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KHDA/SEF. 20/08/13. JD. SPARK. DIRT. IMYC. LoL. WOW. BYOD. PLN. STRIDE. BSME. IPC. ONWARDS AND UPWARDS!. 2010 2011 2012 2013. KHDA Judgments 2010-2013. 2012/13 Inspection. 5 strengths 3 recommendations.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KHDA/SEF 20/08/13


  3. ONWARDS AND UPWARDS! 2010 2011 2012 2013

  4. KHDA Judgments 2010-2013

  5. 2012/13 Inspection • 5 strengths • 3 recommendations

  6. Strengths: 2012/13 Inspection • Outstanding teaching, learning and assessment • Outstanding curriculum • Strong leadership • Improvements in progress in FS and primary • Islamic values and improved attitudes and behaviour (primary)

  7. Recommendations: 2012/13 Inspection • Continue to increase progress and attainment • Improve student attitudes (responsibility, aspiration, attendance and punctuality) • All staff to be involved in self – evaluation and improvement planning

  8. SRS Improvement Priorities: 2013/14 Priority 1: Raising attainment and accelerating progress (KHDA inspection report January 2013 recommendation 1: continue to raise progress and attainment of students where necessary)

  9. SRS Improvement Priorities: 2013/14 Priority 2: To improve/maintain the quality of teaching and learning, including the conditions for learning

  10. SRS Improvement Priorities: 2013/14 Priority 3: To further develop curriculum and innovation. Developing SRS as a centre of excellence. (In line with 3 year curriculum strategy document)

  11. SRS Improvement Priorities: 2013/14 Priority 4: Enhance the ethos of the school, including effective behaviour for learning (KHDA inspection January 2013 recommendation 2: Continue to encourage students to take greater responsibility and have higher aspirations, particularly in respect to attendance and punctuality)

  12. SRS Improvement Priorities: 2013/14 Priority 5: Effective use of management information systems (KHDA inspection January 2013 recommendation 3: Involve all staff members in gathering and analysing assessment data to inform the school’s self-evaluation and improvement planning.)

  13. Where are these priorities mapped? • Whole School Improvement Plan • YIP & DIP • Meetings • SEFs

  14. DSIB – Foci 2013/14 • Progress of different groups of students: boys/girls, LAPs/HAPs, SEN/G&T, EAL, Emirati (2) Curriculum Modification (new section in QI 2) includes choices (3) ICT (4) Reading (5) Investigative and problem solving skills in science

  15. Further changes 2013/14 Learning is now “Learning Skills” and is part of QI1 but the details of the indicator remain unchanged.

  16. Islamic Arabic English Mathematics Science

  17. Phases Phase 1: Foundation Stage Phase 2: KS1 & KS2 Phase 3: KS3 & KS4 Phase 4: KS5

  18. Quantitative Terminology Terms are used consistently throughout the indicators

  19. Judgments 4 3 2 1

  20. Next Steps Review and amend YIP/DIP (individually and with team) Does it capture team, school & KHDA priorities? Deadline: 19/09/13 Update SEF priority 1 (include GCSE & AS results). Ensure that judgments are made (use rubric). Deadline: 05/09/13 Familiarise yourself and your team with the rubrics for making judgments for continuous self-evaluation. Plan mini CPD session for week 2/3 All reporting year groups/core subjects (FS, KS1 & KS2, Islamic, Arabic, English, Mathematics, Science) complete orange data forms (secondary only) and draft of KHDA SEF. Deadline: 05/09/13 Use school and department priorities and targets to guide PM for your respective teams. Deadline: 11/09/13

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