology changes, Operating Systems, platforms, etc. • Saving of Development Effort (50-100 man-years) • Stability and maturity • Experience of companies built into products • Support and maintenance, including documentation and training • Reduction of work for the sub-detector teams 09/2001 16 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  17. What are Engineering Tasks? • Templates, symbols libraries, e.g. power supply, rack, etc. • Guidelines on use of colours, fonts, page layout, naming, ... • Guidelines on partitioning • Guidelines for alarm priority levels, access control levels, etc. • Model standard device behaviour • Definition of system architecture (distribution of functionality) • Development of configuration tools 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS 17

  18. Framework: Finally: All templates, standard elements and functions in order to build a homogeneous supervision system. 1.Version: • Finite state machine (SMI) • DIM interface • CAEN PS (127,527,1527) interface • Generic analog and digital channels • Hierarchy • External alarm handling • ELMB Interface to PVSSII • Configuration utilities for all above 9/2001 18 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  19. Partioning RootOperator RootOperator Operator A Operator B 1 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.2.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2.2 1.3.1 1.3.2 1 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.2.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2.2 1.3.1 1.3.2 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 19

  20. Partioning with DAQ Resource manager Runctrl DCS general DAQ general Rctrl ECAL DCS HCAL DCS ECAL DAQ ECAL DAQ HCAL ... ... Resource manager distributes available resources and allows possible partioning Trigger as DAQ, DCS has to run 365 days/year (has to work as well independently) 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 20

  21. OPC OLE for Process Control Set of DCOM interfaces to connect applications (EXEL, SCADA,..) with devices client client Client/server: server server From devices Tag oriented Server (standalone, SCADA,…) Client (office application, SCADA, batch system,…) Toolkit Well supported by industry 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 21

  22. DIM-Distributed Information Management system • Communication System - main features: • Services • Sets of data (any type or size), identified by a name • Publish/Subscribe Mechanism • Servers publish Services. • Clients subscribe to Services (and send Commands) • Services can be received at regular intervals or on change • Transparency • Name service • Client Server connections are automatically (re)established • Clients do not need to know where their servers are • Clients and Servers can move from one machine to another. • Available on multiple (mixed) environments: • Unix , Linux, Windows NT, VMS, some Real-time Oss • DIM client/server available in “C”, C++ and Delphi (Kylix) 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 22

  23. Interface between custom s/w and PVSS simulator debugger PVSSII PVSSII API DIM DIM H/W Custom s/w -DIM is supported and will not change, when new PVSSII versions arrive, customs s/w would not be affected (buffer!) -work naturally separated, debugging of both sides independently possible 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 23

  24. Fieldbuses CERN recommends and supports 3 fieldbuses: CAN-bus with the protocol CANOPEN (simple, flexible) Profibus with the protocol Profibus DP (a lot of actuators available) Worldfip (deterministic, mostly for accelerators, big data rate) 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 24

  25. PLCs • Front end computer • Reliable, used in industry • Specific standardised program languages • Used in distributed control • Communication PLC - device: fieldbus PLC - PLC: fieldbus, ethernet PLC - SCADA: fieldbus, ethernet CERN recommends to use PLCs from 2 companies (Siemens, Schneider), CERN support 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 25

  26. Sensors and actuators We try to standardize sensors and actuators in the field of: • T-measurement • Humidity sensors • Valves, gas mixers etc. • Radiation measurements • Strain gauges • ... They have to work in difficult environment: radiation, magnet field 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 26

  27. NT with A303 (High Speed CAENET Controller) CAENET RS232 OPC Server Cr#m Cr#n TCP/IP IP#a SY127 SY527 SY1527 SY1527 System1 System0 System2 System3 HV P.S. Path Param. IP#b System0 CAENET Crate #n System1 CAENET Crate #m SY1527 System2 RS232 COM1 System3 TCP/IP IP #a System4 System4 TCP/IP IP #b OPC Server configuration and connection to HV P.S. 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 27

  28. HCAL HV system control to HV crates Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS 09/2001 28

  29. Gas-control SCADA with OPC client OPC server ethernet PLC PLC PLC PLC Profibus represents a system module as mixer, distributor, purifier Valves, etc. Gas working group at CERN will do all including hardware and controls 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 29

  30. Cooling-control SCADA with OPC client OPC server ethernet PLC PLC PLC PLC I/O I/O I/O I/O sensors, actuators. Cooling and ventilation working group at CERN will do all regulation and controls (hardware and software) 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 30

  31. Rack-control PC Fieldbus, ethernet Control unit with power distribution box, fieldbus node, ADC, safety, local control, relais, etc. T humidity contact racks 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 31

  32. Integrationof Alignment in DCS PC PVSSII HTML server Internal database ~10000 coordinates (datapoints) Conditions database of CMS Interface to PVSS (API manager) PC (Linux, NT) DIM DAQ and analysis to laser from sensors -API manager provides integration of alarming, trending, access control, filtering of unchanged data, etc., connection to main system -Master data set of alignment data inside PVSSII, PVSSII transfers regularly all data needed for reconstruction into external conditions database 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 32

  33. raises alarm user/ process browsing read back values TRACKER FE configuration SCADA controls/GUI download request FE supervisor API parameters Database Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS 09/2001 33

  34. FE electronics configuration (2) 09/2001 Wolfgang Funk - CMS 34

  35. HCAL source control system Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS 09/2001 35

  36. Thermal Screen Control TRACKER: 9/2001 36 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  37. Milestones and future for DCS 2006 integration, full system ready (3/06) 2004 engineering, individual subdetectors build up their . subdetector DCS, GIF and later H2 should be used to 2001 test DCS in real environment, ready to use in UXC (7/04) and in USC (10/04) } • Most of the subdetector groups have started to use PVSSII for testing • the pieces of the detectors, where procedures will be reused in the • final experiment. • Test beams are essential for development of DCS and provide rigorous • testing ground in order to demonstrate that the concept works. • Almost everything has to be ready when detectors are put together on • surface 09/2001 37 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

  38. Milestones and future for DCS (2) • All what is needed for DCS by more than 1 LHC experiment should be developed and maintained in common within a CERN activity. • Architecture is fully modular, development of control of all devices can be done individually and finally put together to a big system (development of individual vertical slices). • Structure of DCS system will be completely scalable, therefore, if control of 1 device of certain kind works, control of n devices works. 9/2001 38 Wolfgang Funk -CERN CMS

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