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GCISD Curriculum & Instruction App

Connect with all tools for designing instruction in one place! Concept task cards, Assessing for Learning Strategies, WICOR Strategies, & more available resources. Easy steps to add the app to your mobile device!

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GCISD Curriculum & Instruction App

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Presentation Transcript

  1. There’s an App for That! The GCISD Curriculum and Instruction App To get the app on any mobile device, simply go to this site in your web browser. For Apple devices, you can then press the share button (the box with the arrow) and select to add the link to your home screen. If you like, you can change the name of the app in the next widow. FOLLOW THIS LINK http://goo.gl/1cXvb In one easy place connect with all the tools you need to design instruction for your students. Concept task cards, Assessing for Learning Strategies, and WICOR Strategies are just a few of the resources you will have access to. STEP 1 Type in the web address in the Safari web browser. Step 2 Select the share button at the bottom of the page. Step 3 Select the Add To Home Screen option. Step 4 Give the app a name such as GCISD C&I and then press Add. Step 5 TADA!!! The app will then appear in the next available open space. *Note: The title field may say “Loading…” when first opened, do not bother waiting for the title to load before you give the app a name.

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