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2010-11 Class Size Reduction Data Collection Sean Millard sean.millard@fldoe.org. Presentation Purposes. i. Review 2010-11 Legislative Changes ii. Review Recent Class Size data, e.g., average trends, compliance, percentage of schools and classes over maximums, etc.
2010-11Class Size Reduction Data CollectionSean Millardsean.millard@fldoe.org
Presentation Purposes i. Review 2010-11 Legislative Changes ii. Review Recent Class Size data, e.g., average trends, compliance, percentage of schools and classes over maximums, etc. iii. Review steps in calculation of class averages. iv. Explain how to accurately report class size data.
2010-11 Legislative Changes Bill No. CS/HB 5101 (2010) 1003.03 Maximum Class Size. - (2) IMPLEMENTATION. - • The Department of Education shall annually calculate class size measures … based upon the October student membership survey. • Prior to the adoption of the district school budget for 2010-2011, each district school board shall hold public hearings and provide information to parents on the district’s website, and through any other means by which the district provides information to parents and the public, on the district’s strategies to meet … [class size] requirements. 1. Identify for each grade group, the number of classes in which the number of students exceeds the maximum and the total number of students which exceeds the maximum for all classes.
2010-11 Legislative Changes Cont., Charter Schools • 1002.33 (16) (b) 3., “Section 1003.03, relating to the maximum class size, except that the calculation for compliance pursuant to s. 1003.03 shall be the average at the school level.”
Senate Joint Resolution 2/Amendment 8 • The 2010 Florida Legislature passed SJR 2 which will be on the ballot as Amendment 8 for the November 2010 general election. • If approved by the voters by a margin greater than 60 percent, the 2002 constitutional provision for reducing the size of classes would be changed. • Beginning with the 2010-11 school year, the maximum class size would be the school average number of students who can be assigned to each teacher in the following grade groupings: 18 students grades K-3; 22 students in grades 4-8; and 25 students in grades 9-12. • The maximum number of students who may be assigned to a teacher, but not exceeding the school level averages is: 21 students in grades K-3; 27 students in grades 4-8; and 30 students in grades 9-12.
2009-10, Percent of Regular and Charter Schools with a School Average Greater than the Class Size Maximum, by Grade Group
2009-10, Percent of Schools That Did Not Comply (Pre-Appeals), By Grade Group
2009-10, Percent of Traditional and Charter Schools with at Least One Class Over the Class Size Maximum, by Grade Group
Core Classroom Teachers Needed for Classroom Level Compliance in 2010-11 Traditional Schools: 9,492 Charter Schools: 791 Total: 10,283
Student Course Schedule Format District Number, Current Enrollment School Number, Current Enrollment District Number, Current Instruction/Service School Number, Current Instruction/Service Student Number Identifier, Florida Course Number Section Number Period Number Grade Level Term Day of Week Scheduled, Monday Day of Week Scheduled, Tuesday Day of Week Scheduled, Wednesday Day of Week Scheduled, Thursday Day of Week Scheduled, Friday Day of Week Scheduled, Saturday Day of Week Scheduled, Date Certain Class Minutes, Weekly Formats/Elements Used In Class Size Processing
Teacher Course Format District Number, Current Enrollment School Number, Current Enrollment District Number, Current Instruction/Service School Number, Current Instruction/Service Social Security Number (Teacher) Term Term/Survey Indicator Course Number Section Number Period Number Facility Type Classroom Identification (FISH) Number Scheduling Method Certification/Licensure/Qualification Status Team Teacher Training Formats/Elements Used In Class Size Processing, continued
Staff Experience Format Experience Type Experience Length Formats/Elements Used In Class Size Processing, continued
Other Important Tables • Master School ID table - to distinguish Department of Juvenile Justice Facilities, Charter Schools, and the Florida Virtual School and its franchises • Core Courses for Class Size Reduction – Appendix S / DPS.DISTRICT.GQ.F70554.Yyyyy • Mathematics, Language Arts/Reading, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Exceptional Student Education, and courses taught in traditional self-contained elementary school classrooms.
Term/Survey Indicator • Term 3 will always be Y, Term 1 will always be Y in Survey Period 2, and Term 2 will always be Y in Survey Period 3. • For the same Classroom/Course/Period/Section, if Term 6 is Y, Term 7 must be N and if Term 8 is Y, Term 9 must be N. • For the same Classroom/Course/Period/Section, only one of Terms J, K, L may be Y in Survey Period 2, and only one of Terms M, N, O may be Y in Survey Period 3. • For the same Classroom/Course/Period/Section, only one of Terms E, F, G, H, I may be Y in Survey Period 2 or 3. • For the same Classroom/Course/Period/Section, only one of Terms B, C, D may be Y in Survey Period 2 or 3 • For the same Classroom/Course/Period/Section, only one of Terms T, U, V, W, X may be Y in Survey Period 2 or 3
Steps in Calculation 1) Count the number of students in each class (term/course/period) in each room. 2) Determine the maincourse taught in each class based on the majority of students. * If the same number of students are in a core and non-core course, then the main course is core. 3) Determine maingrade taught in each class based on the majority of students in that grade in the main course. * If the same number of students are in two or more grades and in the same room, the highest single grade (not grade group) with the most students is determined to be the main grade. (Confirmed for 0910) * Example: in the main course, there are i. two 2nd grade students ii. two 3rd grade students iii. three 4th grader students Main grade = 4th grade
Steps in Calculation, continued 4) Identify the classes in which the main course is a “core” course. (Only these combinations are used in the remaining steps.) 5) Count the number of students in each class.
Every unique classroom must be assigned a Classroom ID/FISH number • DPSdd.GQ.F70393.YyyyyS – Reported Facilities List • File format list of facilities from FISH database (layout DPS.District.Format.Y0304(F70393) • Is created automatically by DOE twice a day (once in the morning and once in the afternoon.) • The morning run includes the updates processed overnight. The afternoon run includes updates since 12 noon. • The files are: DPS##.GQ.F70393.Y0607.BATCH.FISH (PM file) and DPS##.GQ.F70303.Y0607.INITIAL.FISH (AM file)
MSID Exclusions • School Types 05 (Adult), 07 (Other, e.g., Migrant Non-Enrolled, Superintendent’s Office, McKay, etc) • School Function Setting = D (DJJ) • School Number, Current Instruction begins with an alpha character (indicating postsecondary schools, colleges, or universities). • Florida Virtual School Franchises (school number 7004) • Course Number begins with an alpha character • Facility Type is 09 (Facility operated or owned by an agency or other provider other than the school district in which instructional services or classes are conducted).
Exclusions, continued • Duplicate students in the same class Note: students enrolled in both an Inclusion and non-Inclusion course are dropped from the non-Inclusion course. • Period Number NN88 (where NN is numeric) • Days of the Week Scheduled not equal to Friday • Term/Survey Indicator = “N”
Exclusions, continued • Student Course Schedule records with no matching Teacher Course record • Based on the FTE keys: Year, Survey, District of Instruction, School of Instruction, Term, Period, Course, Section. • Teacher Course records with no matching Student Course Schedule records • Based on the FTE keys: Year, Survey, District of Instruction, School of Instruction, Term, Period, Course, Section.
Scheduling Special Situations: Multi-Use Classroom or Pods Multi-Use Classroom or Pod (Scheduling Method M) = More than one class meets during the same period in a space designated by one FISH number but separated by temporary “walls.” • Each teacher who is the primary teacher for each group of students should be coded with Scheduling Method “M”. • All of the students in the “pod” will be added together and then divided by the total number of teachers coded “M.”
Scheduling Special Situations: Team-Teaching Team-teaching = (i) Co-teaching (Scheduling Method “C”): “two or more teachers assigned to a group of students and each teacher is responsible for all of the students during the entire class period. In order to be considered co-teaching each teacher is responsible for planning, delivering and evaluating instruction for all students in a class or subject for the entire class period.” (HB 7081, 2007) OR (i) Inclusion-teaching (Scheduling Method “I”): “two or more teachers are assigned to a group of students but one of the teachers is only responsible for one student or a small group of students in the classroom.” (HB 7081, 2007)
CS Team-Teaching Adjustment Formula • Co-Teaching (“C”): # of “C” students in the class/# of “C” teachers in the class. • Inclusion (“I”): # of “I” students in the class/# of non-I teachers in the class + 1. Note: the product of this adjustment is added to the rest of the students in the class. * Example: in a class there are 3 “I” students (with 1 “I” teacher) and 17 “S” students (with 1 “S” teacher). Adjustment steps: a. 3/2 = 1.5. 1.5 truncated = 1. b. 1 + 17 = 18.
Scheduling Guidance – Inclusion Teaching • I-Teachers may plausibly instruct up to 2 groups of students (course/sections) during a single period. 2. In order for the CS Team-teaching adjustment to be made, all students served by the I-Teacher must be enrolled either: • with the I-Teacher only in a unique Course & Section; or b. with both the I-Teacher and the Non-I Teacher. Note: if 2b, then i. the I-Teacher and Non-I Teacher may be teaching the same Course, but they must be teaching different Sections; and ii. the duplicate I-student will be dropped from the non-I teacher’s course.
Scheduling Guidance: Reporting Period NN88 Report a student in each class that a student attends for any amount of time during each period. • Standard meeting time courses to which the student is assigned should be coded as a beginning and ending period, e.g., 0202. 2. Non-standard meeting time courses to which the student is assigned for classes that meet differing periods during the week should be coded with the first two digits as the first period the class meets during the week and 88 for the third and fourth digits, e.g., 0288. Example, 2: a student meets with a speech therapist once a week but not on a specified day because the speech therapist travels between different schools. Because of the speech therapist’s varying schedule, the speech therapist and student meet during different periods and sometimes even different days of the week.
Team-Teaching Reporting Teaching strategies implemented on or after July 1, 2005, may be implemented subject to the following restrictions: • Reasonable limits shall be placed on the number of students in a classroom so that classrooms are not overcrowded. • At least one member of the team must have at least 3 years of teaching experience. Teaching experience length (Teaching Experience format ) is reported for each of the following Experience type codes: • F Teaching in Florida public schools • S Teaching in Florida nonpublic schools • P Teaching in out-of-state public schools • N Teaching in out-of-state nonpublic schools The sum of the values in the codes F, S, P, and N must equal to 3 or greater Continued…
Team-Teaching Reporting, continued 3. At least one member of the team must be teaching in-field. * In-field data is reported on Teacher Course format, element Certification/Licensure/Qualification Status, codes A, H, I, M or S. 4. Each teacher must be trained in team-teaching methods within 1 year after assignment. * Team-teacher training data is reported on Teacher Course format, element Team Teacher Training, codes A-D. (Code Z is for team teachers in non-class size courses)
More Special Situations: Term CombiningWhen multiple terms are scheduled in the same classroom/period based on Term/Survey Indicator = Y:
More Special Situations No core courses taught on Friday: • The algorithm only counts classes taught on Friday. • Some schools have NO CORE COURSES scheduled on Fridays. • If an ENTIRE school has no core courses scheduled on Friday, code the Day of the Week Scheduled, Date Certain “Y.”
Improving Data Quality: Class Size Reports F70465 – Schools found on the Master School ID list, but not the Class Average Table F70466 - Numerator and Denominators for all schools (including Charter and DJJ) found on Class Average Table (ASCII version in process) • F70588 – F70466 in File Format F70467 – Classrooms with either 10 students over cap, or 10 or fewer for PK-3 (including Charter and DJJ) • F70470 - F70467 in File Format F70468 - Classrooms with either 10 students over cap, or 10 or fewer for 4-8 (including Charter and DJJ) • F70471 - F70468 in File Format F70469 - Classrooms with either 10 students over cap, or 10 or fewer 9-12 (including Charter and DJJ) • F70472 - F70469 in File Format
More Class Size Reports F70408 - Class Average Report - By school/district (includes Charter and DJJ Schools) • F70587 - F70408 in File Format F70412 - Class Size Report, Grades PK-3, Based on Class Average Table (includes Charter and DJJ Schools) • F70424 - F70412 in File Format F70413 - Class Size Report, Grades 4-8, Based on Class Average Table (includes Charter and DJJ Schools) • F70425 - F70413 in File Format F70414 - Class Size Report, Grades 9-12, Based on Class Average Table (includes Charter and DJJ Schools) • F70426 - F70414 in File Format F70415 - Class Size Report, District Summary, Based on Class Average Table (includes Charter and DJJ Schools) Rev 2010
Checking your Data DPSdd.GQ.F70465.YyyyyS • Schools on the MSID but not on the Class Average Table • Check to see that all appropriate schools are reported DPSdd.GQ.F70467-469.YyyyyS • 10 or more over the max or 10 or fewer in term/classroom/period • Very large classrooms may be, e.g., multiple classes reported in one room, Team teaching reported incorrectly, etc. • Very small classrooms may be, e.g., individual PK students in separate facilities, A-teachers with only 1 group of students, etc.
Numerators/Denominators DPSdd.GQ.F70466.YyyyyS (text) or DPSdd.GQ.F70588.YyyyyS (ascii) • Numerator = total number of students in main course/core course term/classroom/periods after any adjustments, e.g., team teaching • Denominator = total number of main course/core course term/classroom/period combinations reported for the school
Using Numerators/Denominators Determining Additional Classrooms/Teachers Needed to Meet Caps (Numerator/Cap – Denominator) Average # Periods per Day PK-3 School: 900 Students/35 Classrooms (Avg. 25.71) ((900/18) – 35)/5 = 3 additional classrooms
Using Numerators/Denominators Determining Student “Overage” (Denominator * Cap - Numerator) Average # Periods per Day PK-3 School: 900 Students/35 Classrooms (Avg. 25.71) ((35 * 18) – 900)/5 = 54 students over
F70415 Revision (New) New fields added to F70415 • Total Adjusted Students Over the Maximum • Average Student FTE in Class • Average Student FTE Overage In Class
Improving Data Quality: Appeal Reasons • Unexpected student growth: • Comparison of actual 3rd FEFP calculation (December) of FTE with the projected 1st calculation (May). • Any increase in actual student FTE is applied to non-compliant schools. • Done automatically regardless of a formal appeal. 2. Inability to hire teachers • Must provide documentation (e.g., interview schedules, board meeting minutes, etc.) showing good faith effort made to hire teachers a reasonable amount of time before survey week. 3. Data reporting errors • Must provide independent evidence (e.g., student/teacher schedules, etc.) for correct data during survey week.
Web Application: Class Size Online Login page: http://doeweb-prd.doe.state.fl.us/EDS/classsize/index.cfm • Select School Year and Survey • All schools in your district are provided in a drop down menu • For each school, you will see a list of every FISH, Term, Period combination. Main Course, Core Course, and Main Grade are displayed • For each FISH/Term/Period combination, Course, Section, Facility Type, and whether the course is Excluded is displayed • For each Course taught in the FISH/Term/Period, Teacher, Scheduling Method and # of Students by Grade is displayed
Questions? Submit Questions to sean.millard@fldoe.org Or call (850) 245-9912