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Online Beneficiary Registration Screen. 2. Online Beneficiary Edit Screen. Eligible Criteria For PRPAuthentication. Gender must be Female Ration Card Type must be WAP or RAP or TAP or YAP Place of Delivery must be Hospital. Child Must be born on or after 01-05-2013.
Eligible Criteria For PRPAuthentication • Gender must be Female • Ration Card Type must be WAP or RAP or TAP or YAP • Place of Delivery must be Hospital. • Child Must be born on or after 01-05-2013. • All copies like Ration Card Copy, Mother & Child image, Date of birth Copy, ANM/MO/SLF Verified data sheet copy, bank account copy and Aadhaar/EID Copy(optional) must be uploaded. 4
R1.9 Report for Valid Beneficiaries with Documents Count, this Report Shows only Count of valid Beneficiaries.
R1.9.1 Report for Approval of PRP/TPRO Authentication Certificate
R 1.9.1 shows Eligible Beneficiaries, Click on one of the beneficiaries Name to generate PRP/TPRO Authentication certificate. (Note: If valid Beneficiaries bank account is available then, only the beneficiary details will be available in the report for approval) *Sample screen I 9
PRP/TPRO Re-verified Whether all documents uploaded or not. If all documents uploaded then PRP/TPRO select all radio buttons as Yes then only Submit button will be Enabled. 10
PRP/TPRO Selects all Radio buttons as Yes Then Click on Submit to get Annexure II to Authenticate the Certificate and upload. 11
PRP/TPRO has to select the verified check box, then Browse button will be enabled to upload the signed Authentication Certificate for SSU Approval. 12
After approval by PRP/TPRO approved beneficiary sent for SSU Approval. *For Sample screen Images are repeated 13
In SSU Login R 1.9.3 shows the SSU Approval Screen (This Report shows Authenticated beneficiary details approved by PRP) 14
R 1.9.3 Reports shows the details of PRP/TPRO Authenticate the beneficiaries . SSU has to option to click on View button to Verify all the uploaded documents. 15
Here SSU Verifies all the Documents and click on View Annexure for Approval button to verify the PRP/TPRO signed certificate. 16
SSU approval screen If SSU Approves then it will sent to PD for Approval If SSU Rejects then it will move back to PRP/TPRO login for re-approval 17
In PD Login R3.1 Report shows the List of beneficiaries approved by SSU (Annexure-3) 18
R 3.1 Report of PD proceedings. Click on the “No of Beneficiaries Awaiting for Proceedings” count to view the beneficiary details. 19
Click on “Generate Proceeding Button” to go generate the certificate
PD has to enter IAS officer name in above selected box and click on the verified check box, then Browse button will be enabled for on submit button. If PD submit the proceedings the it will send beneficiaries data to TCS for fund transfer. 23
Click on the “Proceedings No” to generate the Annexure-IV 24
Annexure-IV contains the details along with entered IAS name and select the Date Approved By the Collector. 25
In this screen Collector Approved Date is Displayed. Once Collector Approved click on proceeding number the below screen displays. 26