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It can only be done by professionals using specialised equipment such as electronic theodolites, levels, tapes and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) units. Particularly, surveyors in NSW have to be licensed or registered before rendering their services.<br>
If you are planning to buy a property or make significant renovations to an existing one, it is important to obtain an up-to-date land survey. While it may entail an additional cost to your overall budget, the benefits it offers greatly outweigh the cost. Here are some of the reasons why.
Provides assurance When buying a piece of property, you want to make sure you get your money’s worth. Purchasing one is a big investment. So, it’s necessary to know which areas are covered and which are not. It can only be done by professionals using specialised equipment such as electronic theodolites, levels, tapes and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) units. Particularly, surveyors in NSW have to be licensed or registered before rendering their services.
Prevents future disputes Other than making sure you get your money’s worth when purchasing a piece of property, another benefit of an up-to-date land survey is it helps prevent future legal disputes. Something that surveyors in NSW like Geosurv are familiar with. Property disputes usually occur when a change of ownership happens. Assuming that a certain area is still within their property, a new owner may wish to build a fence or driveway or make changes to the landscaping. Suddenly, encroaching complaints from neighbours come pouring in.
Aids in project planning Another benefit of getting a land survey is that it helps engineers and architects, among others to perform their work best. Take for example developments done in New South Wales. Usually the first people on site, surveyors in NSW accurately measure and map the land. Afterwards, they provide the necessary information to engineers and architects to aid in project planning. Through the data they supply, surveyors help clarify factors like feasibility and cost.
Contributes to assuring safety One specific and significant information that a land survey provides is the risk of flooding in a property. Particularly through a flood survey, surveyors in NSW like Geosurv analyse the topography of the land along with other factors to make the proper assessment. They identify the flow of water over the site. They also check for any possible flooding or drainage problems that may occur.
For properties in flood-prone areas, this type of land survey is particularly required by local councils in New South Wales. The same goes for any other state or territory. Building approvals or permits are only issued once a proposed plan meets certain criteria to avoid any flood risks. And going back to project planning, only data provided by licensed Australia Surveyor like Geosurv can help make sure of this. So, to sum it up, there are several reasons why getting an up-to-date land survey is important. First, it assures you that the costs involved in a property purchase or renovation are justified. Second, it also contributes to ensuring people’s safety. And third, it helps prevent further costs brought about by legal disputes. It may mean additional dollars to your overall budget but its benefits truly outweigh the cost.
Contact US • Company Name :- Geo Surv • Address:-7/17 Gerrale Street CRONULLA NSW 2230 • Website:- https://www.geosurv.com.au/ • Phone:- 1300 554 675